Music blogs come in many shapes and styles, but they all need to start off with a blog name. That’s why I wanted to help you generate some music blog name ideas so you can move past this first step, and get to the real interesting stuff. Finding a good name is often where people get stuck!

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It’s such a frustrating situation, as you need a blog name so that you can get a domain and start building your site. Most of us can’t just pluck a name out of thin air, which is partly why the process can take so long.
Thankfully, there are some steps and guidelines that help to make the whole process much easier. We highlight these as part of this post, along with 50 different names that you can use for inspiration.
It might come as a surprise, but the name of your blog actually isn’t that critical anyway. The name you choose is never going to be what defines your blog. It isn’t even the main thing that people will remember about it.
That’s why this post goes beyond the process of choosing a name. We also talk about other critical areas, such as buying a domain name, where you build your site and ways that you can money from it.
50 Music Blog Name Ideas
- Strumming and Lonely
- Songs of Loving
- Official Guitar Lessons
- Music of Hearts
- World of Flute
- Musica Space
- Keep Your Beat
- Songs of Us
- Our Music Makers
- The Lyric Writers
- Stories in Melody
- Funky Beats World
- The Music Creator
- Instrumental Muse
- Original Music Inspiration
- Wind and Steel Vibes
- Urban Modern Music
- Instrumental Melody
- Sound with Heart
- Band Compositions
- The Band Crew
- Hot Jazz Sounds
- Keeping the Beat Reviews
- Earn Cash from Music
- Music Inspiration Studio
- Life of Rhythms
- My Funky Beat
- Music Notation Center
- Medication Music Studio
- Music Ambitions
- Songs of Jazz
- The Musical Dreamer
- All Modern Music
- Following the Beat
- Daily Music Videos
- Fluteway
- New Relaxing Music
- Guitar with Heart
- The Beat Buzz
- Classic Music Now
- Meditation Music Reviews
- Big Drumbeat
- Classic Music Podcast
- Music and Subculture
- Modern Bebop
- Creative Music Inspirations
- Live the Rhythm
- Melody and Culture
- Creative Jazz Sounds
- Classic Music Zone
There is one general theme across all of these blog names – none of them are truly unique without insight to the creator. Sure, we covered plenty of styles, but in the end, all of the names don’t have much personality of their own. That’s your job!
This pattern is true of any blog name out there. The name that you select isn’t what defines your site. The content that you put on your site is always much more relevant. If you have an interest in electronics and the digital space, then you might be interested in these gaming blog ideas or movie blog ideas too!
How To Choose A Good Blog Name
For the most part, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to your blog name. Still, some simple strategies can make the whole process much easier.
The first thing to think about is your blog itself. What topics are you wanting to focus on? For example, is your target audience music lovers, musicians or both? Are you planning to talk about a specific genre? What about an instrument? Or a lifestyle?
You don’t need to exclusively focus on one area, but questions like these can help to narrow down the core ideas and values of your site. You can also think about other things that might make your site stand out, such as who you are. Basically, you want to differentiate yourself from all of the other music blogs that are out there.
If you want to start a Blues website – what kind? Blues guitar? Blues harmonica? A classic, old-school Blues appreciation site, or a modern Blues record review website? These are all potentially different audiences to write for.
To do so, you also want to avoid names that are already taken (and any names that are too similar). You want to be creating a reputation of your own – not borrowing on someone else’s.
It’s always worth having a quick look on Google and on social media sites just to make sure that any name you’re interested in isn’t being used anywhere else. The internet is a large place. Just because you’re not familiar with a site doesn’t mean that it isn’t out there. Don’t worry about some guy’s Twitter handle with 5 followers, but do watch out for well known brands you might be infringing on.
Another important point is your audience. Don’t confuse them.
Do you know those domain names that seem really clever? The ones that have some creative spellings of words, a dash or two and maybe a number? They might look cool, but visitors are going to struggle to remember precisely what your domain name was.
Whenever possible, it’s best to stick to what is obvious (which I clearly did not do with, so it’s OK to break the rules). Sticking to the obvious makes everything simpler and means that your audience isn’t confused.
This general rule is relevant to your domain extension too. Try to run with the common options, like .com, .net or .org, as these tend to rank better. They make your site look more trustworthy too.
Most of the time .com is the way to go. If the domain you want isn’t available as a .com, that might be an indication of competition. Even if it’s not, the .com extension tends to be more valuable than any single name that you had your eye on.
Keyword VS Branding
Keywords are one of the most common ways to name your site. These are simply words that are used to highlight your topics. Keyword research isn’t essential for a successful blog, but the process can help.
Using a keyword in your domain name makes the focus of your site immediately obvious. The process may help your site to rank well too, especially if you are using an exact match keyword.
The effectiveness of this approach means that many people use it. So, there’s no shortage of competition. You’ll often find that there are multiple sites in the same area that use a similar name.
You can get around this by being creative and looking for keywords that aren’t used as often. You might even focus on using just one or two related words, rather than an exact match phrase. The site is one example of this style.
Branded names follow a completely different approach. While some might contain a familiar word or a theme, they don’t tend to focus on keywords at all.
In fact, some brand blog names seem really odd at first glance. The site is one example. It is actually a music blog that covers a variety of genres. You’d never guess that from the domain name.
Branding is a powerful way to generate buzz. Many of the names end up being memorable and unusual. The style also works well when the focus of your site cannot easily be summed up.
The catch is that you need to find such a name first. Doing so can be quite tricky, as you don’t have a keyword to start from. Still, if you spend some time looking at the sites that are already out there, an idea might jump out at you.
How To Buy A Domain Name
Buying a domain name is the next step and this isn’t difficult at all. You just need to go to a domain name registrar. Namecheap is my favorite, but there are many others, like and GoDaddy.
While domain names work the same regardless of the company that you choose, some places are certainly easier than others. For one thing, it’s always best to avoid small and obscure companies. There tend to be fewer third-party tutorials for working with these. You may also find that such a service is unreliable or has a confusing interface.
Make sure you know exactly what you’re signing up for too. Some sites have a bad habit of hiding the exact price breakdown. This can mean that there are hidden fees or that the prices significantly increase after the first year.
I recommend Namecheap because the service is upfront and is very easy to use. These aspects make it good for beginners and experts alike.
How To Build & Make Money From Your Music Website
This next step is a particularly important one – building your site. Many bloggers are tempted to start out with a website builder they heard about on a podcast. There is a variety of free website builders to choose from, and these builders can create stunning websites without out you needing to do much at all. Most allow you to upgrade to a paid plan, giving you more features and flexibility.
The problem is that you’re always going to be limited in the long run, versus my main recommendation. Website builders focus on form over function. This is all good until you start to want the site to do very specific things.
For example, hosting display ads on your site can require that you add in a piece of code. Some builders don’t allow you to do this, or some ad networks don’t support those builders. Likewise, you might not be able to make many changes with the backend of your site or with some aspects of the visual appearance since there are fewer ways to modify these sites (fewer coders and companies working to expand the capabilities)
While these things don’t matter much when you first get going, they quickly become significant. It is possible to make money with some website builders, like Wix and Weebly, but you’re always operating at a disadvantage in the long run IMO.
The real kicker is that website builders tend to use their own CMS, so you can’t transfer your site from one to the other. If you want to use a different service, you would need to start again, or pay big money to have someone transfer from one CMS to the other.
These issues are why I always recommend a self-hosted WordPress site instead. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) and it is the most common CMS currently in use. You can easily transfer a WordPress site from one host to another.
With WordPress, you have a lot more control. You don’t need to be familiar with code either. There are plenty of tutorials and plugins that can assist with anything even remotely code related. Oh, and if you have to learn how to add some header code, or modify your text color via code…GREAT. This is a skill you can use in the future! Avoiding “hard stuff” never got anyone anywhere.
OK, maybe that’s not a great argument, but you can easily outsource this stuff too, for $5-$10/hour on to get anything done, while there’s going to be very few coders that can work on lesser known CMS’s.
How Much Do Music Bloggers Make?
Despite the popularity of music, making money from a music blog is surprisingly difficult. One blogger mentions an acquaintance that had around two million visitors per month but did not even make $3,000 per month.
This may be why there are so few income reports from music bloggers. However, this does not mean that you can’t make money. Actually, I think the lack of income in the music area is due to lack of expertise in the “make money” area. People buy HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars worth of music equipment online, so there’s no reason you can’t get a piece of that. Guitars, synthesizers, beats, apps, music writing tutorials, courses….there’s a lot.
The site Music Entrepreneur HQ is an example of using more creative means. The most recent income report, March 2016, showed a total income of almost $2,000. Notably, the amount of traffic needed to reach this income wasn’t exceptionally high.
Display Ads
You’ve probably seen display ads on many sites. They can be frustrating when done badly, but they do earn the site owner money for the free content you’re reading!
Ads are one of the most common ways for site owners to make money for two main reasons. The first is that ads are mostly passive. You can choose display ad networks carefully or use ad management plugins to try and optimize income, but you don’t need to write content that relates directly to the ads.
This gives you the chance to write whatever you like. The style is perfect when your topics don’t relate well to products (or when you don’t want to be a salesman). For example, if you write about the top 10 guitar solos of all time, it’s going to be tough to find products to promote on that page. No one is going to buy a Guns ‘N Roses track based on that content.
Leave the selling to experts. Get ranked, then those hundred thousand views can earn you a few hundred dollars a month from a single post!
The second reason that ads are popular is that they scale up well. It’s hard to get enough traffic to earn a decent amount from display ads, but, if you can do so – the income potential is very high indeed. This is something that many top bloggers have found out for themselves. Some guys are doing $30k-$40k per month in ads alone.
Affiliate Links
Affiliate marketing is the other main style for beginners to earn money from their blog. It involves signing up for programs and inserting affiliate links into your content. The process is more hands-on than ads but has higher income potential too.
When you’re using affiliate marketing, you’ll want some of your content to relate to the things you’re promoting. Product reviews are one of the most common ways to do so, although other styles exist too. Here are some music affiliate programs, or you could look at a specific affiliate like Sonos.
Don’t worry. You don’t have to be a pushy salesperson. The best affiliate sites provide people with the advice and guidance that they were already looking for. That person looking for their first acoustic guitar will be happy for you to break down the best brands for value, different types of wood, string, and other things they should consider when buying. Make your “top choice” obvious, and you’ll get clicks and commissions.
Affiliate marketing works well because there is no limit to how much you can earn. How many synths are sold every day in the USA? How many people download royalty free music, or buy beats for tracks? Lots.
Display ads and affiliate marketing aren’t mutually exclusive either. You can use both on the same site. Just make sure that you’re not breaking the conditions of any of the programs first.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, the name of your music blog is just one decision. You’ll make many other decisions as you go along which will be significant as well such as what to write about, how to write it, and how you plan to earn money from your site.
So are you ready to start your site yet, or are you still brainstorming the name?
Should You Start Your Own Blog?
Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!
If you want to actually make something of your site, and earn the kind of income that could allow you to quit your job and work full time online, then this members-only training site is what I recommend. If you're serious about making some moves, they're your best shot at building some fat traffic to your brand and profiting from your blog!

What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. My name is Nathaniell and I'm the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!
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