Disney is an exciting topic for many people, adults and children alike. This is hardly likely to change, as the brand continues to make popular movies and television series. For those that love Disney, blogging about the brand could be a natural choice, so what about good Disney blog name ideas?

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We’ve written many posts that focus on blog name ideas because this is often the point where people get stuck. With so many different blog name angles, the whole process can quickly feel overwhelming.
Writing about Disney can make matters even more complex, as the blog topic is a copyrighted brand. Even so, finding a decent blog name isn’t as difficult as it first seems.
For that matter, blog names aren’t all that important. I know that they seem critical, but that’s just because the blog name is front and center.
In the end, people remember other things, like the content that you create and whether your site was easy to lose. Poor content or a confusing site will lose you many more visitors than a ‘bad’ blog name ever could.
With this post, we’re aiming to put your blog name questions to bed once and for all. We’re going to be talking about techniques for finding blog names, along with other key aspects of getting your site up and running.
By the end of the piece, you should have all the information you need to create your own site.
50 Disney Blog Name Ideas
- Pixie Dust Perfect
- Fantasies and Fairy Stories
- Pixie Dust Town
- My Mouse Journey
- Fairy Story Living
- The Stuff of Joy
- Princess Creative
- Fairy Stories in Life
- Dreaming Our Day Away
- Pixie Dust Shopping
- Hacking the Kingdom
- Wondering in Wonderland
- Life of Dreams Travel
- Dreams for Adults
- Princess at Heart
- Lonely Wonderland
- A Child’s Imagination
- Neverland Dreaming
- The Fairy Adventures
- Queen At Heart
- Fairy Story Life
- Pirates and Fairies
- Playing the Princess
- Grow Up Slowly
- The Hearts of Children
- Family Adventures Guru
- Different Distractions
- Playing the Pirate
- Dreams and Fairy Stories
- Growing Up Slowly
- Power the Imagination
- Wandering Wonderland World
- Fairy Creatures
- Our Life of Dreams
- Wondering in Neverland
- Fairy Tale Distractions
- The Stuff of Destiny
- My Empowered Princess
- Fairy Tales Daily
- Wings and Pixie Powder
- Obsessed with the Mouse
- Fairy Tale Teller
- Kids Playing The Princess
- Imagination and Power
- Urban Fantasies and Fairy Stories
- Pixie Day Dreams
- Your Family Adventure
- Fairy Story Lifestyle
- The Adventures of Children
- Pixie Dust and Growing Up
While there is plenty of variation in these names, they still don’t jump out of the page. That’s because a name really is just the name. Your site is what brings that name to life. Any name means very little on its own.
How To Choose A Good Blog Name
The first part of finding a blog name is normally to focus on your blog itself. You need at least a rough concept of what your blog will be before you can home in on the type of name that you want.
For example, what are you going to focus on? Are you writing about Disney as a brand or perhaps Disneyworld? Or, are you focusing more on specific characters and stories? Perhaps you’re even interested in making Disney-related products.
Each of those angles lends itself to different types of domain names.
Disney And Copyright
Writing a Disney blog comes with a distinct challenge to be aware of – copyright. You need to be certain that your blog and the name you choose isn’t going to violate copyright.
This means being aware of the images that you choose and even the name of your site. Disney does maintain copyright over many of its characters, including some that are incredibly common and well-known.

Fair use copyright law does allow for some flexibility in how Disney properties are used, but there are few solid definitions of fair use. This means that you need to tread carefully, especially if you are aiming to make money from your site.
One step is to state that you are not affiliated with Disney in any way. Disney bloggers often do this in the footer of their site.
Even if you do this, think carefully about your blog name and your images. I recommend leaning on the side of caution and not using the word Disney, or the names of their characters, in your blog name.
I know that’s a frustrating restriction, but it’s better than risking a ‘cease and desist’ down the line. Don’t worry, you can still find a good blog name. You just need to get a little bit more creative.
One approach is to think about common themes that people associate with Disney. The sites allears.net, micechat.com and mousehacking.com all do this by focusing on the theme of Micky Mouse.
Other sites rely on abbreviations, like wdwmagic.com and wdwprepschool.com. In both cases, the WDW stands for Walt Disney World.
A side note on copyright. Copyright on Disney images and concepts is complicated, largely because many of their characters come from other sources. Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Robin Hood and Aladdin are all examples.
This suggests that you may be able to use some of those characters and even their names, just not the versions that are specific to Disney. Still, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and do your research carefully.
Other Areas To Think About
Copyright isn’t the only thing to think carefully about when selecting a blog name. The way that people see the name matters too.
I recommend avoiding words that are easily confused. This includes words that have multiple spellings, numbers and ‘creative’ misspellings of words. All of these areas can make your blog name more difficult to remember.
There’s also the risk that someone will hijack some of your traffic by using a similar name. In the end, having a distinctive name just works better.
The domain name extension that you use is important too. A .com domain will give you the clearest ranking benefits. This domain extension inspires trust too.
Extensions like .net and .org are viable, but try to avoid anything less common. Obscure extensions don’t rank well.
Keyword VS Branding
Here’s an easy way to think about blog names – they can be keyword-based or branded.
A keyword-based name uses a phrase that people might rely on when they’re looking for information, like ‘how to save money at Disneyworld’ or ‘guide to Disney’.
This type of blog name has some power to help your website rank. This is true even if your domain name is not an exact match for the keyword. For example, a domain like savingmoneyatdisney.com might still have some SEO advantages.
Relying on keywords like this can work well for many blogs. The biggest issue is that the names on sites end up too similar to each other. You can get around the problem by being creative.
Still, keywords don’t work too well for Disney blogs, as many keywords risk violating copyright.
This brings us to the other area, branded blog names. A branded name focuses on being memorable. Styles vary, but branded names might include a made-up word (or words), a clever phrase, a play on words, an acronym or even just the site owner’s name.
For example, one blog is called Kait Around the Kingdom and has the domain name kaitkillebrew.com. While it’s always best to make your domain name and blog name the same, Kait’s site seems to do well.
Another example is the site fortheloveofthemouse.com. The blog name is longer than most branded names. Still, it works, as the phrase flows easily and makes sense.
For a Disney blog, I’d always lean towards a branded (your own branding) name. Not only is this type of blog name safer, but it also allows for much more creativity.
How To Buy A Domain Name
A blog name is basically the title of your website. You also need to purchase a domain name. This is the URL address that people use to visit your site, like windowtowonderland.com.
Most site owners keep their domain name close to their blog name. The more similar these two are, the simpler things are for your audience.
Buying a domain name can be done through a domain name registrar. GoDaddy remains one of the most popular choices, but that doesn’t make this the best choice. I steer away from GoDaddy personally, as I get frustrated by how they make their domain names cheap for the first year and then increase the prices.
My personal preference is Namecheap. This service is more up-front about the pricing that you can expect. Other services will work too, just make sure you research the terms and conditions before you sign up.
How To Build & Make Money From Your Disney Website
Okay then, let’s talk about the next step – creating your website. Building a website isn’t difficult, but first you need to figure out the service that you’re going to use.
One decision to make is whether you’re going to rely on a website builder service or go it alone.
Website builders are always a popular choice. The term refers to services like Wix, Weebly and Site123, which are all designed to improve the website building process in some way.
Many of them try to make website building easy. This might mean that you can create a website with a few clicks or that it is simple to make visual edits.
Website builders often have free plans too. This combination of advantages can make a website builder seem like the logical choice. But, even if you find a service that you love, website builders are incredibly limited.
This is partly companies make the builders easy to use by restricting your options. There is often little that you can do in the backend of the site. You typically can’t rely on third-party features either, as these would decrease the control that the company has.
Website builders are also specific to the company that created them. This means that you can’t take a site that you build and move it somewhere else.
So, if you make an amazing website on Wix, then it needs to stay on Wix. The way that the site is coded means that it literally cannot be transferred to another service.
As such, you’re stuck with whatever plans Wix offers. These tend to be expensive and may not offer all of the features that you need. The same is true for other website builders.
It’s easy to get caught out by this pattern. Some website builders may seem perfect at the beginning. They might offer every feature that you want, and more, without too much expense.
The problem is that you can’t know what you’re going to need in the future. You can guess, but that’s about it. I always find it best to focus on services that give you plenty of flexibility.
This is why I suggest a self-hosted WordPress site instead.
WordPress is different from a website builder. It’s basically a system for content management and it is the same from one website host to another. This allows you to choose your host based on your needs and change hosts as time goes on.
WordPress is also a versatile platform. Because so many people use it, there are countless tutorials and website plugins that are designed to make life easy.
There are plugins for almost anything that you can imagine, including ones that are perfect for travel bloggers, along with star rating plugins and gallery plugins. The aspects make WordPress much easier than it first seems.
And honestly, WordPress isn’t difficult anyway. All you need is a good tutorial and you can step your way through it. You don’t need to figure everything out at the start either. The best technique is often to simply learn as you go.
One other consideration is how you’re going earn from your website.
Affiliate links and display ads are two techniques that you’ll see repeated time and time again. These are common because they are incredibly versatile. You can use one or both approaches in almost any industry.
These methods of earning can also be used on a baby site, even when you have barely any traffic. You can increase your income with them over time. You might even add in other approaches as your traffic grows.
How Much Do Disney Bloggers Make?
One site that focuses entirely on Disney is called BRB Going to Disney. The most recently posted income report was from July 2019 and showed a total income of $1,057. Most of this income came from affiliate sales. Amazon was one of the affiliate programs, but there were others too.
While the total income might seem on the low side, the figure shows that a blog focused entirely on Disney can definitely earn money. Perhaps with some strategy tweaks, or increase content creation, this particular website could earn more. “Proof of concept” already shows that there’s potential!
A second site is It’s A Lovely Life. This is a very impressive travel blog. While the site doesn’t focus on Disney specifically, some of the content does relate to Disney World.
The March 2018 income report for the site revealed a total income of $106,123, from affiliate sales and sponsored content. A similar amount was earned through course sales, making for an impressive month.
Display Ads
To talk about making money, let’s start with display ads. These are the obvious first choice for most blogs. The big advantage is that your content doesn’t need to link to the ads shown on your site.
This gives you the chance to write about whatever interests you. Display ads are especially common on personal blogs and lifestyle blogs for this reason.
Display ads do require some setup. This can seem a little confusing, especially if you’re a new blogger. Still, there are plenty of good guides out there, along with ad management plugins that may help you, and once you get your ads up, you don’t have to change much, especially if you are using a service to test ad placement for you (usually requires at least 10,000 page views per month)
Just be aware that display ads are not a fast way to earn. You’re basically making a little bit for each visitor that comes to your site. To increase your income, you need to get more traffic to your site.
This can be frustrating at the beginning, especially as you’re competing against many other sites for traffic. Still, there is a vast number of online users, so hitting the traffic goals you need is certainly possible.
Affiliate Links
Affiliate linking is the other style to consider. This process involves using links to products from affiliate programs. Amazon Associates is one of the most well-known affiliate programs, but there thousands of others at this point.
Some options that might be relevant to a Disney blog include party affiliate programs, programs for booking flights and birthday affiliate programs. I’m sure you can think of others too.
Using affiliate links doesn’t mean that you need to heavily focus on sales. Many bloggers include links naturally in their content. For example, if you’re talking about the newest Frozen movie, it may make sense to highlight some of your favorite new products that relate to it.
Your income from affiliate marketing is only partly related to traffic. For example, you can increase your income by getting more conversions or by promoting higher-priced products.
The main limitation is that it takes time to find approaches that work. The best sales pitches and angles will vary for each niche and individual audience. While there are plenty of approaches that will help, you’ll still need to work out which ones are the best fit for you.
Final Thoughts
As this post has shown, creating a website involves much more than just a blog name. Your blog name is still important, but it is never going to be the defining factor in your success. In fact, if your content is good enough, any blog name will seem appealing.
Should You Start Your Own Blog?
Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!
If you want to actually make something of your site, and earn the kind of income that could allow you to quit your job and work full time online, then this members-only training site is what I recommend. If you're serious about making some moves, they're your best shot at building some fat traffic to your brand and profiting from your blog!

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