The posts in this category are related to “online business”, in the sense that they are general, business-oriented posts. It could be related to taxes, management, or starting out. This isn’t a real focus-category of mine, so there’s an eclectic mix of content here. If you want to learn how to start your online business, well, then you gotta figure out what you want to do first. You can learn how to do what I do with the same training I used to build my six-figure online business, or you can pick your website topic and start the free training on my website. Here’s my email course which starts with 5 days of basic training, then extends to daily emails about how to rock it in the world of affiliate marketing. My breakdown of what “passive income” is worth a read because it may open your eyes to how much work actually goes into building an internet asset like a profitable website versus what the gurus tell you about how they can just build a virtual ATM in minutes (yeah right). Lastly, here’s a bunch of affiliate website topics, including keyword research, trend analysis, and relevant niche website ideas.