Crochet has become a popular pastime, giving people a way to engage their creative spirit. A crochet blog is one way to take a passion for crochet to the next level. Such blogs can even be a way to make money. Before you get to that point, you’ll need some crochet blog name ideas.
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We’re featuring 50 such ideas in this post, but that’s just the beginning. These names are best seen as inspiration – a starting point for your own research. To help you along, we’re also talking about ways to choose a blog name that is relevant to your site and goals.
There’s one other important point before we get going. This is the fact that blog names aren’t critical.
It’s always good to find a blog name you like. That much is true. But, the name you choose isn’t going to define your site. Honestly, blog names don’t have much personality on their own.
In a sense, your blog ends up defining how people view your blog name. This means that the name will always be secondary to your site and the content on it.
50 Crochet Blog Name Ideas
- Woolen Creations
- Crochet Lifestyle Boutique
- Woolen Styles
- Crochet Lovers Guide
- Crochet Mentor
- Win with Crochet
- Fresh Woolen Designs
- Woolen Studios
- My Best Purl Yet
- Earn with Crochet
- Crochet Buzz
- Crochet Experts
- Thrifty Crochet
- Crochet Without Limits
- Crochet Tutorials Online
- Flawless Crochet
- Why We Love Crochet
- Crochet Expression
- Crochet Supplier
- Crochet Patterns Shop
- Crochet Creations Pro
- Making Money from Crochet
- The Best Crochet Yet
- Crochet Isn’t Boring
- Crochet Life Designs
- Crazy Crochet Mama
- Crochet Aunt
- Sassy Crochet
- Teaching Crochet
- Best Crochet Patterns
- Crochet Tutoring
- Building a Crochet Business
- Crochet for the Millennial
- Crochet Tips and Tricks
- Handmade Crochet Designer
- Mister Crochet
- Business of Crochet
- Crochet for Kicks
- Teaching Kids Crochet
- Crochet Sensation
- Crochet Lifestyle
- Beautiful Crochet Patterns
- American Crochet Mix
- Jazzy Crochet
- Crochet Goods
- The People of Crochet
- Crochet for Girls
- So, You Want to Crochet
- Crochet Masters
- Crochet Creations World
How To Choose A Good Blog Name
The most obvious starting point for your blog name is the word crochet itself. Many blogs in the field use the word crochet somewhere in their blog name, such as and
This idea can seem a little overwhelming as there are so many crochet blogs out there. Despite this, there are plenty of good blog names to be found. Many of the 50 name ideas that we featured use the word crochet and they were all available at the time of writing.
Most were found using blog name tools, like Domain Wheel. Such tools are a good place for your own brainstorming too.
Another approach is to think about what is notable about you or your blog. For example, do you plan to just write about crochet? If you’re going to cover multiple topics, then you may want a relatively broad blog name.
The site is one example of doing so. The blog name talks about crafts rather than crochet specifically. This allows the author to talk about various topics.
What about The blog name has a narrower focus, as the site mostly features patterns. This shows another way that your blog name can relate to your topic.
Regardless of the angle that you’re interested in, it’s worth thinking a little bit about the words that you use.
Bloggers will sometimes get clever with their domain names so they can get the .com domain that they want. This might involve including a dash in the name (like, using a number (like or using a creative spelling of a word (like patternz instead of patterns).
While the domain name might end up looking good, it can be hard for people to remember. There’s also a risk that other bloggers will take advantage of the confusion.
The site is a really good example of this issue, as the site is actually called One Dog Woof. It’s easy to assume that the domain should be, but that goes somewhere else entirely.
Besides, if someone just heard the name ‘one dog woof’, they wouldn’t have any idea how to write out the domain name. The problem gets more complicated still when sites use multiple numbers or use numbers and dashes.
Finally, it’s worth making sure that your blog name isn’t too similar to someone else’s. Violating copyright won’t do your blog any favors. You don’t want to be confused with another site either.
Keyword VS Branding
A great starting point is to think about blog names as keyword-based or branded. A keyword-based name is simply one that uses a keyword phrase.
For anyone who isn’t familiar, keywords are the words or phrases that people use when they search online. Bloggers often rely on keyword research to increase traffic to their websites.
Using a keyword phrase in your blog name may have benefits for your website’s position in search engines and could increase your traffic. Bloggers that do so tend to focus on a phrase that people search for, such as ‘best crochet patterns’.
Finding a keyword blog name just involves doing some keyword research and then looking at the domains that are available. You’ll probably find that many names are taken. However, you can add to the beginning or the end of the phrase to make it your own, such as calling a site
Branded blog names are a little different. These don’t focus on a keyword phrase. Some aren’t even related to the topic at hand. One example is, which talks about crochet and knitting.
You wouldn’t have any idea about the topic from the domain name – and that’s not a bad thing. Names like this often do well on social media. It’s certainly easier to talk about site called Moogly than one that has a four- or five-word title.
Some blog names will use a related keyword, like crochet, but not a whole keyword phrase. This approach isn’t likely to impact traffic as much as a blog name that is an exact match for a keyword.
Still, it’s pretty easy to find a good blog name if you’re just trying to include one related word. A blog name like this will also show visitors what to expect from your site, which can be useful.
How To Build & Make Money From Your Crochet Website
Once you have a domain name, it’s time to get started with site building. But first, you need to decide the service that you’re going through.
There are two general options here. One is to rely on a site builder, like Wix. Website builders tend to make site building easy in some way, like by making the process fast or by providing precise control over how a page looks.
However, site builders also have their limitations.
One problem is that they’re specific to the company that made them. This locks you in with that company. Your website cannot be transferred anywhere else.
This restriction is a major problem if the company stops working well for you. Perhaps their plans are too expensive or maybe their service doesn’t give you everything you need. You can do your due diligence before you sign up, but it’s impossible to predict all of the services that you’re likely to need.
Another issue is functionality. Website builders often make things easier in some areas and more difficult in others. For example, builders that are very easy to use often give you few options for your site. In some cases, even integrating social media is difficult.
Limits to what you can do become a serious problem when you want to earn from your website. Affiliate links and display ads are the most common approaches for beginners, as can start these without much traffic at all.
But, both approaches are easier if you can access the code of your website. Most website builders make it difficult or impossible to do so.
This brings us to the second site building option – a self-hosted WordPress site. WordPress is a content management system, not a website builder. This difference gives you much more flexibility.
For one thing, WordPress sites can be managed through any number of hosts. You can also switch hosts as needed.
WordPress gives you much more control too. You can access the backend of your site and work with code. Both approaches are especially important if you hope to make money from your site.
The great thing is that WordPress doesn’t need to be complicated. It is actually very easy to set up your own site. You can even follow my tutorial to get started.
Many people learn the features of WordPress as they go along. Plugins, themes and online tutorials all make the service much easier to use. For example, ad management plugins can make display ads less complicated.
That brings us to another important point – making money from your website.
There are many approaches to take, but new bloggers often start with display ads or affiliate marketing. These two income streams can be used even when you have barely any traffic to your site.
You can always expand from this point once you have more visitors.
How Much Do Crochet Bloggers Make?
A surprising number of people have crochet blogs that they make money from. One example is the site Crochet 365 Knit Too. Cheryl’s income report from January 2019 showcased an impressive income of just over $5,142.
Her biggest single source of income was display ads, which made her almost $2,000 for that period. Affiliate marketing was much less significant, netting her just over $250.
Like many creative bloggers, some of the income came from crafts. Cheryl earned around $1,700 from direct sales of knitted patterns and around $1,200 from pattern sales on the sites Ravelry and Etsy.
A second example is Crochetpreneur. This time the most recent income report is from October 2019. Pam’s total income across the month was around $11,0354.
Pam is another example of a blogger with multiple income streams. Much of her income came from pattern sales and bundles of patterns. Affiliate marketing and display ads were both key sources of income too, netting her more than $1,000 each for the month.
Display Ads
Let’s start with display ads, as they’re such a common way to earn. The term refers to the ads that you’ll see on many different sites. Google AdSense is the most common ad provider, but there are many others too.
Hosting ads on your site allows you to earn based on impressions or actions. You typically earn a tiny bit of money per visitor. The amount varies based on many factors and you may earn more per visitor over time.
Regardless, we are talking about just a little bit per visitor. Display ads can be frustrating in this sense – as you’ll only make a decent income if your site is popular.
Crochet blogs do seem to attract many visitors, so the potential is certainly there. For that matter, there are millions of people online at any one time, giving you a vast audience to target.
Still, being successful will involve working on growing your traffic over time.
Even though you don’t earn much per visitor, display ads remain a popular way to earn. This is because your content doesn’t need to relate to your ads at all. You can write about whatever you want to.
Affiliate Links
Affiliate links are the other main style. This approach requires inserting links and promoting affiliate products in your content. The process involves more active effort than display ads, but you can earn more per visitor too.
The underlying concept is called affiliate marketing. This involves directing people to products or services. You earn a commission if the visitor makes a purchase through your link.
This can be a powerful way to earn, as the company in question does all the sales and customer service work. Affiliate marketing scales well too. A single product review can easily earn you money years after you write it.
It won’t take you long to find affiliate programs that work for a crochet blog. There are so many programs out there now. You could even look at other crochet bloggers and see the products that they promote. Doing so may give you an idea of possible affiliate programs.
Final Thoughts
Building a site involves many individual processes. Choosing a blog name is just one of these. Your blog name might seem critical at first, but its importance fades with time.
In the end, producing great content is your most significant goal. If you can do this consistently, most visitors will barely even notice your blog name.
Should You Start Your Own Blog?
Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!
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