This website claims to offer ‘Research delivered right,’ and we have heard that they will pay you for sharing your opinion. But can you really make money with Resolution Research?
I tracked down this website because I heard that they will pay you to share your opinion on specific legal cases. That would make them a ‘mock jury’ website, which is a type of website that is actually getting a lot more popular these days as attorneys seek to gain any ‘leg up’ that they possibly can in their trial cases.

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Are you tired of the daily grind? With a laptop and an internet connection I built a small website to generate income, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 13 years.
The general idea behind online mock jury/trial sites is that they pay people from specific demographics to share their opinions on court cases. This helps attorneys to prepare cases and helps them to gather valuable feedback that they can then use to try to make their case as tight as possible before presenting it in a courtroom.
But of course, my interest in such sites is mostly monetary.
You see, I am all about seeking out quality side-hustles. In fact, that is why I write these reviews… because I am on a personal mission to try to find as many quality methods for making extra money as possible.
But there are a LOT of websites that claim to pay that also fall short of my expectations. I am, admittedly, pretty stingy with my time—and in order to qualify as a legitimate side hustle for me, a website needs to be able to meet all three of the following standards. It needs to be…
- Profitable
- Flexible
- And consistent
So would Resolution Research end up meeting these expectations? Here is what I discovered.
Making Money With Resolution Research
When looking at any side hustle site, I try to start off with what it looks like at the beginning.Â
My First Impression Of
So the home page for Resolution Research was actually quite interesting. I didn’t really learn much about the site based on what was visible on this page alone. So I did some clicking around and ended up scrolling down… and did learn a bit more about it.
Scrolling down, we found out a lot of interesting stuff about the site—but admittedly, didn’t learn much about the ‘specifics’ of what it did. So next, I visited the ‘About Us’ page to see if this could tell me more.
It did.
Here is a quote that seems to convey, at least pretty well, what Resolution Research seems to be all about.
Ok, so this told me some basic, but important information about the site itself. I had also, in scrolling through the landing page, learned a lot about what they offer their business clients. But I was still not quite sure what they offered their panel members… so that is what I decided to look into next.
Clicking on the ‘What We Do’ page, I learned that this site performs a number of different market and research functions for their clients… but I had not, as of yet, heard anything about this being a ‘mock trial’ website.
I was beginning to think that I had not heard the right information about them, so I was kind of eager to figure out exactly what their panelists did.
I finished reading through this page without having my most pressing questions answered… so I decided to cut to the chase and go to the ‘Join Our Panel’ portion of the site.
Please don’t misunderstand. I am not trying to make it sound like they were not giving me enough information. Rather, it sounds like the information that I had thus-far reviewed was tailored to appeal to their clients—and that makes a lot of sense. The clients are the people who pay for the site and the services. Without clients, a business cannot exist.
So yes, I was still a bit confused about this site from a potential panelist’s perspective… but this was not at all a detriment. It is just a testament to the fact that the site is appealing to their customer base… and I have absolutely no problem with that.
At any rate, with that being said, here is what I learned on the ‘Join Our Panel’ page.
Joining The Resolution Research Panel
Upon visiting this page, I was finally given a bit more information about what potential panelists can expect from Research Resolution.
Here is a screenshot of what I found on this page.
As you can see, this site needs participants from all walks of life, from both the US and Canada, for their panels. I also found out that they offer a number of different panel-like opportunities for their users, including opportunities with online surveys, mock juries, taste tests, device tests, and more.
So yeah. There is actually a lot of opportunities here, from the sound of it. So that is awesome.
I scrolled down a bit to see if I could find any additional information. I realized that there were basically three different links to different types of panel opportunities offered. This is what they were.
- Consumer Panel
- B2B Panel
- Medical Panel
I clicked on the Consumer Panel button next, as that is most likely the panel that I would find value in. I am not in the medical field, so the Medical Panel didn’t sound like the place I belonged… and I was not too sure about the B2B panel.
So yeah. Here is what I found on the Consumer Panel page.
Consumer Panel Information
After clicking on this link, I was actually taken to a different site entirely. It was called
I scrolled down, and eventually found a YouTube video that gave me some more information about this part of the panel service. Apparently, this site administrates surveys on behalf of literally thousands of companies around the world. And as a paid panelist, you would have the opportunity to have a voice in all of these surveys that you qualify for, based on your demographic information.
Even though this was a different site ( vs., it all still seemed to be the same thing—as the YouTube video that I watched was actually labeled as a Resolution Research video.
I liked the design/look of this site even better, to be super honest… but whatever. Let’s get back to the topic at hand.
The only thing that I didn’t like was that I was not given any kind of ‘estimates’ for how much you can make. They say that they pay out in cash or free products, and make it a point to say that they do not use ‘a confusing point system.’ This is a good thing. But I still wish that they would have given me at least some kind of idea as to how much you can expect to earn.
But then again, on the other side of the coin, they do offer a lot of different types of surveys and panel-type opportunities… so it may be difficult to give an estimation about this.
Edit: Ok, a bit further along in the video, I noticed something. There is a graphic of a laptop, and it seems to have some ‘sample’ compensation rates for surveys. Here is the screenshot.
If this is any indication of how much they actually pay, then I will admit that this is kind-of above average. But unfortunately, there is no way to be sure.
At any rate, at this point, I felt like I did know enough to form at least a pretty official opinion about the site. So here is what my mindset was about it after looking through everything.
My Personal Feelings About Resolution Research After Looking Into It
It would be impossible to fit everything I learned about the site into one review without writing a much, much longer article—so I tried to just fit the most important bits of information into this so that our readers could see, for the most part, what to expect.
The first thing that I must say is that I liked this site. As far as market research websites go, I think that Resolution Research is doing it right. I feel like they would deliver a pretty consistent stream of earning opportunities, and I think that they are doing things pretty professionally.
But do I feel like it is worth the time?
I hate to say it, but I doubt that this site is going to pay out the kind of cash that I would need if I were going to take them seriously.
But that does not mean that Resolution Research might not be an awesome site for you, either. It kind of depends on what you are expecting and what you want. If you want to earn serious side hustle cash, this site probably isn’t going to be your cup of tea.
But if you want to just earn a bit of extra spending money, then it might be perfect for you.
You could also check out some of the other survey websites in the field, like Engage Studies, Palm Research, and iSurvey World.
Our Final Opinion Of Resolution Research
Should you sign up and use it to earn some extra money?
The Resolution Research Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
To be completely honest, doing online surveys will never earn more than minimum wage. In fact, most people rarely earn more than $1-$3 per hour, if they are lucky enough to get a payout.
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