A lot of apps get mediocre reviews on Google Play. This one, however, blew the competition out of the water with a 4.7 Star Google Play rating! But can you really make money with the AppKarma App?

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I’m always up for making some cash on the side, and apps are one of my favorite places to look for these opportunities. They are mobile, and there are a ton of apps out there that promise to help you earn some extra money or gift cards.
Here’s what I found out.
Making Money With The AppKarma App
The first thing that I needed to look at in this review was AppKarma itself, including what the app is and how it works.
Getting Started: What Is AppKarma?
According to the tagline description in the Google Play Store, AppKarma is an app that will help you to “Earn free gift cards by playing with apps and watching app trailers.”
It has over 1 million downloads, has been reviewed by over 298,000 people, and has an amazing 4.7 star rating… which is almost unheard of for apps like this. Most of the time, these apps are lucky to have more than 3.5 or 3.6 stars… so this one really blows a lot of the competition out of the water in that regard.
But, I’ve never been the type to rely on reviews and ratings alone… so I was pretty determined to download the app and try it for myself. So that’s what I did… and here is my experience with it.
Opening Up AppKarma For The First Time
The first screen that I came to after opening up the app looked like this.
Here, you could scroll through a few different screens to get a better idea as to how the app works. Here is the basic information that I picked up in these pages…
- Play with apps. Earn cash and gift cards
- Install and play with different apps
- Lots of extra bonus opportunities
- Earn gift cards like Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, PayPal, etc.
This pretty much summarized what could be found on these intro screens, so at this point, there was really nothing to do but to click the ‘Get Started’ button.
I did, and was promptly taken to this screen… which asked me if I had an AppKarma Account.
I clicked that I didn’t and wanted to continue, and was taken to what seemed to be the ‘main hub’ of the app. Here is what it looked like.
So here, I realized that there were a lot of different offers that you could try to complete to earn extra points. There were also spaces where you could try to earn badges and Karma points, and where you could view your reward level.
I scrolled down the page, and realized that there were a TON of offers located here. I was truly impressed by this.
It is not every day that an app gives you this many options for offers. There is definitely more than enough here to keep you busy for quite a little while.
These types of apps are actually pretty common. Essentially, they give you offers that you can take part in to earn points, which you then trade in to buy rewards, like gift cards or a PayPal cash-out.
This category of apps (I call them Offer Apps) has some basic downsides and upsides. The upside is that you can generally make use of them anywhere, at any time that is convenient for you. The downside is that they often don’t pay a whole lot for the time that you put into them.
But, I wasn’t sure what this app paid out yet, so I did a bit of figuring to find out how many points I thought I could earn in one day while using it.
Here is what I came up with.
Figuring Out How Many Points I Could Earn With AppKarma In A Day
As far as I could tell, if I used a bit of my spare time (about thirty minutes a day, or maybe a bit more) working on this app, I could earn about 350 points with it. This was about how much I would get for downloading one app and going through what it would take to earn the points for it (leveling it up, registering, etc.).
Obviously, the types of offers that you can complete on AppKarma vary a lot. There are a lot of different types of things that you can do to earn points with it.
Also, there is a very good chance that someone could earn more than 350 points in a day if they work hard enough. But, on the same note, there is also the possibility that users may not be able to earn that much every day, etc. So I felt like this was a good median reference point.
But… what I did not know yet was how much real money points were worth. I wasn’t sure how much 350 points would earn me in real world currency, so that is what I decided to figure out next.
Figuring Out How Much AppKarma Points Were Worth In Real World Currency
AppKarma actually did a good job of offering several different methods for claiming your rewards, which I liked.
The first reward method that I looked at, however, was PayPal… because, who doesn’t like PayPal, right? It lets you spend your money wherever you want, instead of most gift cards, which limit you to one business or store (though I still love gift cards too).
As you can see here, it takes 6,000 AppKarma Points to equal $5 in PayPal. That means that you need approximately 1,200 points to earn $1.
I did some quick math to figure out how many points I could earn in a 7-day period, and came up with 350 X 7, which equals 2,450.
This is about $2, which puts my estimated monthly earnings using this app at right around $8.
I will be the first to say that this isn’t much… but, it is something. And honestly, spending 30 minutes or so on the app every day isn’t as much time as you would need to spend on other apps to justify their use—but, as always, the per-hour cash flow is pretty low.
You can, however, also use the app pretty much whenever and wherever you want. And therein lies the upside.
Will I Be Keeping The AppKarma App Installed On My Phone?
At this point, I believed that I had learned enough to figure out whether or not AppKarma was actually going to work for me. And here is what I came up with.
First of all, the amount of money that I could make isn’t very much. But obviously, you get out of it what you put into it, so if someone were interested in working a bit harder than I could find the time for, they would earn more.
But that isn’t going to make the payoff per-hour any better. I love that apps like this give you the flexibility to be in control of when you can earn. But I don’t like that they limit you so much either. I mean, the app doesn’t have ‘limits,’ but you can only earn points so quickly on a mobile app like this… because you can only be downloading/using one thing at a time, really.
With that being said, the app seems to work really well. Technically speaking, it deserves the high rating it has. It seems to work pretty flawlessly really, and does what it was designed to do… so that’s a good thing. It can also certainly help to make you some extra cash… so I have no problem with any of that.
My main problem with the app is the same problem I end up having with a lot of apps like this. If I want to earn extra cash, then I would like to be able to be in control of how much I am going to earn. I want to be able to increase my earnings by improving my plan and getting better at it.
But apps like this really limit you in your earnings potential, because there is really only one way to earn with them. You fill offers, and get paid. That’s it.
Call me a cynic, but I don’t feel like I will be leaving this one on my phone. It worked fine and did what it was designed to do, and provides a ton of offers and ways to redeem your points, which are all awesome. But, with how little the per-hour return is, I must say that I have little choice but to pass this one up.
I do love earning cash on the side, but I am afraid that AppKarma might not be the best choice for allowing me to do that.
That being said, AppKarma is better than many competing apps, like FeaturePoints, Harris Panel and Toluna. So, if you want to use an offers app to earn a little bit of money, AppKarma is one of your best choices.
Our Final Thoughts About The AppKarma App
Should you download it and keep it on your phone?
The AppKarma App Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
Honestly, there are tons of various apps that claim to help you "make money", but really there are two facts to consider. 1) Most of them don't actually work. 2) If you can make money, it's not going be very much. If I'm going to spend any amount of time working online, I want to be working for myself by building my own profitable website

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