For owners of a website writing is what your primary focus should be, but the reality turns out that the work you put into maintaining the back-end can seem like another part-time job. Not only does the code need monitoring, your photos need alt-text input, all of the keyword research to make it SEO compatible, the widgets/plugins need updating, and affiliate links need hyperlinking!

Are You Ready To Work Your Ass Off to Earn Your Lifestyle?
Are you tired of the daily grind? With a laptop and an internet connection I built a small website to generate income, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 13 years.
Today, however, i’m going to introduce you to the VigLink affiliate network that has created a powerful time-saving tool for those looking to cut a few steps out of the process.
As a side note, VigLink is owned by Sovrn so you may see both names but the website is still located at so for the purposes of this article i’ll refer to everything as VigLink although you may see different references to Sovrn or VigLink online.
What is affiliate marketing?
For those new to the game, we will give you a quick overview of affiliate marketing to catch you up to speed. Affiliate marketing are tools that companies create to help you (a website owner) to monetize your site by advertising products or services. This typically comes in the form of hyperlinked text when you’re discussing a specific product/service/place/etc which will redirect the customer to that merchant’s website. It can also be as a graphic that shows what that company offers and redirects traffic to them.
What do you get out of it? That redirected traffic is tracked and if they end up making a purchase, you’ll end up with a commission from that sale. It’s really is one of the easiest ways to start your own potential business and the best part is it cost exactly $0 to do. There’s never any hidden fees or startup costs, just simply sign up and start advertising and over time it will convert into
Make sure before you start with affiliate marketing you get a website started up unless you plan to do it strictly from social media (although typically it’s more difficult to do it that route).
Affiliate Programs VS Affiliate Networks
There’s an important difference to understand in the affiliate marketing terminology and that revolves around an affiliate program versus an affiliate network. Affiliate programs refer to an individual company’s setup on a platform (either on their own or grouped with others). That means when we refer to a specific company’s affiliate program it always refers to just 1 company normally.
Referring instead to an affiliate network is typically a large platform that a company creates which houses many different affiliate programs within it. Affiliate networks are great for both the company and the affiliate partners that advertise on it. The companies benefit because they don’t have to put in the leg work to build and maintain the online website/platform saving them time and money. It’s great for us as affiliate partners because once you’re signed up on the network you’ll have access to hundreds if not thousands of affiliate programs once you’re signed up!
If you’re interested to know more about all of the different great affiliate networks out there, you can checkout the full listing below or check out our YouTube page which we have lots of walk-through videos on many of the best affiliate networks!
Video: VigLink Affiliate Network Review
How To Sign Up for VigLink?
Signing up for VigLink is a quick and easy process so to get started, navigate to
Once here you’ll see in the top right corner the Sign Up link. Once here you’ll have two options to sign up either using your Google account which use your google account information as the sign up (which will lead to a faster sign up experience) or by using your email address and choosing a password.
Once you’ve selected either one you’ll submit your account to be created which will trigger an email sent to your email address to verify your account. Once you click on the link in your email address you’ll be taken back to VigLink to input information in order to create your account.
A few pieced of information you’ll be asked for include:
- List of the where you typically publish content.
- Your social media profile URL.
- Additional places you’ll publish content.
Once you’ve entered all of the locations you publish content, your account will be created and sent to VigLink for review. At this time you can already start using the VigLink affiliate network on your website!
Do you have a website already?
Before you start using the VigLink affiliate network, you’ll also need to make sure that you’ve created your website already. If you haven’t create a website already there are many easy ways to create a website both for free or for a monthly subscription based on what you need.
We have a few different guides on creating your own website and tips on how to earn money from it.
How Is VigLink Different?
Now that you’re signed up, this is where you’ll find that VigLink is completely different than all other affiliate networks on the market today! VigLink takes all of the legwork out of signing up for affiliate programs and adding affiliate links.
VigLink finds merchant affiliate programs to add to the VigLink network and instead of you signing up for them, you’ll automatically have access to all of the affiliate programs once signed up.
Now here is where the automation piece comes into place. Almost all affiliate networks/programs require you to manually create affiliate links/banners to add to your website.
VigLink does not require you to create manual affiliate links.
Instead, you simply add the VigLink code to the header/footer portion of your website and the VigLink automation will kick in!
The way it works is VigLink will scan each of your website pages and if there are any URLs that are for companies associated with the VigLink affiliate network, they will convert that URL to a VigLink affiliate URL. It will also find special keywords including company names, locations, places, activities, and other words which may link to specific affiliate partners on the VigLink network.
This means that your pages will automatically have the affiliate links put on your page without any work.

The good: This takes out all of the work of having to create and manage affiliate links on your page! It’s a huge time saver and makes it so you can focus on creating content instead. It will also create affiliate links for pages which you didn’t even know there’s affiliate programs for it.
The bad: There are many keywords hyperlinked your page which you may not want hyperlinked or that may not make sense. It will also override any affiliate links that you had prior and make them VigLink affiliate links. You also wont have a choice on what affiliate programs that keywords link out to as the VigLink network will make the decision for you.
What Merchants (Affiliate Programs) are a part of VigLink?
If you do want to see the different merchants that are a part of VigLink, you can click on the Merchant’s tab at the top and either enter the company name in the search bar or filter the different results to browse the different merchants available.

This will also help you to be able to know what links you should be talking about on your site so that they are auto-converted for you. If they are not found in VigLink will mean you don’t get any credit for potential sales made as a result of your content.
Additionally, in the Merchant Search area, if you click on any merchant you’ll be able to see the affiliate commission rate you’ll get from using that merchant. Once clicked on a merchant, it’ll show you the commission rate under the company name. You can see on the screenshot below:
These commission rates are important especially when determining which links you’ll add to your website and the words you choose to use. Using words like Nike will flag VigLink to create an affiliate hyperlink to Nike automatically. Using terms like “Shoes” will mean VigLink will link to an affiliate that is in the “Shoes” category which could be Nike or other companies related to shoes.
How To Use VigLink
Since you don’t have to pick affiliate programs or create links, using VigLink is an extremely easy process to startup. To get started, navigate to the affiliate portal by using this link:
Then click on the “Install” tab at the top of the toolbar. This will bring you to the installation guidelines. To install VigLink, copy the HTML code provided to you and then navigate to your website.
This code will then need to be placed just before the
Can we have on the same page viglink affiliate links and CJ affiliate links for example or other affiliate program.
Or when viglink is used you cannot use something else with it?
Thanks good article.
You can have the same affiliates on both, but I’d look at which one pays more and then stick with just one. No reason to diversify payouts IMO.
Amen I Siddiqi
What a wonderful article !!
I know HTML very well.I made a page you can see and entered the code just before /body and all my browsers .i.e., Firefox, Chrome, Sea Monkey, Edge are javascript enabled but when I checked, I got the message “No instance of the VigLink code was found on your page.”
Can you please shed some light on why I did not get success message. ?
Hm. Maybe try to the headers/footers plugin, then add the code there. You may have inserted the code into a single page, or in the incorrect part of your theme.