I found this website while researching new and different ways to earn money writing for online companies. But can you really make money writing for SitePoint?

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Making Money Writing For SitePoint
Let’s start at the beginning. What is SitePoint?
Sitepoint.com is a website that has basically made a name for themselves by publishing articles on web-related content. They also offer some books and courses, and publish content in a number of categories, including:
- HTML and CSS
- JavaScript
- Design & UX
- Web
- WordPress
- SEO By WooRank
- Microsoft Tech
- And more
According to their official website, they are technically ‘a hub for web developers to share their passion for building incredible internet things.’
The site was founded by two men, Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz, back in 1999. And since then, it has grown a lot, and is now a pretty popular source of information for web developers, programmers, entrepreneurs, and product creators.
But can you actually make money writing for SitePoint? And if so, how much? Is this a website that would be worth the time to pitch to? Do they even accept unsolicited pitches or submissions?
These are all important questions to answer, so I took it upon myself to look into them.
But first, I would like to talk just a little bit about writing for websites and using online writing as a side-hustle in-general.
Writing Online As A Side Hustle: Why It Makes Sense
Obviously, not everyone is going to be interested in writing for extra money—and that is fair. Just like I am not really interested in drawing pictures for people for money (I have no ability to draw, so that would be really, really difficult for me and simply not worth the time), there are people out there who, for one reason or another, are not going to want to write for extra money.
So for those people, websites and opportunities like this might not be exactly what they are looking for.
But, then again, with that being said, there are a lot of advantages to writing that really make it a legitimate possibility for side-hustle cash, for a lot of people… and here are some of the reasons why.
For one, it is flexible. You can often keep your own schedule with this kind of work, which makes it easy to do if you are trying to fit your side-hustle around a 9 to 5 job.
Secondly, it can pay rather well. Granted, there are a lot of writing opportunities out there that are not worth the money… and those are probably best to stay away from if you don’t want to waste your time.
But there are still a LOT of websites out there that accept pitches from freelancers, and they often pay very, very decently.
In fact, when you do the math, you will almost always make more money writing articles for websites than you will if you use survey apps or ‘offer websites’ that pay you to answer questions or download games.
Writing is also artistic, and a lot of people really love to do it. So this could also give you the ability to follow your passion as well as make some extra money.
But… all of these writing opportunities also come with a downside.
Your writing can, and probably will, at least at some point or another, get rejected… and therein lies the risk. That is why many writers give up, and that is why you can sometimes end up with an article that you spent a great deal of time on that will never earn you any money at all.
And all of this can end up being a waste of time… if you give up.
But of course, it is up to you to decide if the risk is worth it. Because if you keep trying, and you keep pitching, and you keep submitting content, then there is a good chance that, eventually, you will get good enough that websites will want to publish your work.
And that is when you will start to get paid.
So make no mistake… writing online for websites is not necessarily ‘easy money,’ but it is a perfectly viable possibility. I know this because I have done it.
But I have also done a lot of writing and have been at it a long time, which makes it easier for me because I have the experience, the drive, and the patience to make it worth the time.
But anyway, with all of that being said, let’s talk a bit more about SitePoint. Could this site be a good site to pitch articles to? Let’s take a look.
Writing For SitePoint.com
Finding this information was pretty easy, as there was a ‘Write For Us’ button located on their ‘About Us’ page. Here is what we found when we clicked on it.
According to this page, SitePoint services more than 10 million readers per month, and produces a lot of books and articles. They are also welcoming new writers all the time! Though of course, you have to meet certain requirements to get work published.
According to this page, SitePoint has a ‘strong desire to produce quality content.’ But, in return, they are also said to pay their writers ‘above industry rates,’ for the work that they do publish.
Another thing that is super interesting about this site is that they produce a different ‘hub’ every month, and focus all of their energy on that one specific topic. In recent months, they said on their site that their hubs have covered such topics as React, web performance, and analytics.
They also list what they will be working on in the coming months right on the Write For Us page, so potential writers can get an idea of the types of topics that they will be looking for.
They also say that you are welcome to submit pitch ideas, but that usually, their editors assign content to available authors so that they can arrange their content publications based on what they ‘need’ in the hub for that month.
So, if you wish to write for SitePoint, you will actually have to submit a filled-out form (you can find the writer’s form on their page), and if you are a good fit for them, they will add you to their ‘contributor pool.’
Then, when editors begin planning upcoming hubs, they will put out a ‘call for interest,’ to see if any of their authors have the expertise and desire to contribute.
The hubs that the site publishes require them to produce about 40 pieces of content each month. So yes, it is a bit on the competitive side. But then again, at the same time, 40 pieces is quite a lot, so there is certainly room here for professional (or at least determined amateur) writers to get involved.
But… with all of this being said, they still do accept pitches from all writers who may be interested in contributing. In fact, here is a screenshot of a blurb that I found further along down on this page.
The site does not necessarily list exactly how much they pay their writers, but they do say that it is above average—which makes me think that it is likely worth it.
I have written for websites similar to this in the past, and from everything I can see, SitePoint.com is a legitimate website that could potentially earn writers some very decent extra money on a monthly basis.
My Personal Feelings About SitePoint
One thing about SitePoint that may be worth noticing is the fact that you would need to have some pretty technical knowledge about whatever their ‘hub’ is going to be about if you really want to be able to contribute.
So if you have some kind of background in this type of work, writing about these topics, you will probably do better than if you were to just try to go for it and learn on-the-job.
But… with that being said, research is just another skill that every writer needs to utilize at least some of the time. So it is important that you also know how to research.
The whole point of this is that websites like this will want writers who can write about their topics with real knowledge and authority. They are not going to want ‘fluff’ pieces. So keep that in mind as you pitch ideas and attempt to get into this line of work.
But most importantly, yes… I do believe that SitePoint could be an awesome site for people looking to get into writing content for websites. They pay higher than average, they have a huge audience, and they publish a lot of content.
Just know that it may take some time to ‘break into it’ if you’re new to the game.
While we’re on the topic, there also other websites in similar fields that you can pitch to. For example, IncomeDiary focuses on various aspects of making money online, while Rank Pay produces content that focuses on SEO.
Our Final Thoughts About SitePoint.com
Should you try writing for them to make some extra money?
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