This site, which is actually called ‘Layout, by Flywheel,’ is a website that has a reputation for hiring and paying freelancers to write for it. But can you really make money writing for Flywheel?

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This is what I wanted to figure out, so I decided to get started with some research to see exactly what the site has to offer for freelancers who are looking to make some extra money.
Making Money Writing For Flywheel
So, why are we talking about Flywheel? Well, I love freelance writing gigs because they tend to pay a lot better than free-money type apps and websites. I know that you can earn extra money taking surveys, but anyone can do that… so the payout is not as high.
But freelance writing is not something that everyone is good at, and not something that everyone can deliver without at least practicing and honing a few skills. With that being said, websites desperately need it—perhaps more than ever.
If they don’t publish new content, they will quickly suffer in the SEO department and become less relevant to their readers. This could cause them to suffer in the ‘visitors and readers’ department, which will hurt their bottom line.
Plus, freelancing writing isn’t really something that you can outsource to robots. Not yet, anyway!
This is good news for writers though, because it means there is a demand for the work. And this, in turn, is good news for writers who are looking to build or grow a writing side hustle.
Because it means that they should be able to find quite a bit of writing work to help them save up some extra cash—as long as they have the ‘skills to pay the bills.’ There is a market for all kinds of writers, even those who are not particularly experienced.
But the more skilled and/or experienced you are, the more likely you will be to be able to build a profitable side hustle with your skills.
But is Flywheel a website that will be able to help you with your goal of building a writing side-hustle?
This is what I was determined to figure out as I started researching the site—and I will admit that I ended up surprised by what I found. I was first turned on to this site when I found it on a list of websites that pay freelancers.
(Note: I ended up discovering that this site was not currently hiring writers, though it did offer some remote jobs that looked pretty cool. Continue reading for the full details!)
Here is what I ended up discovering after my additional research.
The Basics: What Is is basically a website for a company called Flywheel, which got its start back in 2012. They say on their website that their mission is to ‘improve the lives of millions of web designers and developers worldwide that build sites on WordPress.’
Basically, Flywheel seems to be a web hosting company that specializes in helping you with WordPress-based websites.
But if you go to the Layout section of their site, you seem to reach what is like a blog-type platform where they post articles, tips, and how-tos. And this makes sense—because this is the part of the site, from what I had heard, that hires freelance writers.
But as of yet, I was still not totally sure that this site even hired writers. For all I knew, this was a dated thing… so I went searching for some information about it.
One thing that I will mention is that this is a relatively small, techie-like company. And as such, they seem to offer awesome benefits to their employees, and they do maintain a career page where they keep their job listings up to date.
They seem to be growing and needing more people, though a writer was not necessarily one of the jobs that I found on this board. But was it something advertised elsewhere on the site?
Here is what I found as I went looking for it.
Writing For
I checked the site for references to a ‘write for us’ page, but did not find anything like that. I did, however, find a ‘career’ page, and learned that they did advertise for a number of different jobs… though at the moment, none of them were in the ‘writing’ category.
The closest thing they had, as of the time that this was written, was a remote job as a software engineer… though they also had a ‘Remote Happiness Engineer’ job available in the United States, which is essentially a customer service job.
I think that the reason this site has a reputation for hiring writers is because they sometimes post writing jobs in their career section. But as of right now, there were no writing jobs to be found.
Still, that does not mean that this wouldn’t be a good option to check back with. It is also really cool that they post remote work jobs for people who may be interested in doing customer support.
So in a way, this site ended up offering even more than I was planning on. Of course, at the moment, there didn’t seem to be the hope of freelancing for them anytime soon—but I did find an opportunity for some remote work of a different sort, which was unexpected—but still a very cool find.
Here is a screenshot of that remote job listing page.
As you can see, this was a pretty nice little job listing. The company seems fun to work for, and they also seem very reasonable. They say that, as a Happiness Engineer, you would get to work directly with customers to ‘help them get the most out of the Flywheel platform and do their best work!’
So yeah. Another great thing about customer service-type jobs like this is that they do not always require a ton of experience or a certain amount of college education to get—so it is likely a pretty open-ended opportunity.
My First Impression Of Flywheel
When I started to look at Flywheel, I was immediately impressed by the overall layout, look, and design of the site. The graphics were very well done, the content was laid out nicely, the lettering was perfect, and the overall style of the site was very minimalist and modern.
With that being said, I did notice that one article that I clicked on brought up an ‘oops’ kind of banner, as the article seemed not to be online anymore. I also noticed that it was a little bit difficult to figure out exactly what the company did, as the verbiage on their landing page was kind of vague.
There is also a LOT of content on this site to cover! Not only is there a blog, but there are tons of pages dedicated to other things as well. So yeah. This was all nice in the sense that it looked good, but you could almost get lost browsing through all of it.
The Quality Of The Content Posted On Flywheel
Taking a look at the quality of content being posted on revealed content that was obviously well-crafted and well-put-together. I figured it would be, because the website seems really well-done.
But I am also always pleasantly surprised to find out how good the content on sites like this is, because it can be surprisingly difficult to find well-written articles online sometimes.
But there is certainly no danger of that on Flywheel. The site is pretty awesome, and the content matches… so if you ever do get the chance to apply to be a writer for them, you can rest assured that you will need to bring your A-game… though as of right now, it does not look like they are actually hiring writers.
My Personal Feelings About Working For Flywheel
This site may not necessarily be hiring writers as the list I found it on suggested. But they do seem to have open spots for remote workers of a few different types, and that is pretty awesome. To find this spot on the site, just go down to the footer and click on the ‘Careers’ tab.
I love the looks of this company, and would absolutely encourage anyone looking for remote work to turn in an application. Keep in mind, though, that this doesn’t seem to be a freelancing thing. It actually looks like it is an employment-type situation… so be ready to actually work for a company if you apply here.
Working for this site may not make you rich, but if you are looking to be employed by a great company that sometimes hires remote workers to fill essential roles in their business, I would not hesitate to give it a try.
And, if you are interested in writing about websites, blogging and similar fields, there are interesting sites to check out. Income Diary is one, which focuses on various aspects of websites and making money online. There is also Rank Pay. This one is an SEO-focused site.Â
Our Final Opinion About Flywheel
Should you apply for a remote job to try to make some extra money?
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Michael Struthers
Hey Roderick! Just came across this article, thanks for the write up! Our freelancing writing is a bit easy to miss (it’s under the dropdown more>contribute)
Here is the link:
Let me know if I can help with anything else 🙂
Awesome. Thanks for the reply Michael. I’ll go through the article again and see add your link.