Weegy is an online service that provides answers to questions that users ask. The system uses a combination of artificial intelligence and information from users to do so. The idea is that Weegy will answer the question itself from the database if it can. If not, users have the option to search for an answer or to ask an expert.
Users also have the option to pay for Weegy Pro, which gives them 5 minutes with a live expert who can answer their questions (in theory, anyway).

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The expert access is how you can potentially make money with Weegy and is also how the company can afford to pay members. This means that you’re earning money by answering questions.
Doing so seems like an appealing idea, especially if you’re good at finding out information or are an expert in some areas. So, what’s involved?
Making Money With Weegy
The first thing we need to look at is being a Weegy Expert, as this is where you have the chance to make money.
Being A Weegy Expert
Signing up as a Weegy E-xpert is fairly straightforward. You just need to fill out the account information. The questions vary from general to personal. For example, you’re asked about any degrees or qualifications you have, along with your physical address and tax information.
As you’re meant to be earning money from the company, these questions do make sense. Nevertheless, you have to provide the information just to be accepted and you don’t get details about what’s involved until after that point. That practice is always a little unsettling.
There is also an ‘expert test’ as part of the signup process. This aspect isn’t really a test at all. Instead, it is just a way to make people actually read the requirements before they get involved.
Once you have filled in the form, it’s a matter of waiting to see whether the company accepts you. If they do, then you get to act as an expert.
In most cases, question and answer sites pay people if they provide an answer that the person asking is satisfied with. As a result, you will often see questions that get dozens (if not more) of responses over time, some of which are fairly similar to one another.
But, Weegy is a little different. In this case, experts are operating live. This means that you need to have your computer active and pick up questions as they come in. So, you can’t typically search for unanswered questions and pick ones that interest you.
The system provides experts with 15 seconds to accept a question before it is given to someone else instead. Now, you don’t have to answer the question at that time, instead, you can use Google to search for information before you answer.
As for topics, questions can be about pretty much anything, so you’re likely to be some odd ones along the way. You can narrow this down somewhat by selecting an area (or areas) of expertise. However, doing so would reduce the number of questions that you get.
The site recommends just sticking with all categories. After all, you can easily turn down a question once you’ve been offered it.
How many questions you get will also depend on a range of factors – such as how many people are asking and how many other experts are online. This also means that your success is tied to how popular the site is. That association could be an issue, as Google Trends suggests that interest in Weegy is fairly low
This is especially evident when you compare the site (in blue) to some of its competitors, like Yahoo Answers (in red).
This lack of interest is a concerning factor and does suggest that the number of questions will be on the low side. For that matter, I’m writing this review at the beginning of August, yet all of the ‘popular conversations’ on the site are from early on in July. They also have either one or zero answers, which is an odd definition of popular.
It’s also worth remembering that Weegy is now more than 5 years old. So, much of the hype and interest in it has died down over time, with many users leaving and few people asking questions. With so little activity and interest in the site, it seems likely that you would get relatively few questions and would spend most of your time waiting.
Now, if you were already on your computer and just running Weegy in the background, that pattern might not be so horrible. If nothing else, it could make Weegy a fairly simple way to earn money, especially as many of the questions would be on the easy side.
Nevertheless, there are some other complexities to consider.
One is that your success is partly dependent on how the person asking the question views your response. The problem is that people aren’t always reliable. In fact, contributors to other question and answer services often find that they will get downvoted, even if their answer was correct.
This should happen less on Weegy, as experts are replying live. Nevertheless, it may still occur, especially when the question doesn’t have a single correct answer.
How Much Can You Make?
According to Weegy, experts earn roughly 20 cents per question. However, that’s an average and is based on a range of factors. For example, detail and accuracy will affect the amount you earn, as will the way that askers respond. You also don’t earn anything at all if the question comes from another expert.
For the moment, let’s assume you do get 20 cents for each and every question, although that’s probably an overestimate. It might, on average, take you a minute to answer a question, especially as many would be a simple search away. If this were the case, you could earn around $12 an hour, at most, by answering questions.
There are better paying opportunities out there – but $12 an hour doesn’t sound too bad, right?
Well, it mightn’t be but you wouldn’t be earning that. Instead, some questions will take longer than a minute to answer and you’ll probably get paid less anyway. More importantly, you aren’t likely to get very many questions. As a result, it might take you a week (or longer) to even reach $12 once.
The minimum cash out level for Weegy is $20 and you can transfer your money to PayPal after that point. The reliance on PayPal makes cashing out fairly easy, especially as PayPal tends to work well and is free to join. $20 is also a realistic value, one that you should be able to hit sooner or later.
Whether or not this is all worth it depends on what you’re expecting. So, you’re never going to earn an amazing income with Weegy and it isn’t passive income either. Instead, you do have to provide good answers and you may end up getting very little your effort. But, for people already online anyway, Weegy could be a little cash on the side.
Other Ways To Make Money
Answering questions is the main income approach on Weegy but there are some variations. One is that you earn more if a user asks a question to you specifically. This is more likely to happen if you consistently answer their general questions correctly and you appear to be an expert in the field.
There is no indication of how often users ask an individual expert directly or what the difference in rate is. But, this probably doesn’t happen frequently, especially as there is no obvious way to do so from Weegy’s homepage. And again, the number of people actively asking questions seems to be few.
At one point, the site also offered a monthly contest, where members were ranked according to the points they had earned (which come from answering questions). People who ranked at the top earned a bonus of up to $30 per month. However, there is no current leaderboard on the site, which suggests that it has been phased out.
The final way to make money is through recruitment. With this, you earn a 50 cent payment each time the person you refer asks a Weegy Pro or Weegy Research question (which seems to be the questions that cost). In theory, this could become quite profitable but only if you recruit people who are going to use these services. If they don’t, then you wouldn’t end up making any money.
For some people, the recruitment side may be worth pursuing. However, you would need to find an audience that is actively interested in Weegy. One potential group might be students, as question and answer sites are frequently used to find academic answers (especially to quizzes and even tests).
But, Weegy isn’t as popular as it used to be and there are relatively few experts on it. So, anyone you recruit may not think that it is worth bothering with. For example, when I tried to ask a question, I was simply told that there were no experts available.
What’s more, the AI is meant to be able to answer some questions on its own – but I couldn’t find a single case where it was able to. Likewise, many people wouldn’t be willing to pay for answers when there is no indication that they will get something decent.
There are also a large number of free question and answer sites online, including ones (like Yahoo Answers) that are much larger and more popular. As a result, you probably wouldn’t be able to get many people using Weegy’s paid features on a regular basis.
Is Weegy Worth The Effort?
The idea of Weegy may sound good and you can earn money through it. But, for most, the process wouldn’t be worth the effort. The idea is similar to survey sites, where there is a considerable time investment but you don’t earn much overall.
Unless you’re already doing something on the computer most of the day and are effective at finding out information, Weegy would end up being just a waste of time. Even if that does describe you, there are better ways to earn the same amount of money.
For example, one powerful approach is affiliate marketing. Like Weegy, this is an online method for earning money. But, you end up being the one in control and you’re making money through your own website.
One of the most powerful things about that idea is that you get to promote things that people are actually interested in, products that they already shop for regularly. For example, some people promote health-related products (like fitness equipment), while others focus on areas like fashion or something different entirely.
This also means that you can promote things that you are actually interested in. Doing so is a thousand times better than sitting around and answering random questions whenever people happen to ask them.
Affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be difficult either. There are multiple ways to get started but the best that I’ve found is with education and training. With this approach, you have all the information that you need from the beginning and can use your time efficiently.
That’s so much better than having to scour the internet for advice and direction – especially as there is so much contradictory information out there.
My personal recommendation for education and training is this training site. They taught me most of what I know about being successful online and has continued to be a wealth of information over the years, even as I’ve expanded my business and tried new techniques.
Make Money With Weegy
Newbie Friendly
Cheap To Start
Easy To Scale
Income Potential
Final Review
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