I found this site while I was looking for websites that could potentially help me to earn some extra cash on the side. I am actually, at the moment, looking for a good side-hustle that I can invest some time into, and came across this website over the course of my search. But can you really make money with the EarningStation website?
I love the idea of using websites as side hustles, mostly because websites are accessible 24/7, 7 days a week, whenever we need them to be.

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Are you tired of the daily grind? With a laptop and an internet connection I built a small website to generate income, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 13 years.
This provides a lot of flexibility, but it also comes at a cost. Often, survey websites and other websites that offer to pay you for doing specific things are also accessible to everyone else as well… which can drive down their value.
To put it simply, survey websites and other similar sites can suffer from the problem of just not paying enough to make them worth it. And that was what I wanted to find out about this site.
Would EarningStation.com prove to pay enough to make it worth my time? Would it qualify as a legitimate side-hustle?
Making Money With The EarningStation Website
These were the big questions. So I set out to do some research. Here is what I found.
My First Impression Of EarningStation
My very first, initial impression of this site was actually very good. I liked the colors, the graphics, and the way it was all laid out. There was a nice tab menu along the top of the page, and the signup form was located to the right, which seems to be the ‘norm’ for websites like this.
Scrolling down a bit, I found a graphic that gave me some more information about the website. Here is what it looked like.
Basically, the website pays you for doing a number of different things. You can take surveys, watch TV ads, or play some different games to earn money. You can also shop online with Groupon through the site, which is pretty awesome.
This style can be considered an offers site. There are many of them out there, like Swagbucks, InstaGC and Panel Station.
You also get included in giveaways when you sign up. The site told me that I could be entered to win a brand new Macbook Air if I signed up.
I mean, I don’t really pay attention to giveaways because they are pure luck and you have no guarantee of them working out. But that still adds a little bit of value to the process.
I decided to keep looking around to see what I could learn. The FAQ section seemed to be the next logical stop, so that is what I took a look at next.
Here is what I found.
Taking A Look At The EarningStation FAQ Page
The FAQ section on this site was pretty extensive, which was awesome. Here is a basic rundown of the most important things that I learned from it.
First, I learned that it doesn’t cost anything to sign up for the site… but you do have to be at least 18 years old, and you must also be a US resident.
I also learned that this site implements something called an ‘EarningStreak,’ which is basically a process where they reward you for earning at least $0.25 per day for 10 days in a row. They reward you with free money, and also with other giveaways.
This extra money starts at $1 for the 10 days, but gradually increases by $0.25 every ten days until it reaches $3.50. So you have the potential to earn an additional $3.50 every 10 days if you keep up your streak long enough, which is actually pretty cool.
As for requesting payments and getting your money, you can cash out when your account has reached $10.
As for how you get your money, you can cash out via PayPal, with Virtual Visa, or with any number of other types of gift cards. The gift card options offered on the site are truly numerous. There are dozens of options… so you can be sure to get your cash using the best method for you.
It may be important, however, to note that you do have limited $10 options. If you want to cash out with $10, you will have to choose a gift card from one of the following businesses…
- 1-800 Flowers
- Babies R Us
- Best Buy
- Boston Market
- Hallmark
- The Home Depot
- Office Depot
If you want access to the many other payment options, you will need to wait until you have either $25 or $50 in your account. You cannot actually cash out with PayPal until you have $50.
There was a lot of other information offered on the site… but this pretty much gave me all of the important details that I needed to know to further assess the site itself.
Next, I decided that it was time to sign up and take a look around on the inside of EarningStation. Here is what I found.
Signing Up For EarningStation
Signing up for EarningStation is pretty easy. You have the option to log in using your Facebook, but I opted to use my email instead.
The first part was super simple to get past, but EarningStation also said that they would need a bit more information from me to complete my sign-up process.
They asked for my birthdate, my gender, my street address, my ethnicity, my level of education, my income, and a few other things.
The very first thing that happened, after I was signed up, was that I was offered $10 to sign up with 5 other websites. I wasn’t sure what sites these were, so I clicked on the button… just to find out.
I mean, this is an offer site—and this is how you make most of your money on offer sites. As it turns out, there were quite a few different sites to choose from for this offer… but truth be told, I was not necessarily interested in going through all of these steps.
I was, however, pleased that I had the opportunity! This company actually pays out quite a bit to sign people up for these other sites, so that is pretty cool.
At any rate, I finally ended up at the main hub of the site. This is what it looked like.
I was able to gather quite a bit of information about the website from here. First of all, I noticed that there were some surveys listed to the right that I could take. There was a 20 minute survey that I could take for $1.12, and there was a 15 minute survey that I could take for $1.28.
There was also a pretty cool EarningStreak tracker that showed me exactly how many days I had left in my streak. It even shows you how close you are to completing your streak and earning your extra cash.
If you scroll down a bit, there is a to-do list that shows you some basic tasks that you can perform to earn some extra money as well. You can, for example, take a daily poll for $0.02, watch a daily video for $0.02, etc.
There were also video channels available that you could watch for extra cash.
There were games that you could play to earn extra money too. But I was seeing a lot of common themes here that really helped me to figure out my final opinion about the site… and that is what I will discuss next.
What Are My Personal Feelings About The EarningStation Website?
Personally, I was not super impressed with EarningStation as a possible side-hustle, because I didn’t feel like it paid enough to really make it worth the time.
Now, with that being said, the EarningStreak feature does make it one of the better survey sites that I’ve looked at, because it offers you the ability to earn some passive money just for making a very minimal amount every day.
And in time, this would build up and provide you with some pretty significant side cash.
So my official feelings about the site are as follows.
If you enjoy survey and offer sites and wish to make some cool side cash without expending a ton of effort, while at the same time committing to work on the site at least once a day, every day, so that you don’t end your streaks… then EarningStation may be a good choice for you.
But if you wish to earn some pretty serious cash by spending your time on a real side-hustle, and wish to use that cash to re-invest or help to pay down some of your bills, I am afraid that EarningStation is not necessarily going to be a website that is going to do the trick.
The amount of money that you can make with it is just too minimal to really make you much more than just some extra side money.
Our Final Thoughts About The EarningStation Website
Should you sign up and use it to make some extra money?
The EarningStation Website Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
To be completely honest, doing online surveys will never earn more than minimum wage. In fact, most people rarely earn more than $1-$3 per hour, if they are lucky enough to get a payout.
If you want to legit make money online you need to invest time into building a website. Earn passive income through affiliate links & advertising revenue. Rather than spend an hour trying to answer boring questions, build a real web property that you can earn monthly income from.

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