StemFoods Review
Company Name: StemFoods
Costs: From $148
Rating: 41/100
Do I Recommend StemFoods?
Trying to make money with StemFoods is achievable, especially as the commission rates are fairly impressive. But, even with that, I don’t recommend focusing on this company. The products themselves are misleading and you’re still heavily relying on recruitment and a complex compensation plan. For those interested in promoting health products, you’d be much better relying on affiliate marketing instead.

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What Products Does StemFoods Sell?
Like many other companies, StemFoods strongly emphasizes health and wellness. The products that they offer fall into three areas, all of which are related to that general topic.
Of these, the primary product that StemFoods emphasizes is StemAlive, which is meant to promote stem cell production. So, before we take a look at the other products, I want to talk a little about the implications of StemAlive and the underlying concepts that are at play.
The Underlying Concepts Of StemFoods
As the name suggests, the key focus of StemFoods is on stem cells. Specifically, the company emphasizes the way that stem cells are powerful and can potentially help the body to repair and recover.
This basic idea is also true. There has been considerable interest in stem cells and their ability to treat disease. As a result, there has been a large amount of research into the cells and there is likely to be even more in the future.
Much of the work into stem cells has focused on ones that come from embryos, as these have the most health potential. That emphasis has also generated controversy. There is little scientific doubt that stem cells may be able to promote health benefits and even ones from adults may have significant advantages. This is also why the field continues to be so popular and there is the potential for significant breakthroughs in the future.
Nevertheless, StemFoods isn’t interested in stem cells directly. Instead, the emphasis is on promoting stem cell development within the body. This is where science starts to get less strong.
For one thing, if you could see significant benefits from stimulating stem cell production and could do so effectively – there would be much more emphasis on this approach in research. After all, the idea is much more practical than having to provide people with stem cells.
And yes, there is some evidence that stem cell development can be promoted and maintained. But, doing so is unlikely to have radical impacts on the body. In fact, it’s difficult to know whether this would have any significant effect at all.
Regardless, it’s clear that there is limited research on this topic and StemFoods doesn’t provide much evidence that their keystone product is actually effective. For that matter, the main ingredients it offers are common in countless other supplements. Many of these may have some benefit to health – but the science is extremely limited. Likewise, there are few studies that actually link these to stem cell development.
In truth, there is a good chance that the supplement will do very little or nothing at all. And, as with most supplements, you wouldn’t really know whether it was working either. Indeed, the most positive impacts experienced could simply be the placebo effect.
The science isn’t in, so yes, it’s possible that this supplement and the various other products offer some advantages. Even so, StemFoods is being extremely misleading in its approach. The company heavily relies on the concept of stem cells and all of the excitement that goes with them. Yet, the actual products are far removed from what most people mean when they talk about stem cells.
On a side note, StemFoods does offer a range of references and videos about stem cells and their potential. But, there are two problems with this. First, many of the sources are blog sites, which tend to have their own biases.
Additionally, the various links are mostly about the potential of stem cells in general. As I mentioned before, there is little doubt that stem cells are beneficial. More evidence is needed about whether you can significantly promote stem cell production with the specific nutrients that StemFoods offers – and whether doing so actually improves health.
Other Products
StemAlive may be the main product provided by StemFoods but there are others on offer as well. These don’t tend to focus on stem cells as much and instead emphasize health in general. For example, one option is StemLiver, which is designed to help the liver be effective.
Whether or not the supplement is effective is difficult to say. Honestly, the research into supplements is limited and most conclusions are heavily extrapolated.
Instead, you’ll typically find that there is some evidence for most plant-based ingredients in any supplement but that proof typically comes from small-scale studies that are poorly designed or were performed on animals. And, when effects are observed, they’re often much smaller than the marketing suggests.
Because of this, most people will see few to no direct benefits from a given supplement. There are exceptions, of course, but often the people who do see benefits are those who were deficient in a given area, to begin with.
As with stem cells, there are no solid conclusions from the research. In most cases, there simply haven’t been enough studies done. But, the products probably aren’t nearly as amazing as the marketing implies.
Also, the stem cell aspect is the only truly unique thing about StemFoods – and that emphasis is mostly marketing. The products themselves are fairly standard and you’ll see similar ingredients lists and options from countless other companies as well.
Most of the products on offer do focus on promoting stem cell growth. But, there are some that actually contain stem cells, such as their StemIntense cream.
Nevertheless, there is still no evidence provided about whether or not the approach has any significant impact at all. It seems likely that the idea is mostly just hype, especially as scientific evidence simply isn’t provided.
Pricing And Reviews
StemFoods seems to keep a fairly tight rein on distributors, which makes it harder to work out what actual customers think. The one exception is StemAlive, which is surprisingly prevalent on Amazon.
Reviews for this option are very mixed, with some people finding that the product works and others find that it doesn’t. Many more simply complain about the price or the Amazon listing. There is also so much bias in the reviews that it’s almost impossible to know what people truly experienced.
What’s more, supplement reviews are heavily influenced by the placebo effect. So, people will sometimes convince themselves that a product is extremely good – even though it didn’t actually have a significant biological effect on them.
In the case of StemAlive, the balance of reviews suggests that the supplement could offer some benefits but if so, they aren’t dramatic. Instead, they would be fairly similar to what you would find from most other vitamin supplements out there.
Is StemFoods A Good Business Opportunity?
For the most part, StemFoods offers a variation on the idea of vitamin supplements. There is still the potential for health benefits from the products but there simply isn’t much proof. What does all this mean for making money?
Well, as a business opportunity, StemFoods does still have some advantages.
For one thing, health and beauty products are often successful because of their perceived effects, rather than what they actually do. You might also like the products yourself. If that’s the case, then selling becomes easier, as you’re already passionate about the products. Additionally, there is a lot of hype around stem cells, which could make sales easier.
This interest is also why health and beauty are such popular fields for affiliate marketing. For example, you can build your own website and make money by promoting things like makeup or aromatherapy. That’s my preferred approach, especially as you can focus on products with proven benefits.
As for StemFoods, the business opportunity involves acting as a distributor. Here, you’re selling the products in person and heavily relying on your social network to do so. Don’t get me wrong, you can make money this way. And, there are even some advantages to the model. But, at the same time, the idea isn’t nearly as amazing or as unique as StemFoods claims.
The company also suggests that they heavily focus on sales and not recruitment. But, unfortunately, that simply isn’t true. Instead, the emphasis is still on getting new people into the company and ensuring that they purchase regularly and also recruit others.
One aspect of this is the ranks. StemFoods offers 7 different ranks, which go from Qualified Associate to Triple Diamond. Each rank opens up more chances to earn money from the people in your downline, along with more bonuses.
But, as is always the case, the requirements increase along the way too. For example, the second rank means you have to have 1,500 GV per month (that’s the volume across your entire team). Plus, no more than 800 GV can come from any single leg. This calculates out to around $2,000 of product each month across your team. That isn’t an excessive amount but it’s easy to see how the sales might be tough to sustain in the long-term.
The requirements increase as you go along. So, the next rank requires 3,000 GV, then 10,000, then 46,200. There are additional complexities too, such as how that GV is distributed, the amount that comes from autoship orders, and the ranks of your team members.
The end result is the same as most other MLMs – a complex plan where most of the income potential is tied up in recruitment rather than sales.
And yes, you could be successful. If nothing else, you may earn some money just selling the products. That’s especially true if you have an audience who is passionate about their health.
There are also some advantages. For one thing, you are selling by referral. This means that you earn commissions on the orders of your customers – so you don’t have to buy a product and resell it.
Additionally, you don’t have to rely on parties to make sales. Instead, you can sell on an individual basis. You can also rely on the company’s website. As long as customers enter your Distributor Identification Number, you earn the commission.
Because of this, you could also promote the products in other ways, such as by building your own website and/or using social media as a way to drive traffic. This aspect mostly helps with sales, not recruitment. Still, it is an interesting direction to consider and one way to potentially increase sales.
For that matter, the commission rate from StemFoods is impressive, ranging from 30% to 50% for direct sales you make. The exact rate seems to vary depending on whether you are a personal, premium, or elite affiliate, which is based on the amount you purchase when you first join.
Even at the base level though, 30% commission is appealing and makes it easier to earn income. That’s particularly true if you are using your own site to drive traffic and get sales.
Are There Ongoing Fees?
StemFoods states that distributors don’t need to pay a monthly or a yearly fee. And, they also say that buying a product each month isn’t mandatory.
But, that being said, you do have to purchase 100 points worth of product each month to actually earn commissions. This comes to $130 per month, or more, depending on the specific products you choose.
This type of ongoing cost is fairly typical and may be reasonable if you are actually interested in the products. Nevertheless, be wary. After all, you would have to get at least $130 in commissions every single month to just break even.
In practice, you’re likely to find that sales are much easier for some months than others. For example, people are often more interested in their health around the New Year and may have a completely different set of priorities in the middle of the year. You might get busy yourself as well and have less time for some months than others.
With low months, you could end up spending more than you earn with the company. This may be okay once or twice, but it’s easy to see how it could get expensive fast. Indeed, some people end up spending much more with an MLM than they ever earn.
This is a key reason why you want low ongoing costs with any business. Sure, most business approaches will have some costs. But, $130 or more each month is rough – especially at the beginning.
Can You Generate Reliable Income With StemFoods?
The StemFoods Review
Business Opportunity
StemFoods offers fairly high commissions and the products could be popular, even though their effectiveness is questionable. So, it could work as a way to make money – just be wary. After all, there are many hoops to jump through and many people simply won’t like the products.

MLM Critic & Author: Nathaniell
What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I'm not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.
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