This is another survey website that I got turned-on to by reading in some online forums. But can you really make money with the Pinecone Research survey website?

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Pinecone Research. I will admit that the name had me a bit intrigued. I imagined a mountain research base, nestled quietly amongst pine trees—hidden from view by rocky overhangs and rough, unmanageable terrain.
Or, I could also imagine it as some kind of a resort, with a log cabin, a hot-tub, and hiking trails.
But a survey website? I must say that I was excited to crack into this one.
Here’s what I found when I did.
Making Money With The Pinecone Research Survey Website
The first thing I did was look into what Pinecone Research actually is.
On the landing page, there were links to a FAQ section, a Sweepstakes section, and an About section. I visited the About page to learn more.
Here is the introductory quote, as listed there… and it did a pretty good job of describing what the site was all about.
“Pinecone Research is a trusted leader in voicing the opinions of consumers nationwide. Companies are seeking your input to develop new and improved products. By completing our online surveys, your opinions will directly influence tomorrow’s products today, AND you will be rewarded!”
This pretty much said everything that needs to be said. From the sound of it, Pinecone Research is a pretty typical survey company. Obviously, they are probably different from the others in their own ways—but thus far, they sounded pretty normal.
I am always torn about these survey sites. In truth, it is hard for them to impress me. On one hand, I love the fact that they offer you a flexible way to earn extra cash. But on the other, they seldom pay enough to make them worth the time.
So it is a pretty big tradeoff. Whenever I take a look at a site like this, I have to ask myself… is this one going to be worth the time?
And that is what I wanted to find out about Pinecone Research.
Signing Up For Pinecone Research
Next, it was time to sign up for the survey site, just to see what they had to offer.
But I quickly found out that signing up for this site was not as easy as it usually is to sign up for survey sites. Namely… I couldn’t figure out how in the heck to even do it!
I looked on the home page, and could not find a single ‘join now’ button. I read the about page, and still could not figure out where to go.
Finally, I visited the Contact Us page, and finally found what I was looking for. Apparently, you have to message the company and request to join. Here is a screenshot of what this looked like.
So, apparently, you need to supply your name and email, and then click the box that says ‘I want to join.’ This was pretty different.
I had never really encountered anything quite like this on a survey site. It almost seemed old fashioned—like the site was operating with ‘out of date technology’ or something like that.
But, at any rate, I went ahead and filled out the form and sent it in.
After that, I decided to do some more looking around on the site to see what I could find.
Taking A Closer Look At The Pinecone Research Survey Site
This site actually features a pretty in-depth FAQ section that does a really good job of answering important questions about how it operates. Here is a screenshot of it.
Ok, I found out some pretty interesting bits of information about this survey site after reading through these FAQs.
First of all, it seems as though this company is actually pretty serious about their surveys. They will actually remove members who do not take surveys regularly enough when they are notified about them, and they do not have an open enrollment section on their website (as I found out).
It seems that they generally tend to recruit through banner ads hosted on third-party websites, though you can also message them directly through the main website.
Second of all, it seems that this site actually pays out pretty good. Now, there is no specific information on this site that indicates how much they pay out, and I was unable to verify this because I could not technically manage to become a member of the site.
But according to an article that was published on, they pay out $3 per survey. If this is true, then that is actually pretty good.
According to everything that I have read, I see no reason to believe that this isn’t true. It also seems to make sense when you factor in how seriously the site seems to take its surveys.
I also found out that you can cash out with amounts of $3, $5, or $15. This is pretty cool, since a lot of sites won’t really let you cash out unless you reach a larger amount… like $10.
Payouts can be made by check or PayPal. Obviously, payout by check can take several days, because of shipping… but it is still cool that you can get a paper check.
It’s old-school, but it’s cool!
In fact, the first 300 points you earn (which I assume means the first $3) will automatically be sent to your address via check. This is apparently how they verify that your address is correct.
After looking through all of this information, I felt that I had a good enough grasp of what this site could do to offer my official opinion about it. Here is what I found out.
My Personal Thoughts About The Pinecone Research Survey Website
First of all, I must confess that my knowledge of this survey site is still somewhat limited, because I was not technically allowed to join it. For this reason, I cannot say with complete confidence whether it would be worth the time or not.
But… I do feel like I have a pretty good idea of how profitable it would be, and here are my thoughts about that.
First of all, I really like how the site is put together. I didn’t take a survey… but I did take a good look around, and I didn’t experience a single glitch or technical difficulty… so that is good.
Secondly, I like how positive the site’s reputation seems to be. It gets quite a bit of positive attention online… so that is a good thing. The running theory is that the site pays $3 per survey.
Obviously, I cannot completely verify that, but it seems to line up with everything else I’ve read, which would make it one of the more profitable sites out there.
I also like how professional the company seems to be about their survey service. They seem to take membership issues very seriously, and seem to conduct everything on a very professional level… even to the point of kicking people out if they aren’t participating up to a certain standard.
I also really liked how the payout system worked. You can cash out with as little as $3, and can do so with either a check or PayPal. So those are both good options, and this gives you the ability to make use of your money pretty much immediately.
Now on to the bad points. Obviously, I cannot tell for sure… but it sounds like this site is actually better than most.
Yet, with that being said, I still felt that the prospective numbers on this site left a bit to be desired. I am not sure how many surveys you can actually take, or how long it takes to take them… but unless these numbers are way above average in quality, even $3 per survey probably won’t quite be enough to make it worth the time for me.
The big problem here is that a side-hustle needs to rake in enough money to make it worth your time. A good side-hustle is also flexible, consistent, and gives you the kind of long-term stability that you need to feel secure in investing yourself into it.
But, as good as Pinecone Research was, I did feel like it fell just a little bit shy of this lofty goal. I mean, if you want to take surveys and make some sweet money doing it, then yes… this could be your site (if you can manage to join, because that is a little bit difficult).
But if you want a serious side-hustle, you might be able to find more bang for your buck elsewhere.
For that matter, survey sites are always limited. Even the ones that might pay well for surveys, like Engage Studies or Darwin’s Data aren’t going to offer you much money in the long-term (as surveys are often few and far between).
Our Final Thoughts About The Pinecone Research Survey Website
Is it worth it to sign up and use it?
The Pinecone Research Survey Website Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
To be completely honest, doing online surveys will never earn more than minimum wage. In fact, most people rarely earn more than $1-$3 per hour, if they are lucky enough to get a payout.
If you want to legit make money online you need to invest time into building a website. Earn passive income through affiliate links & advertising revenue. Rather than spend an hour trying to answer boring questions, build a real web property that you can earn monthly income from.

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David J Holden
Pinecone was alright when they used Paypal to pay their participants, but they switched to some kind of bank transfer system , called Rewards on Demand . The system is a Rip Off system, you have to get code numbers, and pin numbers for your bank transfers that take over a week to deliver at times, sometimes your funds to your account get lost in the shuffle.