As you probably know very well by now, I am all about side hustles and making extra cash… which is pretty much what led me here. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this one, and wanted to find out if they were true. Can you really make money with the Darwin’s Data survey website?

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I found this site while doing some research into ways to earn some extra cash (which is nothing new for me), and felt like it looked like a promising choice right from the beginning. Survey sites are hit and miss, mostly because of how they tend to work.
The good thing about most survey sites is that they offer you the ability to earn some extra income on a flexible schedule, since most of them will allow you to log in and just take your surveys when you get the time.
But… a lot of them also come with a built-in downside. Due to the nature of how most of these sites work, they generally have so many survey-takers that they don’t pay very much per survey—which can end up making them not worth the trouble.
I have been having a tough time finding survey sites that actually qualify as side-hustles, so that is kind of a difficult task. But I was actually hopeful with Darwin’s Data (located at
So here is what I found.
Making Money With The Darwin’s Data Survey Website
Let’s start at the very beginning, what is Darwin’s Data?
On the landing page of the site, there were a few different paragraphs that helped to explain exactly how the site worked—and it was admittedly different than any sort of survey site that I’d used before.
Here are some of the main points that I learned on the home page…
- Share your opinions on legal disputes
- Conveniently take surveys from home
- Earn gift cards from major retailers
- Get paid $25 every time you take a survey
- Request an invitation to join Darwin’s Data if you want to join
So, this summarized things quite nicely as far as I was concerned, and gave me a pretty good idea of how the site worked. Two of these points really stood out as interesting to me and got my attention.
The first was that the site was all about sharing your opinion on legal disputes. I’ve never seen this referenced on any survey site that I’ve ever used before—so that is pretty cool.
The style seems like a variation on the idea of an online jury site.
Though, at the same time, I cannot help but to wonder… how many surveys does this site offer? How many opinions could they possibly need for legal disputes… especially when they pay $25 per survey?
And secondly, was the payment. $25 a survey is a lot of money for a survey, so I was interested in learning more about this. Surely, there had to be some kind of catch. I wondered how long the surveys were, and I also wondered if you maybe had to do them over the phone or something like that.
I was not sure, but I was determined to find out. So to start with, I needed to request an invitation.
Requesting An Invitation From Darwin’s Data
Requesting an invitation from Darwin’s Data was pretty easy. I just had to give them my name, email address, physical address, and date of birth.
I sent the request after filling out the form on the website… and not even ten seconds later, my phone beeped to let me know that I had gotten an email.
As it turns out, it was an email thanking me for requesting an invite. It basically said the same thing as the screen that I was kicked back to after sending my request.
So, at this point, I was not officially a member—so I could not really take any surveys or anything like that. But I was very interested in learning more about Darwin’s Data, so I decided to take a look around the site to see what I could find.
Here is what I discovered.
Taking A Closer Look At Darwin’s Data
I was very pleased to find that there was a FAQ section on the website, so that was the first place I headed. Here are some of the things I learned there.
First off, I learned that you get paid through this site with Tango Cards… which was a bit unique. Tango Cards is basically a company that lets you send and receive gift cards to a HUGE variety of businesses online.
I am not sure if more survey companies actually use this service and just don’t advertise it—but I was happy to see that Darwin’s Data used them.
I also learned that the way they asked questions was rather unique. Essentially, they show you a video of a legal dispute, and then ask you questions about it afterwards… so it is like a typical survey, but with a twist.
I also found out that there are a few requirements for joining and participating. You need to be a US Citizen, you need to be over the age of 18, you need a valid driver’s license or to be a registered voter, you must have high speed internet, and you must be able to see and hear information that is communicated via computer (obviously).
Another thing that I found out was that the surveys take approximately an hour to complete. So, that pretty much answered my biggest question. You will essentially earn $25 an hour if you take part in the surveys on Darwin’s Data… which is awesome.
One thing that I did not figure out was how many surveys the company sends out. They seemed vague on this question—probably because it varies.
But from the sound of it, they probably don’t send out surveys very regularly. I am guessing that you would be lucky to get more than one per month, to be honest.
I also found out that registration is a rather lengthy process. It takes about 30 minutes, and you have to share a lot of information to join. But once you complete it, the company rewards you with a $10 gift card—which is pretty awesome!
Will I Be Using Darwin’s Data In The Future?
This site was actually really surprising to me. On one hand, the surveys are an hour long—which is quite long compared to how long it takes to conduct most surveys on most survey sites. But on the other hand, they pay $25 per survey! This is much higher than the usual $1-$2 that most survey sites pay.
But, I will also say that I am looking for side-hustle opportunities—and on that note, I am not sure that this site really offers that.
So here are the basic upsides, as I see them.
- You are notified when a survey arrives, so you don’t have to keep checking back
- You get paid well for surveys
- You get invited to all of the surveys that you qualify for
- The surveys are absolutely worth the money, because you are getting paid extremely well
And on the opposite side of the coin, here are some of the downsides…
- I don’t think this site offers enough surveys to qualify it as a really good ‘side hustle’
- If you are looking to make consistent amounts of cash on a regular basis, I am not sure that this site is for you
- The registration process is quite lengthy—and it doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you will get surveys (but you do get paid for it, which is a bonus)
If you are looking for a quality survey site where you can earn some awesome gift cards once in a while, then this site may definitely be for you.
Granted, it may not qualify as a side hustle, but it is definitely one of the best survey sites that we have seen thus-far—and while everyone’s experience may be a bit different, I feel that this site is certainly worth signing up for if you need some extra cash and don’t mind spending an hour on a survey once in a while.
Will I personally be using this site in the future?
That is a good question. I sent in my request… so I will probably wait and see how long it takes them to get back to me. If they do send me an invitation, I will probably complete the registration (I mean, you earn $10 for it) and then see if I get any surveys.
At this point, I doubt that this site will fulfill my need for a regular side hustle—but I do feel like it would be worth my time when surveys are available, so it is something that I plan on pursuing.
Our Final Thoughts About The Darwin’s Data Survey Website
Should you join and use it to earn some extra money?
The Darwin’s Data Survey Website Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
To be completely honest, doing online surveys will never earn more than minimum wage. In fact, most people rarely earn more than $1-$3 per hour, if they are lucky enough to get a payout.
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