Heart & Body Naturals (HB Naturals) falls into two distinct fields. The company’s primary focus is on health and wellness. While many MLMs take a similar stance, HB Naturals has a distinctive emphasis on high-quality products that retain the natural benefits of plants.

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HB Naturals is also notable for its focus on hemp products, particularly CBD oils. This is a growing field, as CDB oil derived from hemp has now become legal in the United States. CBD oil provides access to the potential health benefits of cannabis, without any psychoactive effects.
CBD oil comes in two main forms. One of these is an isolate, which focuses on the compound cannabidiol. The other form is full-spectrum oil. Full-spectrum oil contains a wider range of compounds. This can mean a lower concentration of cannabidiol and a higher amount of other compounds.
HB Naturals is unusual in that the company focuses on full-spectrum oil only. This fits in with the overall theme of plant-based compounds. It’s an interesting angle and could help the products to stand out in the industry.
The variety of products that HB Naturals offers could be an advantage too. Many people are interested in buying CBD oil and related products, so the potential for income is high. On the flipside, there is a lot of competition out there too.
If you’re going to be successful at selling CBD oil products, you’ll need something that makes the products that you’re promoting stand out. The emphasis on plant-based compounds and quality products from HB Naturals could be enough to have this effect.
Two Ways To Make Money With HB Naturals
HB Naturals is a typical MLM in that you can earn money through product sales or through building a team as well. While these two patterns are common, each MLM has its own unique approaches.
Because of this, the current post takes a detailed look at the specifics of how you can make money, along with whether HB Naturals is viable as a good income approach overall.
Make Money From Product Sales
The marketing for HB Naturals focuses on the idea of natural and organic products, ones that retain the healthy compounds that are present in plants. HB Naturals offers a large selection of products that follow this pattern, including the following categories:
- Hemp Herbals
- Coffee
- Pet Products
- Superfoods
- Biominerals
- Weight Loss
- Personal Care
- EO Singles (Essential Oils)
- EO Blends
- Samples
Many of the items are similar to what you’ll find from other companies, but the emphasis on natural ingredients does help HB Naturals to stand out.
There are also some less common products in the mix, including various superfood powders that focus on health. Samples are available for some of these too, giving customers the chance to try products without spending too much money.
Most of the products are relatively expensive. This isn’t too surprising, as preserving as many compounds as possible from plants is likely to be an expensive process.
The price point might not be a problem for anyone interested in health, especially customers who already focus on organic products. Even so, the price is worth considering. Some customers simply won’t be able to afford $50 for a supplement that may not even offer noticeable benefits.
Hemp Products
While HB Naturals has many different product lines, the hemp items are especially relevant. The field has been rapidly growing in popularity, creating plenty of potential for sales.
The hemp products from HB Naturals are all full-spectrum oils. The term means that the oils contain all of the naturally occurring compounds present in hemp, rather than just cannabidiol. While the pattern does mean a lower concentration of cannabidiol, the other compounds have health implications of their own.
The oils come in different sizes and flavors. The differences in price seem to be linked to the concentration in the product. More expensive bottles will have a higher concentration of desirable compounds.
This approach is a nice touch. Many companies focus on expensive products only, which ignores people who don’t have much money. If nothing else, the Everyday and Entourage bottles in the image above are a good way for people to try out CBD oil.
HB Naturals provides an information page for each type of product, so customers can see an example of what you can expect before purchasing. For example, the image below contains some of the information provided for the Elite Oil.
HB Naturals mentions that their hemp products only contain non-GMO hemp that is organically grown and is compliant with federal regulations. While there is a reference to independent testing, HB Naturals doesn’t provide any link to the testing results (other companies do, so HB Naturals is at a disadvantage here).
The hemp-based product selection isn’t limited to CBD oil either. There are other products that contain hemp in some way, including coffee, skincare, a pet oil, and a bath bar.
Finally, HB Naturals is one of the few companies that provide CBD oil samples. These cost around $12.95 each and are fairly small. They offer customers the chance to try the oil for themselves without investing a large amount of money.
Earning From HB Naturals
HB Naturals provides members with a replicated website that can be used for sales. You can earn 50% of the commissionable volume (CV) of any orders that are placed through that site.
However, this doesn’t mean that you’re earning 50% commission on sales. HB Natural explains the financial aspect like this:
In this example, the distributor ends up making $50 from a sale of $149.95. This equates to a commission rate of around 33.3%. That rate isn’t too bad given that you’re earning through website sales without the need to purchase products yourself.
Just be aware that the percentage may not be consistent across products. HB Naturals could also change the CV of products over time, potentially decreasing your income per sale.
Make Money Building A Team
The first aspect of team building income the Fast Start Bonus from HB Naturals. This bonus provides you with 20% commissions on the orders of members that you personally enroll. The bonus only applies to the first 90 days after the person you enroll in becomes a member.
All members are able to earn this 20%. Individuals who have one active member in each of their two team legs can earn from the generation below them too (they’re considered Executive Consultants). People with two Executive Consultants earn from an additional generation again (these individuals are Bronze Consultants).
The bonus can be increased to 30% if you have a 100 PV autoship with the company and buy a value pack initially. There are other types of bonuses that consultants can earn too. These tend to be associated with the structure of your team and your overall team performance.
I’m not going to talk about the other bonuses in-depth, as there isn’t much point. The pattern is similar to what you’ll find on other sites – complex requirements that are tough to meet regularly in practice.
The one other area to talk about is how you earn from your team regularly. HB Naturals uses a binary model. This style involves building a team that has two ‘legs’ below you.
Each person who joins under you or one of your recruits is placed in one of those legs. You are paid a percentage commission on the sales of your pay leg each time both legs hit 200 Commissionable Volume (CV).
You earn either 4%, 8%, or 12% commission from your pay leg, based on your own sales each month. That sales requirement means you still need to focus on making sales yourself, regardless of how large or successful your team becomes.
The overall style also means that you need both sides of your team to perform well. If one does and the other doesn’t, your income will be much more limited.
In fact, a binary model creates an unusual situation where you could have a large number of sales in your team, but low income because all of those sales were on one side. It’s a frustrating idea all around.
The model also places a very strong emphasis on your team members. You need people to stay in your team and to earn well. Even losing one good performer could have significant impacts on your income.
Having to rely on people in this manner is the part of HB Naturals that I find especially concerning. My own experience has taught me that many don’t have the dedication that it takes to succeed at their own business. There’s little that you can do to make someone perform, so why even go down that road?
Can You Generate Reliable Income With HB Naturals?
The HB Naturals Review
Business Opportunity
Final Review
Making reliable income through HB Naturals is certainly possible. The company even has some advantages, as they have a varied product line and their overall focus is unusual enough that they could be competitive.
The marketing from HB Naturals is pretty good too. The products end up looking reliable, even if there are some unrealistic claims from time-to-time. If nothing else, these aspects make HB Naturals a step up from companies that focus on hemp products alone and from low-quality health companies.
Even so, my first recommendation is to be certain you are passionate about the products. If you’re going to promote the company, don’t just do so because you like their compensation plan. You need to be able to convince others to buy and customers can often tell when you’re being insincere.
It’s also important to think seriously about the opportunity. Could you really get people to buy the products regularly? There’s no shortage of health and wellness products out there.
Many people who are interested in the field will probably already have their favorite brands and products. Others will need to be convinced to try products like these out, which isn’t an easy sell either.
This pattern is one of the most important things to consider with any MLM. In-person sales are tough, that’s all there is to it. Getting people to join a company is even more difficult. You could increase interest in what you’re promoting by using the internet, but HB Naturals isn’t likely to provide the training you need to be successful in this area.

MLM Critic & Author: Nathaniell
What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I'm not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.
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