This app is available as a free download on the Google Play Store. But can you really make money with the Money Machine app?

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This app is said to provide you with ‘a new exciting way to make money.’ I am all about earning extra money through apps, but I will admit that I was a bit skeptical of the Money Machine app, right from the beginning.
I have reviewed a lot of apps that claim to make you extra money, and will admit that I do not always find them to be quite as good as they hype themselves up to be.
The vital stats looked pretty good on this one, though. It has over 100,000 downloads, and has 4.2 stars on Google Play.
I clicked on the Read More section because I wanted to find out exactly how you make money with Money Machine. At this point, I didn’t know if it was a survey app, an offers app, or something else.
So this is what I looked at first. Here is what I found.
Making Money With The Money Machine App
I checked out the ‘Read More’ section of the app, in an effort to see exactly how it helps users to make money—and was not disappointed by what I found.
This app sports a number of different features that allow you to earn points. But, I also noticed some typos in the Read More section, as well as some funky grammar.
It says that you can earn money by completing simple offers, which is actually pretty typical in apps that promise to help you earn extra cash.
These offers consist mostly of apps that you can download, surveys that you can take, games you can play, and videos that you can watch. It is always nice to find apps that give you plenty of different ways to earn points, such as this one, GrabPoints and App Bounty.
You can also share the app with friends to get bonus points, and check in for daily offers that will give you points every day.
Apparently, you cash out with Paypal… which is pretty awesome. A lot of apps like this either use Paypal or pay out with gift cards, but I am certainly a fan of Paypal, as it allows you to spend your money anywhere instead of just with one business.
But anyway, that’s the basic summary of what I learned on the Read More section… which told me quite a bit.
So that means that this app fits into the ‘offers’ app category, which means that it is an app that pays you for completing offers.
I will be honest and say that these types of apps tend to be much less profitable than other types, in my experience. But, you never know when an app like this will come across your path and prove itself different either, so I try to keep my eyes (and my mind) open.
In other words, I wasn’t ready to write the Money Machine app off quite yet, just because it was an offers app.
I decided to download it and give it a closer look. This is what I found.
Downloading And Opening The Money Machine App
Upon opening up the app, I was instantly greeted with what seemed to be the ‘main hub.’ This is what it looked like.
Here, I could easily access the Offers page, as well as a page for Videos, and a page for Surveys. You could also scroll down, but all there was to see here were advertisements.
This prompted me to wonder, once again, if this app was really going to be worth the time. In my experience, apps that have banner ads and click-through advertisements in them, before you even make it to the content of the app itself, are usually not apps that prove to be useful in the long-run.
Once again, I was not trying to judge this app harshly, but I just have to say… the odds of it turning out to be super profitable were decreasing by the minute, based on my experiences.
But I decided to click on the Offers button to see what I could do to earn some money on the app. Here is what happened when I did that.
Trying To Earn Money On The Money Machine App
Clicking on the ‘Offers’ link literally brought me to a page where I found links to 7 different pages, all of which were labeled as ‘Offer Wall 1,’ ‘Offer Wall 2,’ etc. I clicked on the first one, and was taken to this page.
This looked like a pretty typical Offer Wall to me. But a lot of these seemed to be based around downloading and using apps to earn the points. For example, I clicked on the SportsFlashes offer on this page, and was taken to a page that said it would pay me 66.66 points for installing and opening the app.
The other offers seemed to follow a similar payment value scheme… so this gave me a good frame of reference for what I could expect to earn using Money Machine.
So I backed out of here, because I wanted to see how much real-world money this number of points would add up to. So that’s what I worked on next.
How Much Are Points Worth In The Money Machine App?
First of all, I will say that it was kind of hard to even figure out how to redeem your points with this app. I tried searching through the menu to the side, but ended up finding what I was looking for at the very top of the app. (It was actually sort of obvious. Not sure why I didn’t see it the first time).
Secondly, I realized that you can get your payouts in four different ways: via Amazon, Paypal, FlipKart, or Paytm. I tried to see how much you could redeem your points for, in terms of real-world cash… but was not allowed to see the conversion rates until I actually signed up for the app.
This, to me, was a bit under-handed. So I decided to do some research to see what other users have said in the Google Reviews. Here is what I found.
Taking A Look At The Google Play Reviews
I found a plethora of reviews, but will say, with genuine certainness, that it looks like there are more credible ‘negative’ reviews, at least at first glance, than positive ones… though there was the occasional well-worded positive review.
I did learn that the points seem to equal $1 per 1,000 points. I am not sure if that is true, but that is what the reviewers seemed to be saying. Here are some screenshots of a few reviews that I found…
I feel like looking into these reviews did a lot to help me determine whether or not this app was actually going to work for me. As you may or may not know, my purpose behind investigating apps like this is that I am on the lookout for a quality side hustle.
I love the idea of using apps, because they, in theory, could offer a very flexible method for earning cash without requiring me to be anywhere specific at any given time.
But is Money Machine an app that is going to help me with my side-hustle ambitions?
Here is the conclusion I came to.
My Personal Feelings About The Money Machine App
This app was a pretty typical offer-wall-type of app. These apps are usually good for people who enjoy watching videos, doing surveys, and installing new apps.
They are good because they can be fun, and they can also help you to earn some spending cash at the same time… and who doesn’t like a little extra spending cash?
But this app did not give me what I needed to qualify it as a true side-hustle. For one, the amount of money that you could make on it was just too small. It would take me quite a while to make even $1 on this app, and that is simply not a beneficial way to spend my time.
I need a quality side hustle that will allow me to make pretty good extra cash with my time. And while this app wasn’t necessarily a bad app, it was not what I was looking for in this respect.
Technically, the Money Machine App performed well. Though, it was a little difficult to understand at times, and I also feel that it could have been designed better.
But whatever. If you are looking for an offer app and want to give it a try, it might be worth your time. But if you want to make real side-cash with a flexible, consistent, and profitable venture that will help to improve your financial situation, I am afraid that this app will likely leave you wanting.
Our Final Thoughts About The Money Machine App
Should you download it and use it to earn some extra cash?
The Money Machine App Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
Honestly, there are tons of various apps that claim to help you "make money", but really there are two facts to consider. 1) Most of them don't actually work. 2) If you can make money, it's not going be very much. If I'm going to spend any amount of time working online, I want to be working for myself by building my own profitable website

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