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At first glance, I wasn’t sure if Love To Know was still an operating website. It didn’t look up to date – almost like something out of the early 2000’s. Everything had a “advertising” feel to it as well. But after checking the rankings with my tracking tool, it appears that they are still publishing and still getting millions of hits!

It is a little hard to know when their last blog post was. Lots of content seems pretty general, like “how to lose weight” or “things to do in Tennessee”, and there aren’t dates on the blog posts. Oh well, let’s dive in and see if we can land some writing jobs.
Their application page is pretty straightforward.

Required Skill and Experience for All LoveToKnow Writer Types
- Excellent writing skills, with logical flow, good organization and impeccable grammar
- Minimum of one-year professional writing experience
- Familiarity with a variety of website interfaces
- Great written communication skills
- Organized and efficient with keen attention to detail
- Home computer with broadband internet connection
- Able to work independently with minimal direction
Were you successful landing a job?
Unfortunately not! As is with many writing sites, I’m discovering that the application process is not fast at all. TONS of people are searching for writing jobs, from all around the world, so the field is competitive.
How was the user experience?
After submitting my application, I received email from them 30 minutes later:
Dear LoveToKnow Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in writing and editing at LoveToKnow. We have received your application and it is under review. While we can’t personally respond to every submission, we do keep qualified candidates on file. If we find a match to your skills, we will contact you via email.
LoveToKnow Editorial Team
How is the mobile platform?
I didn’t test out the mobile platform, since I didn’t land a job. It’s been about 30+ days, and nothing has come though.
What type of verifications are needed to get started?
You need to put in your name, email and password, as well as give links to two work samples. You’ll also need to choose ‘channels’ of interest. There are many to choose from, including cats, dating, divorce, children’s books, dance, autism, social networking, gardening, sewing, crafts, taxes, small pets, stress management. This is a diverse site, without a real focus, so I imagine that they would take on just about any topic you can imagine, as long as it can drive traffic to the website.
You can add extra material about your interests and a short bio, and a resume is a must.
Then you have to add two articles 400-800 words, then justify why you are qualified to write in each of the channels you chose in the first part of the application. I imagine that you don’t really need to “justify” it, but this is part of an application process which will separate folks who are just looking for a quick buck, and those who are willing to put in the work to land a job.
How long did it take to set up a profile?
It took approximately 45 minutes to complete everything. That isn’t too bad, but it’s frustrating so submit so many writing applications and most of them don’t pan out.
What types of jobs were there available?
LoveToKnow Freelance Writers are needed to create, update and merge content on a variety of topics. Writers will be assigned to certain channels (topic areas) based on their credentials. Writers are approved to write and edit content only on areas for which they have specialized expertise. Individuals may be approved as writers on more than one channel topic. Writers work with LoveToKnow Editors to ensure all content provided meets the highest standards.
Writers are credentialed experts with whom LTK has cultivated a relationship and whom we compensate for specific assignments. Writers will be provided with a list of possible available assignments to claim. Assignments may entail any of the following: updating and revising existing content, reviewing content for accuracy, and creating new articles.
There seem to be a wide variety of writing jobs available on the site, and if you’re a diversely skilled writer, you’ll be able to write on more than one topic.
Was there competition? Was there regular work? (not all sites are bidding websites)
Since this isn’t a bidding environment, I can’t comment much here. Considering I haven’t heard back yet, I would imagine it’s pretty competitive. The writing seems pretty general, from what I can observe on the website, so I think most experienced writers would be qualified to produce this type of content.
What was the range of job prices available?
Final Review of Love To Know
I found this particular writing assignment on a “how to find writing assignments” online type of listicle. Who knows when that list was published, and if it’s still relevant. It sounds like Love To Know is still considering hiring writers, but I won’t wait on baited breath for an assignment. At least they were clear in their email that they received my application and will contact me if they have work. Many websites simply don’t respond, and don’t make it clear if writing assignments are still open!
As a writer, you have an in-demand talent that can be used to earn you TONS of money online. You can earn money freelance writing, for sure, but it's still just trading dollars for hours. Personally, I recommend starting your own website! Information is the currency of the internet, so why not leverage your talents to build yourself a serious online income! Learn how to create your own blog-style website and make money through advertising.

What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. My name is Nathaniell and I'm the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!
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