If you’ve decided to take your online presence to the next level and make a business out of it, then affiliate marketing is the best way to go!

Are You Ready To Work Your Ass Off to Earn Your Lifestyle?
Are you tired of the daily grind? With a laptop and an internet connection I built a small website to generate income, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 13 years.
Before we get too far into what CrakRevenue is, let’s do a quick re-cap of what affiliate marketing is. Affiliate marketing is where companies create online platforms that allow you create advertisement to use on your website. Those advertisements can come in the form of graphics, interactive search boxes, custom URLs, and more.
When you advertise for a companies products online, a system is in place which tracks the traffic that you send over to that company. In return for sending over traffic the company then will give you a commission based on a defined result. The commission may be decided by the # of people you send over, the number of people that sign up, or a commission based on the sales achieved.
If you haven’t used affiliate marketing before, but you have your own large online presence via a website, blog, or social media, then you should jump right in as it could be one of the easiest businesses to earn a living from!
Not only is it simple to use, but it also allows you to let all of your creative juices flow as you can create a website on any topic imaginable based on your own unique passion. You can take my free email course to get started learning.
Affiliate Programs VS Affiliate Networks
Before we dig into what the CrakRevenue company can offer you, lets first review some terminology. Affiliate marketing is an overall concept of the online advertiser-commission platform, but there is a difference between an affiliate program and network.
Affiliate programs exist as standalone platforms for a single company. When a company wants to start their own affiliate marketing platform this is called an affiliate program. They will invest in creating their own website for you to use and they will support it on their own. This usually takes quite a bit of an investment by the company to do and they have to constantly maintain it.
Affiliate networks (Like CrakRevenue) instead exist as a platform in which business can place their company on. This platform is setup so they can easily upload their product/services to it and does not require any technical knowledge or infrastructure to use.
An affiliate network is great as it will house hundreds if not thousands of affiliate programs within it. As users of these affiliate networks it makes our lives simple and easy as we only have to sign up for the network once and we instantly have access to an infinite supply of different companies to use on our websites.
You can checkout the most well known affiliate networks here in case you want to try out a few other ones as well.
It is important to note at this point that there are many different forms of affiliate programs/networks on the internet from travel to online shopping to health and beauty and everything in between. CrakRevenue’s affiliate network’s client base is predominately “adult product” based.
If you are not comfortable with adult product based companies, do not continue learning about CrakRevenue and select a different affiliate network from our listing here.*
CrakRevenue Affiliate Network
How To Sign Up For CrakRevenue
To get started using the CrakRevenue head on over to www.crakrevenue.com. On the landing page you’ll see the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner.
Here you’ll have to either sign up using your Google account which will save you time, or enter your personal information including:
- Name
- Company
- Password
Once you’ve entered that information you’ll be prompted to check your email in order to verify your account. Once you’ve read the email and clicked the link to activate your account you’ll successfully have access to the CrakRevenue affiliate portal where you can start using it on your online platform to earn money.
One thing you’ll notice right away once you’ve signed up is that CrakRevenue has so many great resources for you including their famous “7 Day Affiliate Mentor Guide” which every day starting on the day you sign up you’ll get an email with instructions on how to make your affiliate business successful.
This guide gives you a day-by-day guide on what you should be doing each day to get everything going. You’ll also find that the CrakRevenue team actively blogs about how you as an affiliate can earn money. They especially give deep-dives into building an “adult” audience which is a bit of a different niche than most and requires special care when doing so.
You can find their blog articles here which will help you as well with being successful: http://www.crakrevenue.com/blog/.
Finding Affiliate Programs
Now that you have access to the CrakRevenue affiliate portal, you’ll have access to all of their tools so you can start using it to earn money. But first you have to request access to their affiliate programs within the network. In CrakRevenue these are called “offers”.
Many of the offers you will automatically have access to (Upon searching almost 500/1000+ were already available for me), while others will require approval from the company prior to you being able to use them. To find out what offers you already have access to, first click on the “Offers” tab and then select from the “Status” column the “Approved” status. Once you apply the filter you will see all of the offers available for you to use already.
To get access to additional offers instead un-select all of the statuses and perhaps select what “Niche” you are primarily looking to advertise with. Please note that the niche does include many very sexual terms, but by this point you would have seen the disclaimer so you will know that this is an affiliate network for adult sites.
Once you’ve applied the filters you’ll now see the results for those that you are searching for. Clicking on any of the company names will show you additional information about each of them including if you’re approved or not. You will see under the “Your Status” section if you’re approved or if you need approval.
It’s also important to understand the payout terminology within CrakRevenue. The company has a blog entry which has the different acronyms defined for you, but here are some of the important ones which are not as common on most affiliate programs:
- SOI: This is the single opt-in which refers to a signup process where the user doesn’t have to confirm their email address to confirm subscription.
- DOI: This is the double opt-in which is the signup process where the user has to confirm their email address to confirm subscription.
Within CrakRevenue, other than the payout and payout types, there are no additional metrics which will guide you in terms of the average payouts so you will have to pick based on the payout to determine if this will be a profitable fit for you and your site.
How To Apply For Individual Programs
From the screenshot below you can see to request approval is as easy as clicking the “Request Approval” button. This will then send your request to the company for them to review if you should have access or not. This can take a couple of business days for the company to review and approve it or not.
If you are not approved it could be that your website does not match their niche or that you are not in the correct country as many of the sites are country specific. Within CrakRevenue they do not have contact information for offers, so if you are not approved there are hundreds of pre-approved offers that you’ll already have access to automatically so I would suggest grabbing one of those instead.
How To Find Your Links
(In order to ensure we keep this blog post “clean”, many of the graphics in the links/banners section below will be blocked)
For approved offers, to utilize their affiliate links, banners, and videos on your website, simply search for the affiliate company similar to how we did above and underneath the affiliate’s company overview you will see a section that has your unique tracking link as shown below.
This tracking link is for that specific company and includes your affiliate ID which will ensure if you use that link, anyone who views/signs up for an offer you’ll get credit for it. It’s important to note that you should only use links that you get from CrakRevenue. You should not use the URL links that you get directly from that company’s website as you will not get credit for the potential sales.
Further down on the page you will also see another section which will show you the “Creatives” which are either graphic banners or videos. These are typically going to be filled with nudity, so venture forward with caution 🙂
Under the creatives section you’ll see 5 different types which you can use. The ones that are most commonly seen in CrakRevenue are the Banners and HTML Ads. The banners are going to be a stationary image that you can place throughout your website on the sidebar, header, footer, etc.
The HTML Ads instead are going to video/gifs that typically is moving/eye-catching.
To use them, first select which type you want to use and then the size and hit Apply Filter. this will then show you all of the creatives that are available (again they are grayed out in the screenshot above to save your eyes). If you’ve found one you want to use on your website, simply click the 3 dots next to the file name and select “Copy Code”.
You can then use this code on your website in the HTML section. The image/video will automatically appear and any user that clicks on them will be redirected to that company’s website. Embedded into the user’s internet browser cookies will be your affiliate ID so you’ll get credit if they sign up for an offer.
Additional Tools
There are additional tools which you can use including the “SmartLink” generator. The SmartLink generator will find and create suggested links for you based on your geographic location. This will save you the time of filtering out those which may not be applicable to your area.
Additionally you can use the “Native Ads Generator” tool which will allow you to create custom ads. These native ads will allow you to customize the look, feel, and size of the ads. Many people take the time to create these native ads as they look more natural on your page. For example, if your website has an overall “orange” color theme, you could create native ads that look more natural on your page. Native ads tend to get a much higher notice-ability unlike other ads.
> Sign Up To CrakRevenue Here!
What Next?
Once you’ve started placing links on your website you’ll now start generating traffic to your affiliate companies websites. It’s important to understand how to earn from your affiliate links. Placing your affiliate links in the appropriate place makes a huge difference. Also if you place too many affiliate links, customers will be less interested to click them.
If you get stuck, the CrakRevenue team is very responsive and helpful with questions and their blog offers some great resources on how to handle advertising with adult content specifically. You can view my #1 recommended affiliate training course review if you want to get started learning how to do affiliate marketing in any niche, and with any affiliate network or offer.
Stay tuned for our next affiliate network overview!

What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. My name is Nathaniell and I'm the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!
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