Jewelry is a very common network marketing field and Paparazzi is one of many companies participating in it. Perhaps it’s not surprising that so many companies are selling jewelry.
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After all, jewelry is always in demand. Customers are often looking for the next perfect piece or something to match a new piece of clothing. Jewelry can also be an easy feel-good purchase.
Another feature is that jewelry pieces tend to be slightly different from one another. Even two very similar companies rarely have exactly the same pieces. This helps to make the competition more manageable (at least a little bit).
Paparazzi doesn’t take the normal approach, making them an interesting entry to the field. The difference is that Paparazzi jewelry just costs customers $5. The low price point is a stark contrast to other MLMs and has important implications for distributors who want to make money.
Two Ways To Make Money With Paparazzi
Just like other MLMs, Paparazzi allows distributors to earn money by selling the products or by building a team as well. The company has a stronger focus on products than normal, but uses a buying and reselling model, so it isn’t all good news.
In this post, I’m looking at how those different areas work together and whether earning consistent income with Paparazzi is likely.
Make Money From Product Sales
When it comes to MLMs, one thing that never ceases to surprise me is how often the same concept is repeated, especially when it comes to products. Now, there are some fairly unique MLMs out there but they are the exception. In most cases, MLMs seem to promote the same types of products over and over again.
In this case, the emphasis is on jewelry and on accessories.
Perhaps that shouldn’t be a surprise. A lot of MLMs do tend to be targeted at women, especially women who have spare time. And, accessories are a popular topic among that audience. But, are the products good enough to stand up to all the competition out there?
My first impression of the product selection is that there’s nothing particularly special about it. Now, in fairness, jewelry and accessories aren’t my area of expertise. Nevertheless, the products on offer don’t seem all that amazing.
One advantage is that the site does offer a fairly decent selection, depending on the type of product that you’re after. Plus, most MLMs change their product offerings over time, so there will likely be new collections of products as the season change.
As products go, selling jewelry and accessories has advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that people tend to buy these fairly regularly, regardless of how many they already own. In fact, these are sometimes called evergreen products (or an evergreen niche) because people continue to purchase even when the economy is doing poorly.
The catch is that there is also a huge amount of competition.
You just have to look at all of the stores physically and online to see that. There is a huge variety of jewelry and accessories out there and people are spoiled for choice. Selling this type of product through an MLM is also a bit challenging, as people aren’t always comfortable with how long they have to wait to actually get the product or they trust a physical store more.
But, Paparazzi does actually have an advantage in this field. Specifically, the company sells low proceed products. In fact, the vast majority of their products are set at $5.
That price tag doesn’t apply to every single product on the site. But, I’d estimate that at least 90% of them are $5, which is actually pretty cool. This might explain why the products don’t stand out as much as the ones from some other sites and stores. Likewise, the price also suggests that the quality isn’t great.
However, most customers would expect fairly low quality from the price tag, so this mightn’t be an issue for distributors.
That low price tag may make it easier to beat out the competition and sell the products. After all, it’s relatively easy for most people to spare $5 here and there to get themselves a treat. This can even lead to increased sales, as it’s easier to get a person to spend $5 four times than $20 once. That pattern has something to do with the psychology of how we view money but it’s especially useful for this company.
The products and their price will influence what audience you can promote the products to. For example, the products would be great for people with limited money who don’t spend much on themselves. However, you probably couldn’t sell the products to people who are fond of luxury.
So, if you’re thinking about getting involved in this MLM, one of the first steps would be to look at your potential audience and think about whether they would be interested in the products.
There is one other thing to note. With most MLMs, you end up selling fairly expensive products and getting a commission on those sales. In contrast, Paparazzi’s cheaper products will mean that, on average, you will make less money per sale. However, the concept is that you will make more sales because the products are cheaper. In theory, that could lead to more profits.
How You Earn With Paparazzi
The first part of the opportunity for Paparazzi is simple, you earn money by selling the products. In this case, distributors earn a 45% commission, which is pretty high for the type of business.
But, there is a catch.
Part of the reason that the commission is so high is that this is one company where you buy the products first, then resell them. This setup is a horrible one, especially for a company that offers such a wide range of products.
The company even claims that if you resell the products from your starter kit, you will make either a 76% or a 100% profit, depending on which kit you buy.
That claim is completely unrealistic though. I mean, if you got a set of 35 pieces of jewelry, there’s a good chance that some of those pieces won’t be interesting to other people. So, you’re likely to end up with at least some products that you can’t sell on.
Thankfully, it is also possible to have a website with the company and sell products that way. However, the emphasis of the company is on running parties and selling products there, which also creates a strong focus on you buying products first (as opposed to selling them on the website). There are ways around this, of course, such as distributors taking orders first and then making purchases.
Personally, though, the focus on having distributors buy products first is a concerning one. This practice makes it very easy for distributors to end up spending much more money than they earn.
Make Money Building A Team
Paparazzi is one of a large number of companies that is considered an MLMs. MLMs tend to follow the same general type of model. Part of that involves selling the products for a commission, which is frequently somewhere around 30%. However, in most cases, it isn’t really possible to make a substantial income from the company this way.
Instead, effectively earning money is connected to the second part of the model. That part involves recruitment.
With Paparazzi, you can potentially earn commissions from people up to three levels under you. So, the first level would be people that you personally recruit into the company. The second level would be people that the first level recruits and the third level are people that the second level recruits.
The general concept is that the levels you can earn from and the percentage you earn increases as you go up in the ranks of the company. At the same time, other bonuses also increase. This means that the further you go in ranks, the more potential there is to earn money.
But, there’s a catch.
Going up the ranks involves meeting various criteria and these increase as you go along. For example, here are the criteria for the first six ranks in the company:
In these criteria, the PV refers to the amount that you personally have to buy while OV refers to the amount you have to sell within your team. According to the company’s compensation plan, each $5 product gives 2 PV. So, you have to purchase 25 accessories to meet the basic requirement.
Now, 25 accessories would retail for $125 and that is supposed to include a 45% profit for the distributor. So, in theory, this means that you need to be spending somewhere around $60 or so on products to meet that PV. It’s also important to note that the volume requirement is monthly, so you have to spend around $60 every month on products (and more in the higher ranks).
It’s easy to see how you could end up putting a lot of money into the company before you see any type of return. For one thing, the monthly requirements mean that you need to be selling at least $60 worth of product to simply break even.
This also means that you’re trying to run a business with a fairly high and consistent monthly cost right from the very beginning. That makes it so much more difficult to get started with the business. In many cases, you’d end up with some months where you spend more than you sell.
This pattern is why many ex-MLM members end up with stockpiles of products that they can’t sell. Likewise, many will end up investing more in the company and its products than they earn.
Can You Generate Reliable Income With Paparazzi?
The Paparazzi Review
Business Opportunity
Final Review
Paparazzi does have some advantages over other jewelry MLMs and could work as a way to make money. Even so, it's important to plan carefully and to consider your audience.
To be successful with Paparazzi, you need to be selling more than $60 worth of product every month to turn a profit. You'd need to sell quite a lot more than that to make a significant income.
This is where things start to get tricky. There's only so much jewelry that people want to buy, even if the pieces do only cost $5. Besides, many of the pieces from Paparazzi are similar to one another. That aspect works against repeat sales too.
In practice, you'd need to increase your audience to make the sales that you need. The same is true for recruiting. Focusing on your friends and family simply won't be enough. They'll get sick of the whole process pretty quickly. Do you really want to be promoting them anyway? Being that 'MLM guy/girl' can get embarrassing fast.
There's one other area to consider as well - buying inventory. Many successful businesses do buy and resell products, but they have background or training in the field. Paparazzi isn't likely to give you all of the information you need. Instead, you may have to figure out some important things by trial and error. That's not a good way to start a business.MLM Critic & Author: Nathaniell
What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I'm not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.
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Bridgette Mcgivney
Who ever wrote this bad bad review about paparazzi, dosen’t know what paparazzi has done for so many people lives. Maybe you need to join. Cause you are not doing a very well job writing.
Paparazzi is a horrible business to start. Jewelry is cheaply made, takes forever to get your product and when new items drop, with in minutes sold out. Horrible and stay away
I agree with Pam!!!
This company preys on women telling them how wonderful life will be but the market has been saturated and getting people signed up is extremely difficult and it all most cost me my marriage I would look at it real hard before I let my wife sign up. They speak about family first but its all about the mighty dollar for them
Bridgette Mcgivney
You sound like your thd boss 24/7 I would get rid of you. I do very very well. What are you afraid of. Her makeing. .more they you will ever make, 😅😅😅
Bridgette Mcgivney
you know nothing, that means we have to many fast food places. Let’s ose them down. And prey on women. What you think women to have a.mind of there own. And the nerve. Yuldn’t let your wife sign up.
Is she your wife or your child 🤔.
Before you “Let my wife sign up”? Sir the 1940’s and 50’s are in the past. What woman will allow you to tell her what she can and cannot do. She might have failed because of you. Let…….Lord help me right now! He said before he let his wife sign up. You got the right one, dude!
K Hauser
Haha well that $5.00 jewelry earns me over $40 K per month so… this review is horrible.
$40k/month and worried about what I say? Sounds legit…
Chris Lynn
I agree I am doing very well selling this jewelry! It’s my passion! I love selling it! I go live on Facebook and do very well! This jewelry is fun and trendy! I go to peoples homes and sell 100 pieces easily!
Bridgette Mcgivney
Excalty. They need to join
You must have started with the company years ago. Now, there are too many consultants and the new releases are not getting to everyone. At 3:00, the system should not be jamming up the way it does and not enough new releases for everyone. There should be a better system. I do like the products, but only having access to the “regular” pieces that are always available is not right. If you can’t catch the new releases (they are pulled right out your cart when trying to buy), you have to reach a level to get exclusive pieces.
40K per month???? What a HUGE lie! You do know that the K signifies thousands right? Did you mean $40/month?