FuXion can simply be summarized as a health company – one of many competing in the marketplace. While this does mean that distributors will face competition, health is also a field with high demand.
Most people have at least a passing interest in being healthier and living longer. Even if a person doesn’t buy health products regularly, the right product and marketing pitch might be enough to convince them.
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Plus, no two health companies are exactly the same. The differences are something that distributors can focus on, especially when a company has some interesting products to offer.
If nothing else, FuXion certainly markets itself well. The website even suggests that FuXion helps to promote comprehensive growth and personal fulfillment. Sounds a bit ambitious for a health company, doesn’t it? Let’s find out what FuXion really has to offer.
Two Ways To Make Money With FuXion
First things first – FuXion is an MLM. This means that they offer two familiar ways to make money.
You can earn by selling the products or increase your income by building a team as well. Team building doesn’t mean that you get paid for recruiting people. Instead, you’re making money based on their success.
While the two approaches are familiar, each MLM has its own quirks. So, in this post, we’ll also look at how realistic FuXion is as an income opportunity.
Make Money From Product Sales
FuXion currently focuses on three areas: Physical health, financial health, and emotional health. The financial health aspect is simply the chance to make money, which we’ll come back to a little later.
The emotional health aspect refers to the Expansion and Results System (SER, yes, I know, it’s an odd abbreviation) that FuXion offers. SER is marketed like this:
Does that marketing sound vague and pretty useless to anyone else? Finding useful information about SER is surprisingly difficult, as FuXion keeps relying on words like ‘ecosystem’ that provide few details of the underlying concepts.
Still, it appears that SER is some type of membership that includes:
- Daily Adventures
- Experiential Workshops
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Being SER Channels
The Adventures include themes like mindfulness, authenticity, emotions, and leadership. This ties in with the idea of emotional health.
The lack of information makes it impossible to know how good SER actually is. Still, few MLMs focus on this type of personal development, so some people might be interested in signing up.
The physical health side of FuXion is more predictable. This includes a variety of products that are meant to promote health. These focus on immune support, weight management, anti-aging, mental power, and sports performance.
Surprisingly, the categories don’t always contain many products. For example, the immune support has two products. The first is Gano+ Cappuccino, which is yet another hot drink that contains Ganoderma Lucidum extract.
The other is Vera+. This is a type of mint tea that contains vitamin C and aloe vera extract. It’s a little debatable whether either product would improve a person’s immune system.
Most of the products on offer are either drinks or supplements of some type.
One example is Youth Elixir. This is a powdered drink mix that is designed to fight aging. To do so, it includes various natural ingredients, such as amino acids and resveratrol, along with sources of antioxidants.
The idea would appeal to the right audience. Many people do want to get healthier and this seems like a powerful option. Retail prices aren’t provided, so it’s not clear how competitive the items are.
Another example is Gano+ Cappuccino. This is basically instant coffee with extra ingredients added. The focus is on ganoderma concentrate, which comes from a type of mushroom.
The idea of coffee with extra nutrients has been done before and it typically doesn’t work well GanoLife has tried this, along with Javita. The problem is that the extra ingredients are questionable at best, while the coffee itself isn’t amazing.
Many people love their coffee, so they’re going to want something that tastes great. That’s unlikely to be the case here.
The same general pattern applies to other products too. You’re mostly getting mixes or supplements that have various ingredients that may improve health. For most of these, science is minimal. Users might see some benefits or they might see none at all.
The ingredients are also worth mentioning. FuXion targets an audience that is interested in health. Yet, their ingredient choices aren’t as good as they could be. For example, the Gano+ Cappuccino mix includes milk serum, natural foamer, non-dairy creamer, and Cappuccino flavoring. Many products include added flavors, like an orange flavoring for their Xtra Mile drink.
These ingredients aren’t harmful in themselves. But, they’re problematic for the targeted audience. Many customers would want fewer ingredients and a more natural focus. This alone could influence your ability to make sales.
There is one other consideration – the items simply aren’t unique. Many health MLMs have similar products. You can even find many in local stores. This is the biggest limitation and it affects your ability to make money.
For example, you could probably convince people that these products are great for their health. But, could you make these seem better than the other options on the market?
Earning Through FuXion
If you read their marketing, FuXion offers financial freedom and the chance to be your own boss. This approach includes ten different ways to earn. So, how much of that is realistic, and how much is simply hype? That’s what we’re going to find out.
First off, saying ten ways to earn money is true but misleading. There are ten individual approaches but most are just variations on the same theme. Basically, you earn money from 1) sales, 2) from the success of your team and 3) from bonuses. There are many types of bonuses. But, they still rely on similar patterns.
Let’s start from the beginning then, sales.
To get a commission from FuXion, you buy the products at a discount and then resell them. The initial discount is just 10% of the retail price.
So, you basically earn 10% of the retail price as commission. This is incredibly low, especially as buying and reselling is a risky way to make money.
The discount can increase by up to 50% based on the following progression:
The table shows that your discount increases with personal volume. This is a measure of the number of sales that you personally make, along with any of your own purchases. PV4 refers to your weekly volume in each four week period.
It is nice that your discount can increase based on sales alone. This suggests that if your sales were high enough, you might be able to build team building entirely.
Still, starting off at just a 10% commission is rough. The volume requirements increase rapidly too. It would be pretty tough to hit the high targets every week.
To make matters worse, you need to hit the 40 PV4 levels every four months to remain active (even if you don’t want to build a team). If you fail to hit that goal, you’ll earn just 5% commission on your sales.
There is one good piece of news. The commission rate and volume calculations don’t just apply to products that you buy and resell. You can also get people to join as Preferred Customers. You get the same commission from these that you would from other types of customers.
Preferred Customers have an autoship through FuXion and get a discount on their purchases. Because their orders are through FuXion itself, you don’t need to worry about providing their products.
Make Money Building A Team
Team building is a key feature of MLMs. FuXion is no exception to this rule. The basic idea is that you recruit people into the company and encourage them to do the same. The potential for income and bonuses increases as you do this.
One aspect of the team plan is Family Tree Overrides. This allows distributors to earn residual income from levels in their downline. For FuXion, the structure looks like this:
The percentages here are actually pretty decent, especially for your Level 1, who are the people that you recruited yourself.
The general idea is that each level should contain more people than the previous one. For example, if each of your Level 1 members recruited four people, you’d have eight in your Level 2. If they recruited four each, you’d have 16, and so on.
Of course, that’s an ideal scenario. MLM members tend to find that things don’t pattern out like that in practice.
One problem is that each new recruit is often targeting a similar social group or geographical area as the person that recruited them. The pattern quickly leads to competition and can make sales more difficult. You might even find that your sales decrease when you recruit someone, as they target some of the same customers.
It’s also important to talk about the ranks here. To earn from deeper levels in your downline, you need to move up through the ranks. There are 16 different ranks. The requirements for the first three look like this:
The requirements increase from one rank to the next. So, to hit the second rank, you need to have 100 PV in sales ever four weeks. You also need 500 volumes in your downline and no more than 300 of that can come from a single line (i.e. direct recruit).
The requirements aren’t too horrible for those early three ranks, but they get progressively more difficult. The image below shows another set and those aren’t even the highest ranks.
It’s important to mention that you don’t just need to hit the ranks once. You need to stay at those targets or you will fall back down in ranks.
There are other bonuses in the FuXion compensation plan as well. Many of these are linked to the various ranks. This means that you need to move up through the ranks to get access to the more significant bonus.
Can You Generate Reliable Income With FuXion?
The FuXion Review
Business Opportunity
Final Review
So then, we’ve highlighted the general plan and income really is possible. But, that was never the question. Instead, we need to look at how realistic the whole idea is. As a result, here are some areas that might trip you up.
For one thing, FuXion’s model means that you’re buying products and reselling them (for most customers). This is always risky. You’re having to invest money first and guess what products people will want.
And honestly, customers aren’t predictable. Some people will even change their minds about what they want, perhaps because real life gets in the way. I’m sure the model gets easier with time. Even so, it’s an additional complexity that you don’t need.
The 10% (or even 5%) starting commission is also pretty concerning, especially for a purchase-first sales model.
To find success, you'd probably need to recruit others and grow a team. So, you have to rely on people. The problem is, people aren’t reliable. Especially not when it comes to business. Everyone has their own needs and priorities. In practice, you’ll find that some people simply don’t perform well, while others may drop out of the company.
MLM Critic & Author: Nathaniell
What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I'm not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.
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Have you tried any of their products? Have you tried the business? Or is this entire blog post your opinion trying to find?
If it is real results I’m glad to believe you…Especially, if you gave this business 100% of your commitment to it and drank one of their many products for at least 30 days?
Or is it just a blog post to direct traffic to this page…https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/a_aid/e3cccfb4/campaign/generateleads
I would really like your opinion on their products, not just your opinion on the business, shed some light!
This is a post about whether or not this is a good opportunity to MAKE MONEY. If the products are good, that’s awesome. I hope people make money selling them. My gripe with most MLM businesses is that the majority of the money is made from people recruiting. Most MLMs have mediocre products as a “front” to the real business, which is recruiting a team.
As for the link, I just think most people would be happier and more successful building a business selling products online rather than to family members or “cold leads”. Why not set up a website and do affiliate marketing from the BEST companies, or even competing companies, rather than just be a sales rep for a single brand?