I found this site while looking for some new and different ways to make money online… and quickly realized that this one was different from the sites that I usually look at. But can you really make money with Elite Deal Club?
This is what I was determined to find out… so I took a look around, and eventually ended up giving it a try.

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Making Money With Elite Deal Club
Unlike most websites that I’ve tested, this site (located at elitedealclub.com) didn’t seem to advertise that it could help you to ‘make’ money right away. Instead, it seemed to promise that it could help you to ‘save’ money. But is there really any difference? A penny saved is a penny earned, right?
Of course, there is a little bit of a difference when it comes to developing a quality side-hustle. I am all about the side hustle, because like most humans who live in our culture, I have realized that very few average salaries can take us to the next level where finances are concerned.
To really cross over into the next monetary realm, you need to be able to get your hands on some pretty substantial extra cash… and that is where side-hustles come into play.
In my mind, a side hustle needs to have three vital components to work well. It needs to be flexible, it needs to be consistent, and it needs to be profitable. I am not sure that savings websites could ever possibly meet all of these requirements—but this is what I wanted to figure out as I took a look at the Elite Deal Club.
So here is what I discovered over the course of my research.
What Is Elite Deal Club?
So what exactly is the Elite Deal Club? The home page says this right in the middle of the landing screen… and it tells us at least something about what the site may be intended for.
“Join Our 390,141 Users in grabbing the hottest Amazon products at the internet’s lowest prices up to 99% off”
Ok. What I will say first off is that 99% is a pretty big discount! If you truly could grab products from Amazon at such a discounted rate, well, that would be pretty impressive. I love the idea of buying products at such a reduced rate. Even saving 50% would be awesome!
But can you really get products that matter to you? And how often can you actually get discounts like this? I will admit that, at first, it seemed a bit too good to be true. So I decided to go ahead and do a bit of looking around, to see exactly what they meant by such a claim.
Further down on the landing page, I actually found an explanation that seemed to do a good job of describing this further. Here is what it said.
“Each day we offer hundreds of these items at ultra low prices. These deals are ONLY available to the Elite Deal Club community…”
There was a bit more to be found on the landing page… but you have pretty much heard the summarized version of it. They seem to offer hundreds of products at super-discounted rates on a daily basis… some of them even being almost free.
So, it is NOT every single product. It sounds like you can browse products and, with luck, find things that you need or are interested in.
But I was still interested in what the site looked like on the inside. So registering was the next step. Here is how it went.
Registering To Join The Elite Deal Club
Registering with this site was super simple. I could register either by logging in with my Facebook, or by signing up with my email. I decided to sign up with email, which took about 30 seconds. After I completed the process, I was greeted with this screen.
So after signing up, I was supposed to check my email to confirm it. After that, I was supposed to ‘sit back and enjoy emails regarding’ my ‘highly discounted Amazon product and other club info’ as it began to come in.
I could also check out the FAQ section, which I was absolutely planning on doing… but I wanted to confirm my email first.
While confirming my email, I was shown a very interesting pop up from the site. This was unexpected, and got my attention quite a bit. Here is what it looked like.
At any rate, I clicked past this and moved on to what appeared to be the member dashboard. Here is a picture of what this looked like.
Here, I could scroll down and look at a ton of products that were shown to be on sale. The amounts for their normal Amazon prices could be seen, as well as their new Elite Deal Club discount prices. The savings were pretty apparent… though the collection of products seemed a bit hodge-podge.
I mean, it was really random. I looked at the list and scrolled through it for several minutes… and while I did see some good deals, I did not necessarily see anything that I felt like I should order… even with the deals being as good as they were.
Clicking through to Amazon and ordering was a pretty normal process. And from the sound of it, the list of items was updated pretty regularly… so even if you didn’t find anything good one day, you could always shop again the next day.
This led me to a pretty timely conclusion about the site, as I came to realize that I had already figured out pretty much everything that I needed to know from it.
My Personal Feelings About Elite Deal Club
Alright… Elite Deal Club is basically a website that will give you super awesome deals on select products from Amazon. You can, truly, get some amazing prices here. But can this site truly help you by being a side-hustle?
I actually have an interesting answer to this.
Yes, this site could, in theory, help you to build a little side-hustle of sorts—but maybe not in the way that you might expect. This site does allow you to buy a lot of random stuff at seemingly very discounted prices. But the magic here is probably in the potential to buy and re-sell items on sites like Ebay or Craigslist.
In other words, you find an awesome deal on Elite Deal Club, you buy the product, you mark it up a bit, and then you re-sell it. That is how I would use this site if I were going to use it.
You could try the same pattern with sites like Wish too.
Yes, you can absolutely use it to just buy stuff that you like. But that isn’t necessarily going to help you at all if your goal is to build a side-hustle.
If you really want to build a side-hustle, you are going to need to find a way to actually generate some kind of revenue—and this is really the only way that I could see this website helping you to do that.
With that being said, there are some general downsides to this site if you want to use it—regardless of whether it is for business or personal use. For one, you will need to scroll through all of the products. This will end up taking quite a bit of time, seeing as how there are 100 to 200 products available at any given time.
Secondly, some of the discounts are actually not as good as they look… which means that you will have to do some research to see if you are actually saving enough money to make it worthwhile.
I mean, if you end up buying something on this site after scrolling for a while, only to buy it for a small discount, you might actually come out even less-ahead, as you could easily have just picked one up at your local retailer (or just ordered one quickly) without the process of shopping and spending all of that time browsing products.
And one more downside to this site is that it could end up costing you money if you are not careful… because sites like this tend to make shoppers want to impulse buy. And that is not necessarily a good thing.
Buying something you need and getting a good deal is a lot different from buying something that you want and getting a good deal.
I mean, there is nothing wrong with impulse spending—but we are talking about earning extra money, not spending extra money.
So yeah. If you can make this work and resell some stuff off of this site, then yes—it might prove profitable. I might even give this a shot and see how good the prices tend to be. But there is also a chance that it isn’t going to give you good enough deals on enough of the right types of products to make a difference… so just beware of that as you shop and do your thing.
Our Final Thoughts About The Elite Deal Club
Should you register with the site and try to use it to make some extra money?
Elite Deal Club Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
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