Product Name: Opinion Outpost
Minimum Payout: $5 Amazon, $10 PayPal
Rating: Waste of Time!
What Is It?
Collect points by filling out surveys and exchange those points for money, gift cards, or prizes.

Are You Ready To Work Your Ass Off to Earn Your Lifestyle?
Are you tired of the daily grind? With a laptop and an internet connection I built a small website to generate income, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 13 years.
Short Review
Filling out my profile for Opinion Outpost was the most painful experience of my week. The mind-numbing activity of answering questions about what type of TV I was and what brand of soda I drink is not worth my time.
I’d rather be putting the same time and energy into building an affiliate website, which pays a whole lot more than the pennies you earn doing surveys.
Before You Buy
The idea of making money by answering simple questions in your free time is fantastic, but in reality, it’s not as easy or pleasurable as it seems.
The way to make money in surveys and the amount you make doesn’t make sense. What I mean is this:
To make decent money doing online surveys, you have to do them on a regular basis, for a more than just a ‘casual’ amount of time. I’d say you have to dedicate an hour a day five days a week to make more than a few bucks.

But if you were to take that same enthusiasm, energy, and dedication, then devote it to building an affiliate website as I do, you could be making thousands per month. Results are not as instant, but the rewards are so much more profitable.
What I Liked
As far as survey sites go, Opinion Outpost is probably the best that I’ve tried. Sites like Survey Head and Get Cash For Surveys are a JOKE compared to the user-friendliness of OpOp. Other legit sites like Swagbucks also offer surveys, but their main focus is trial offers.
They are active on social media and on their blog, which means they’ll probably be around for a while. In other words, it’s OK to put your time into learning the platform. They do pay, and I’ve seen real checks from people that look to be legit bloggers.
Though the mind-melt of the dumb questions finally got to me and I couldn’t even complete my profile, not all the questions were that bad. I answered some about beer which was semi-interesting (3 questions).
What I Didn’t Like
I gave some crazy fake answers. According to my profile, I’m a college student born in 1978. I make $20,000 per year, have chronic health problems, and drive an Aston Martin.
If you fill out all surveys in a nonsensical manner, it’s not unheard of to have your account flagged for data concerns. They want real answers, and if you get found out giving fake ones, especially fake addresses, and phone numbers, your account could be canceled along with any unpaid commissions.
You might be surprised how much brainpower it takes to actually, read, comprehend, find your answer, and click your answer. Brainpower = time, and time = money. The slower you answer the less you make per hour. The faster you try to answer, the less accurate you are, and the more stressed you become.
When doing sites like this, you have to track how much you are truly making because it’s easy to get caught up in just “working” than being happy with a paycheck. If you really calculate it out, including glitches, errors, etc, most people make less than minimum wage.

Final Review
Sure, they’re a legit company that pays. As far as survey companies go, they are probably my #1 pick. However, you won’t catch me wasting precious time here.
What Now?
Is your time valuable? Can you see yourself dedicating 1-2 hours every day to some kind of online project that makes you money? You might like affiliate marketing.
This is what I do. I build simple websites and write blog posts about topics I’m interested in. Knowing about food, health/fitness, hobbies, and other topics could be your ticket to profit.
Why not test the waters? Take the first 10 lessons for free, get 2 free websites, and even talk to experts in a live chat that can help you if you get stuck. Putting in time each day on your affiliate site will go towards building long term, sustainable income. Don’t waste your potential with online surveys, start building your online business today.
The Opinion Outpost Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
To be completely honest, doing online surveys will never earn more than minimum wage. In fact, most people rarely earn more than $1-$3 per hour, if they are lucky enough to get a payout.
If you want to legit make money online you need to invest time into building a website. Earn passive income through affiliate links & advertising revenue. Rather than spend an hour trying to answer boring questions, build a real web property that you can earn monthly income from.

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Great post! I find it really helpful and I like to try online surveys. I’m actually looking for information about this site that I came across with, it’s called have you heard about this? Is this legit? I want to know more about this site before I join. I was hoping if you can give me some idea. Thank you in advance and once again this post is great.
I’ve been filling out surveys but I’m not 18 years old yet so I can’t really answer the income and adult questions. will it still work for me ?
You can make that stuff up, but you’ll probably need a bank acct or paypal acct to actually get paid, so make sure you have a method of receiving payment first!