I came across a website that claimed you could make pretty good part-time money writing for this website. So I decided to check it out, just to see if it was legitimate. Can you really make money writing for Screen Rant?

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I’m all about the side-hustle mentality… and writing for websites, to me, sounds like a pretty awesome opportunity to make some extra cash.
Granted, this is probably not a method that you will want to try if you are not a writer (though my personal opinion is that anyone can do it with a little practice), but it is a side-hustle opportunity that I believe in, for a few different reasons.
Why do I see writing for websites as a great potential side hustle? Here are some of the biggest reasons.
- Because this type of work is very flexible
- Because writing is an art form and a type of work that will not be automated any time soon
- Because most websites that publish a lot of content need more content than their employees can usually supply them with
- Because a lot of websites actually pay pretty decent money to have content written
And those are the main reasons.
Making Money Writing For Screen Rant
But does Screenrant.com really hire people to write for them, or is that just a rumor? And if so, how much do they pay?
I actually heard online that they hire writers for regular part-time work, which is super awesome… so I was very interested in seeing if this was true or not.
So let’s take a closer look at Screen Rant.
My First Impression Of Screenrant.com
My first impression of the site was actually quite good. I have never technically visited this site before, though right from the beginning, I could tell that this was probably going to be a site that I was going to like.
They posted mainly articles about movies, TV, and websites. So, most of this content seemed entertainment-based—which is actually closer to the type of content that I like to write when I choose to write for websites (or choose to try to, anyway).
I was also impressed by the sheer amount of content this site publishes, and also by the kind of diversity they cover. They have articles about Netflix shows, mainstream movies, video games, fan theories, popular movie franchises, and even post reviews of different movies.
So yeah. All things considered, this was pretty cool. But I was now ready to see what kind of quality they were posting on their site. So I looked at a few of the articles, and was actually not disappointed by what I found.
Sometimes, when websites publish a lot of content, the content can tend to suffer a bit from quality control issues… but I will admit that everything I read seemed very well-done.
No major issues, as far as I can tell, which means that they must do a good job of policing content quality, and that they also probably turn-down writers who are not up-to-par with the kind of quality that they like to publish.
One thing that I did notice, however, was that I had a rather weird-looking popup while scrolling through the site. It was one of those popups that want you to install anti-virus software because it looks like your computer might be infected, etc.
I wasn’t born yesterday… but I still hate seeing these kinds of misleading popup ads, so yeah… the site may not have much control over this, but this kind of thing can cause me to stop visiting websites.
Anyway, moving on from that, I decided that it was time to see if this website really does pay freelancers to write content for them. And if so, exactly how much they pay.
So here is what I found.
How Much Does Screen Rant Pay Their Writers?
To find this out, I went to the footer, and promptly found a ‘Write For Us,’ button, which made things quite easy, to be fair.
I clicked on it, and was taken to this page.
Here, I learned quite a bit of information. First of all, yes, they do hire outside writers to write content for them. They are looking for writers who can produce ‘in-depth premium content,’ and are interested in writers who have expert-level knowledge of any of the categories featured on the site.
I also learned that they not only give you credit as the author, but that they also pay you. They do not specifically tell you how much they pay, so this must depend on the length of the content and on the type of article that you’re writing.
I did note, however, that they are not accepting guest posts at the moment… so it would seem that they are really only looking for paid contributors to actually write content for their site, in one of their categories.
At the beginning stages of the submission process, you can actually send them up to three different ideas for posts. If they are interested in one or more of them, they will contact you… at which point you can begin figuring out the process of getting started with acceptance, payment, and publication.
Some Additional Information About Screenrant.com
After reading through all of this, I was interested in finding out more about the site itself. I wanted to see what kinds of accolades they have achieved for themselves… and I must admit that I was NOT disappointed from what I found.
Digging a little bit revealed some pretty impressive facts about the site. Here are just a few of the most notable ones that got my attention.
- The site got started as a smaller site in 2003
- It has since grown into one of the largest entertainment news sources in the world
- They served over 105 million readers in 2015 alone
- Their YouTube channel has over 2 million subscribers
- They have covered red-carpet events in Los Angeles, and have attended some of the hottest panels at Comic Con
- They have even attended London movie premiers and New York film festivals
So yeah, Screen Rant is definitely a larger and more successful website than I ever realized. I am amazed that I had not heard of it before this… but then again, I do tend to live under a rock sometimes when it comes to pop-culture entertainment!
At any rate, this led me to the point where I was ready to give my official opinion about the website… and perhaps most importantly, whether or not I felt like it would be worth the time to pitch some content ideas to them.
Here are my thoughts.
My Personal Feelings About Pitching Content To Screenrant.com
Personally, I really like the idea of pitching content to this website—though I will also admit that it would require at least a certain measure of know-how and skill to do so. This is a very prestigious site, to be honest… so they are not going to publish anything that isn’t really awesome and entertaining.
This means that you will need to really keep your game strong if you’re hoping to pitch content that you can actually get published with them.
I am not sure what they pay, but since they are a larger website, I imagine that they probably pay out rather well.
Once again, as with all sites like this that I look at, it is important to keep in mind that your success will largely depend on your own initiative and drive to get published. It can be a very hit-and-miss process to pitch content to websites like Screen Rant, because you are never guaranteed that you will sell anything.
But… then again… if you do not pitch you will never know for sure. And there is no way to actually sell articles unless you pitch them. So the possibility of rejection kind of goes hand-in-hand with this business.
But… the good thing about all of this is that practice makes perfect, and pitching articles and ideas to sites like Screen Rant will make you a better writer as a result.
Once you start getting ideas accepted, and you start getting articles published, you will get a much better feel for how to craft quality content that you can actually use to make money with… and that will give you a pretty good foot in the door for earning money on a wide range of websites like this.
There are, admittedly, quite a few different websites out there that pay freelancers for their time and effort. And if you use only one or two of them, your odds of making a lot of side-hustle cash are not that great.
With that being said, you can do pretty well if you submit content to several of them, on rotation, on a regular basis. For example, other pop culture websites to consider include Cracked, College Humor and Rant.
That is kind of how writers have to do it if they want to make money on projects like this… and the good news is that, over time, you can certainly build up a working relationship with several sites using this method if you keep at it.
Our Final Opinion Of Screenrant.com
Should you try to write for Screen Rant to make some extra money?
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