The simplest way to describe Bellame is as a beauty and cosmetics company. The products are marketed as being ultra-luxurious – relying on high-quality ingredients while avoiding controversial chemicals.
This focus can be seen on their website, which uses white space to try and reinforce the whole idea of clean and natural. There are enough positive reviews to suggest that the products are decent for their price.

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But, is this enough to make Bellame a good way to earn? That’s the real question. After all, the beauty industry is packed full of different brands. Many of these have similar products to one another, along with claims that their versions are the most powerful.
While a brand doesn’t need to be the best ever to make sales, they do need to offer appealing products at a reasonable price. The items should also be good enough to steal customers away from competing brands.
If Bellame is able to do this, then there is certainly the potential to make money. Beauty is a huge industry, with millions of dollars being spent on skincare, cosmetics, and related items every year.
These products even remain popular when the economy is struggling, even though sales may drop somewhat. This happens because people still want some luxuries and want to feel good about themselves.
Two Ways To Make Money With Bellame
Now that we know a little about the industry that Bellame is in, let’s look at the processes of making money. Bellame distributors are able to earn by selling products and by building a team.
Each approach has its own complexities, which we’re going to examine in this post. We’re also going to talk about whether Bellame is realistic as a regular income stream.
Make Money From Product Sales
For the most part, Bellame’s products are typical for the industry. There are items like cleaners, eye creams, eye shadow, and lip gloss, along with various brushes and blending sponges.
The products aren’t cheap, but the prices aren’t that uncommon for the industry either.
I’m sure the products are decent enough. My biggest issue is that they’re really not unusual. Many other skin care companies offer products that look similar, often with the same type of marketing language.
Is Bellame distinct enough to get regular sales?
It’s hard to answer this question, as so many reviews online come from distributors or focus on the opportunity, not the product. Reviews from the site Influenster are encouraging, as the cleanser that people sampled tended to be reviewed well.
The site Influenster tends to provide people with samples in exchange for reviews. The style means that the reviews are less biased than many other locations. However, they come from people who got the product for free. This is important, as people are often more critical when they paid for products.
As such, it’s still important to try out Bellame products for yourself. Make sure that you’re convinced about their value for money. If you’re not, your customers aren’t likely to be either.
Here’s another thing to consider. Bellame has been meeting with some controversy, as it includes malachite extract as an ingredient. This is made by grinding up the gemstone. According to Bellame, the gemstone is a natural source of color, while also offering antioxidant benefits.
The site even talks about how malachite was used by ancient Egyptians for its beauty benefits and potential healing powers.
I hate this type of marketing. The fact that ancient Egyptians used malachite has absolutely no bearing on whether the stone is good for you or not. Some of the things ancient civilizations used were healthy, others certainly weren’t.
The only mechanism that Bellame suggests for these proposed benefits is that malachite is an antioxidant. Great. Antioxidants aren’t exactly rare, especially not these days. In fact, many special ingredient MLMs use that same antioxidant focus.
Some reviewers are concerned that the ingredient may be dangerous, as copper can be a carcinogen and it’s certainly not something you want to be consuming on purpose. One commenter on Reddit sums up the problem quite well:
Even if the copper doesn’t cause any harm, it’s an odd addition to a skincare line. There are many other ingredients that could offer the same proposed benefits without risk.
And here’s the thing, it doesn’t even really matter whether the malachite is helpful, harmful or inert. What matters is the controversy. The concern that surrounds this ingredient and Bellame itself may be enough to influence your ability to make sales.
So then, let’s talk about making money.
The first part of this is retail sales. Distributors earn a base commission of 25% on products that are sold at retail prices.
This commission rate is only for sales to regular customers. Some customers may join the Beauty Passport program from Bellame. You get a 20% commission on these customers instead.
In both cases, your commission is based on the price that customers pay. This is an important point, as Beauty Passport customers pay 10% less on all orders, which further decreases how much you earn per sale.
The commission rate can increase based on sales. Making more than $1,000 in sales a month will give 30% commission (25% for Beauty Passport customers), while more than $2,000 in sales provides 35% commission (30% for beauty passport customers).
The percentage from sales can increase further but only if you work on team building too.
Make Money Building A Team
Part of the team process from Bellame involves working your way up through ranks. The first rank is Partner. The main requirement is to have $300 in retail orders every three months (rolling).
This type of ongoing requirement is common. $300 sounds like a lot of money, but at least the target is every three months rather than monthly. Monthly requirements are more common and these can be more difficult to hit.
Unusually, this $300 goal seems to only refer to product purchases. So, you need to buy $300 in products yourself every three months. Let’s hope you like skincare!
Jokes aside, companies that force you to purchase products for yourself are beyond frustrating. Having to do this seriously cuts into your bottom line. It becomes much harder to make a profit.
If you want to recruit and earn from your team, then you also need to make $100 in sales every month.
Doing so gives you access to the team partner bonuses, which are a 4% commission on the sales of people who you personally sponsored and a 5% bonus on your own sales if you make more than $1,000 in sales per month. Making more than $2,000 in sales for the month raises this bonus to 10%.
The next rank is a Senior Partner, where you need $500 in personal sales, along with one active recruit. Oddly, the bonuses at this rank don’t seem to be any different.
Bellame breaks down the potential commission like this:
Each new rank increases the potential for income. Of course, the requirements for getting to the rank (and staying there) increase as well.
This pattern can be seen with the Senior Director rank. Here, you need to have personally sponsored four people, have $500 in monthly sales yourself, and $3,000 in monthly sales across your team. One of your recruits needs to be a Director themselves.
If you meet these goals, then the potential income looks like this:
It’s easy to see how your possible income adds up over time. Senior Director isn’t even the highest rank. The bonuses increase from here, as to the requirements.
I’m not going to go into the specifics of each rank, as I’m sure you get the picture by now. One other thing to mention is that the compensation plan has various rules and complexities that can influence your potential to earn.
For example, your rank will move up and down based on your success in a given month. This directly influences how much you can earn.
The style is beyond frustrating, as life is never predictable. Making sales is likely to be easier in some months than in others. Besides, many of the products from Bellame will last more than a month, so you can’t rely on customers reordering the same products.
There is also a breakaway aspect, which makes the whole compensation plan more complex. Patterns like this also make it difficult to optimize your income.
Can You Generate Reliable Income With Bellame?
The Bellame Review
Business Opportunity
Final Review
The examples that Bellame gives makes the whole process sound amazing. And yes, making consistent income with Bellame is entirely possible. I’m certain that some distributors manage to do just this.
But, let’s be realistic for a second. Most of the income potential comes from building a successful team. There are plenty of hoops to jump through along the way, including the personal purchase requirements ($300 every three months) and the personal sales that you make.
It’s not just you who needs to hit those goals either. For you to earn well, some of your team members will need to be recruiting and moving up through the ranks. They’ll need to hit the various ongoing requirements as well.
Doing this in practice would be much harder than it appears on paper. You may also find that some of your recruits end up competing against you for sales, which makes matters even more complicated.
In the end, the question to ask is whether the income potential from your team is worth the effort involved in building and maintaining a well-performing team. For that matter, do you want your income to be so strongly dependent on the success of others?

MLM Critic & Author: Nathaniell
What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I'm not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.
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