This is a website that I’ve actually used quite extensively. As a writer, I have always been a firm believer in the print-on-demand phenomenon, for a few main reasons that I will discuss in this article.

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But at the end of the day, the point of all of this is to find a real, true, profitable side hustle. So can you really make money with
You can, and in this article I am going to tell you how.
Making Money With
First of all, let’s talk for a minute about exactly what is. The Book Patch is essentially a print-on-demand book service.
They can help you do everything, from making it easy to upload your documents and graphics, to selling you your ISBN. They also maintain an online storefront where any published books go up for sale.
But the online bookstore is not where you would make money with The magic behind this site is in being able to post links to your book listing on your website, social media, etc.
Plus, as the author, you can also order books for cost and sell them in their physical form as well—and this is another awesome approach that can help you to generate quite a bit of cash.
As you likely know, I am all about finding quality side-hustles—so the real question here is one of numbers. Does The Book Patch actually have the potential to help you generate a side income that is both flexible and profitable?
It actually does. So let’s talk about it.
Getting Started On
Most of the time, the quickest way to get started with any website is to register and create an account… and this is kind of true where The Book Patch is concerned.
But there is one major detail that you have to take into consideration if you plan to make work for you.
You will need a book.
As I writer in my own right, I have written a couple of books… but I have only put one of them on The Book Patch. But even so, I have sold a number of copies—definitely enough to pay for the costs of getting the book set-up (which, on The Book Patch, pretty much just consisted of me buying my ISBN), plus enough to put some spare cash in my pocket.
If you are not a writer, you are obviously going to have a bit of trouble getting this idea to work for you—which is kind of the downside to it.
Another potential downside to the idea of using this website is the fact that your work doesn’t stop when you get your book uploaded. You also have to sell it—and that can be kind of challenging. But in this article, I will talk about how I sold some copies of my book to make some extra cash.
How I Made The Book Patch Work For Me
Obviously, this is not the only print-on-demand book publisher online. But I also chose this option for a few specific reasons. For one, they didn’t charge any setup fees, which I really liked.
Number two, this is a smaller company, and it was founded by a New York Times bestselling writer. When I ordered my first book proof, it actually came with damaged packaging and the book itself was not in very good shape.
I took pictures of the problem and sent them to the company. Even though this was probably not their fault (it probably happened during transit), they were super helpful, explained that they were experimenting with different packaging options, and sent me out another proof free-of-charge.
I had a feeling, before I even ordered my proof, that I was going to want, and value, customer service. So I chose a company that I thought would probably handle this aspect of the business well.
And I was certainly not disappointed with The Book Patch, in this regard.
The biggest step that one will need to make to use this service is formatting. Once you have written and proof-read your book, you will need to format it to match the desired size of book that you hope to print.
The website actually gives you quite a few instructions, and even hosts a few videos on their site to help you with this… so while this was a challenge, it was definitely not impossible. It actually ended up being a pretty easy experience, all things considered.
The design of the site itself does look a bit old-fashioned. I am not sure if this was intentional, or if they just haven’t updated in a while. But all in all, the site functions well.
But here is how I was really able to make this website work for me.
First, I wrote a book. It was a self-help book about living a more positive life… but I am fortunate because I have laid out a lot of books for other people. So for me, getting this book written and ready-to-print was not an issue.
Then, I bought an ISBN, uploaded my book, and ordered a proof… just to make sure that it was designed correctly. You will need an ISBN if you want to sell your book in stores, but if you just plan to sell your book to customers directly, you may not need one.
My opinion about this is that it never hurts to buy one, and you can get one for just $25 on The Book Patch.
So, let’s recap. I set up my book, bought an ISBN, and ordered a proof. I paid $25 for the ISBN, and paid $6.50 (give or take) for my copy of the book.
My book was over 200 pages, so this was how much I needed to pay to get one copy of it. Shipping is also extra, but the more books you buy, the less per-book you will need to pay for shipping.
When I finally got my proof, I realized that there were still a few things I wanted to fix. These problems were not The Book Patch’s fault, but were actually problems with my own design. But… uploading the corrected file was super-easy… and then I was done.
But how did I sell my book? Well, there are a lot of ways to do this, but here is what I did.
How I Sold My Book And Made A Quick $75
I, as a person, am really into the idea of positive living and living a happy, fulfilling life. This is part of the reason for why I am so passionate about side hustles and making my own living doing my own thing.
But in this case, I happened to know of a yoga instructor in my home town who hosted events in her yoga studio, so I scheduled a meeting with her and asked her if she would be interested in me leading a class in her studio. The class would be based on positive living, and would use my book as the framework.
We made a plan and I started the group… and I ordered 15 books to sell to people who came to the class. It went so well that I sold all 15 books! I sold them for $12 each, to make them more accessible to the people who came to the meeting… and ended up earning almost $80 in pure profit on the book sales at that event alone!
The class went on for several months, and was on a voluntary basis… but I enjoyed it and wanted to do it. Selling the books was just a bonus, but it was still a profitable bonus.
Of course, you can also sell your books online, through your website, on your Facebook page, etc. You can even sell your own Ebooks through The Book Patch to make some extra money, which is also pretty cool.
One great thing about book sales is that they can provide you with a pretty awesome stream of passive income in the long run—which is awesome.
My Personal Feelings About The Book Patch And Print On Demand
I love the idea of Print On Demand. I love it because you don’t end up with a huge inventory that you may or may not sell. I also love how environmentally conscious it is.
You only print the books that people want to buy… and you don’t take a loss on books that you never sell, because you don’t print them.
The Book Patch makes the money to produce each book, but any markup is 100% yours to keep—which is awesome. I have used a few other print on demand services, but The Book Patch has really earned my business because of their low prices and awesome customer service.
I do wish their store looked a bit more attractive—but at the end of the day, I felt like their service did everything that I needed, and I was able to leverage this opportunity to make some pretty decent side-hustle cash.
Obviously, you need to have a book to sell before you can use this site—but even if you spend some money to hire an editor, it can still be worth your while if you are the type of person who has the opportunity to sell books in your day-to-day life, or passively through your social media or website.
Our Final Thoughts About
Should you print some books and try to make some extra money with them?
There are a lot of ways to make money online. Some are good, some not, but ALL of them are still just trading hours for dollars.
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