This page claims to reward you for listening to music and helping them to predict what the next hits will be. But can you really make money with HitPredictor?
We’ve actually looked into this site, very briefly, on a blog post that we posted a while back about making money listening to music. But now, we’ve decided to circle back around and go in-depth, to see exactly what the site is all about.

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Can you really make money with it? Is it a legitimate site? What do you actually have to do to earn rewards?
These are all important questions, so they were the questions that were foremost on my mind as I began checking out the site.
Why Make Money With HitPredictor?
Before we start, I will go ahead and say this. I love the idea of building a quality side-hustle. I also love the idea of using a website like this to earn cash or rewards on the side. But will this site prove to be profitable enough to really make any kind of a dent in my side-hustle plans? Will it actually be worth the time?
This is the biggest question, and the number of online side hustle possibilities that don’t actually end up making the cut is pretty astounding.
There are a lot of websites that claim to pay you for doing things like taking surveys, watching videos, etc. But the number of them that actually pay you enough to make it worth your time is pretty slim.
So, would HitPredictor be one of them?
Let’s find out. Here is what you need to know.
My First Impression Of
So my first impression of this site was that it surprised me. I have never heard of a site that lets you earn rewards for listening to music. But my first thought was that finding a site like this would be awesome.
I love listening to music. And incidentally, I also love making extra money. So a website like this should be perfect for me, right?
At this point, I was hoping that this would be the case!
On the landing page, I learned quite a bit of basic information about the service. I learned that it is free to sign up, that they give you the ‘power’ to influence new music before it is released, that through this service you can review music and earn gift cards, and that your opinion might actually make a difference in what gets released to the public.
The design of the landing page was interesting. There were not really any graphics. Rather, there was a lot of text, and I found that there wasn’t anything super ‘special’ about it. It looked pretty generic, to be honest… though I didn’t mind the colors.
There wasn’t much else to look at here, though there was a navigation button up towards the top of the screen. I clicked on it, and found links to four different pages: Sign In, Sign Up, Prize Store, and Privacy Policy.
I decided to take a look at the Prize Store, just to see what I could find. But despite clicking on the link, nothing happened. I tried clicking on it several times… but still, nothing.
This was a bit disheartening. But I decided to keep on keeping on. I noticed that there were some social media buttons at the top right corner of the landing page, so I clicked on the Facebook link to see if I could figure out how popular the site was on social media.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that they had posted very recently on their social media. They also had a lot of likes and followers. It seemed that they regularly posted contest winner information on their Facebook, so there was no doubt at this point… HitPredictor was still alive and kicking in 2018!
So here is what happened when I tried to sign up.
Signing Up For HitPredictor
Signing up took literally just a couple of minutes. I filled in my basic information, created a password, and was then asked to choose my favorite style of music. Then, without much delay, I was taken to what seemed to be the ‘main hub’ of the site.
Here, I learned quite a bit more about the site. For one, I found that I could now ‘rate music’ through a menu to the left. There were also announcements and a place where you could refer friends to earn points.
I clicked on the Rate Music button and decided to see what this would lead to. I mean, I wanted to listen to music and make money… that was the whole point of this! So I wanted to see where the ‘rabbit hole’ led me, so to speak.
Here is what happened.
Rating Music On
After clicking the button, I had to verify that I was a human and not a robot… and was then taken to this interesting little music player.
So I listened to a minute and a half of a track and was then taken to a page where I was asked to rate it and leave a comment. You rate it by saying you love it, you like it, it is ok, etc.
You get 3 points for every rating. The music player is pretty efficient and works technically very well. You have to listen for a minute and a half, and then take about 30 seconds to rate it and load the next song.
This means that you make about 3 points every 2 minutes, which adds up to about 90 points an hour, give or take. This was pretty cool, but as of yet, I still didn’t know how much money I could actually make from it, as I wasn’t sure what you could get for your points.
I refreshed my main hub and found that the points I had earned were immediately shown in my account. This was awesome! A lot of sites don’t update this quickly, and I was super happy that HitPredictor was making the process so hassle-free.
So to figure out how much I could actually make, I visited the Shop Prizes page. Here is what I found.
How Much Money Could I Make On HitPredictor?
I tried to figure out what I could get for my points on HitPredictor, but unfortunately, it seems that I can only view the prizes that I can currently afford… and I haven’t made that many points yet.
This is a little bit disappointing because it would be super helpful to be able to figure out how long I will need to save up to get good rewards.
But as it was, the only things available to me seemed to be raffle tickets… which I was not really interested in! Plus, I don’t think you actually need to spend points to enter those. I think you get one free entry every-so-often just for participating on the site.
Anyway, this pretty much told me what I needed to know to formulate my official opinion of the site. Here are my thoughts on it after giving it a try.
My Personal Feelings About The HitPredictor Website
This site had some definite good points. I actually really liked the process. It was super easy. The music player works really well, and technically-speaking, the site is almost perfect. I experienced one or two glitches, but nothing that really kept me from using it the way it was meant to be used.
And I will admit that the music player was far, far better than I expected it to be.
I do wish that I could see more prize information presented on the site. I am not into raffles, because they are not consistent… so as it is, I am not really sure how much money I am making on HitPredictor.
But, I will say this…
I don’t think that this site is going to make me a lot of money. I think that it is fun and that I might be able to buy a CD or a DVD or some other kind of reward with my points after I have accrued enough, but I don’t think that this site qualifies as a real, actual side-hustle.
The raffles don’t count as a real side hustle benefit either because they may or may not be a complete waste of time… and that is not what a side-hustle is all about.
The main attraction that this site has is for music lovers who want to earn points and eventually spend them on prizes. It can allow you a way to do that for fun and for some extra cool stuff.
But is it a side hustle that will actually make you some serious cash? I am afraid not. HitPredictor is cool as a fun site, but it is not necessarily a money-maker.
There are some other sites that allow you to earn while listening to music, including Music Xray and Slice the Pie. Both are more consistent in terms of making money, but you’re still earning barely anything for your time.
Our Final Thoughts About The HitPredictor Website
Should you sign up and use it to make some money?
The HitPredictor Review
Entertainment Value
Income Opportunity
Final Review
To be completely honest, doing online surveys will never earn more than minimum wage. In fact, most people rarely earn more than $1-$3 per hour, if they are lucky enough to get a payout.
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