ForeverGreen (sometimes called Forever Green) is yet another MLM that occupies the health and wellness space. Just like other companies in this field, the key focus is on items that help to promote health. This includes a strong emphasis on nutrition, such as the always present protein shakes.

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Despite this, the company isn’t entirely conventional. Their product selection is tiny, with just seven different products. These use names like AIM, PowerStrips, FIXX, and Pulse-8. Most of them are designed so that they fit in envelopes and can be easily shipped.
The shipping aspect is interesting and could make it easier to distribute the products to customers across the globe. The products do have some distinctive features too. Whether or not these are enough to give you an edge in the market remains to be seen, but at least there are some things to make Forever Green interesting.
Health is a particularly common angle for companies – partly because the market is so large. Improving health is a need that applies to everyone. There is no single way to do so either, which gives companies the chance to choose the types of products that they sell and their marketing approaches.
ForeverGreen uses a fairly typical idea, which includes an emphasis on nutrition and the unique compounds present in some plants (and marine phytoplankton). While this approach has been played out time and time again, it is a trending idea. Customers do tend to be more interested in improving overall health, rather than strict weight loss or restriction programs.
Two Ways To Make Money With ForeverGreen
The first way to earn with ForeverGreen is through product sales. While the company is based in the United States, it has a global angle. This provides the chance to sell products to a much wider audience than is usually possible.
Beyond products, there is a chance to earn by developing a team. As is always the case, this involves recruiting other people to the company. Your income is then influenced by their success along with your own.
This post considers both of these areas and how they work in practice. I also examine whether ForeverGreen is realistic as a way to make money sustainably.
Make Money From Product Sales
ForeverGreen doesn’t have a large product selection and the items all have unusual names. The full selection is listed below.
- AIM: An antioxidant supplement (only available in Latin America)
- Prodigy-5: A multivitamin drink mix with an emphasis on eye health
- FIXX: A whey protein shake
- Pulse-8: An L-arginine supplement
- FrequenSea PRO: A marine phytoplankton supplement
- Pure-EU: A marine phytoplankton supplement, in the form of drops
- PowerStrips: Strips that are meant to offer pain relief
The main focus here is nutrition, so the product range mostly focuses on supplements and protein shakes. There’s nothing particularly unusual here.
For example, FIXX (a weight management product) is simply a chocolate meal replacement shake. Now, the product has some differences to other protein shakes, but there are still hundreds of different brands and varieties out there already that offer protein shakes.
On the plus side, some of the supplements are less common. Pure-EU is one example. This product involves phytoplankton drops. While there are other such products on the market, the way that ForeverGreen packages and markets the drops does make them appealing.
One bad thing is how few products there are on offer. This means that you have the potential to target a pretty limited population of potential buyers because you have to find people who are interested in very specific things. That can be frustrating.
However, you do have the advantage that the products are things that people use up, and relatively quickly too. For example, protein powders, supplements, and similar products are all things people often use daily. This means that there is a lot of potential for repeat customers if people actually like the products that is.
ForeverGreen is effective at product packaging and marketing too. By doing so, the company offers distributors plenty of sales angles to focus on.
The Products Themselves
The company does seem to have an emphasis on healthy alternatives, which can be a good thing. For example, the ingredients for FIXX includes the following:
The fact that the products are organic is nice, and adding fruits and vegetables is a nice touch… kind of.
That approach has the downside of also increasing the sugar in the product, which isn’t ideal for a person trying to lose weight. Personally, I would prefer to add my own fruits and vegetables to a smoothie with protein powder, as that would offer more health benefits.
Despite the wording and hype that surrounds the products, there is very little indication that they are healthier than many of the alternatives out there. This is really important when it comes to selling the products – as many of your potential customers will be well aware of the alternative options.
The nutritional details show that the shake has six grams of sugar per serving. This isn’t too bad compared to many commercial shakes, except that you’re only getting 11 grams of protein in the same serving. That’s not a good balance of nutrients.
The most unusual product that ForeverGreen offers is the PowerStrips. These are patches that you place on your body that are meant to provide pain relief for muscles and joints. The effect is achieved by increasing heat to the target area.
The patches include a list of warnings, including the fact that they might cause minor burns. This at least suggests that they can increase the temperature as advertised.
Applying heat to muscles and joints to help with pain is a valid technique. The PowerStrips just offer a more unusual way of doing so. Whether the strips actually help with pain is debatable and the effects would probably vary from person-to-person.
Product Reviews and Cost
One key thing that makes or breaks distributors is how well they can sell the product. A critical component of this is the price. If the products are too expensive, people will be much less likely to buy them – regardless of how good they might be.
A major issue with ForeverGreen is that the company doesn’t make pricing information evident. In fact, the products aren’t actually sold directly on the site. Nevertheless, it still makes things difficult, because potential distributors really should know about the prices of the products they are going to promote before they get involved, not afterward.
There also aren’t many reviews of the actual products online, which makes it even harder to work out whether the company is worth bothering with. The reviews that do exist tend to be from distributors, so they are pretty likely to be biased.
So, if you are considering getting involved with the company, you end up going in blind about a lot of things or relying on distributors (who are pretty biased). Not a good start for making money.
Making Sales
With ForeverGreen, you’re making sales through a replicated website. This type of site won’t rank well in search engines, but you can drive traffic to it using social media or your own site. The style is appealing, as it means that you don’t need to purchase products and then resell them.
Your commission is based on the difference between member price and retail price. Annoyingly, ForeverGreen still doesn’t provide any details about these prices. They don’t even state the percentage of your commission.
You also get a retail bonus on the initial order of anyone that you recruit as a distributor. This bonus is lower, as the person who you recruited is getting a discount too. Once again, there are no specifics about the amounts.
Make Money Building A Team
The next step for earning money is team building. ForeverGreen provides a little more information here, but key details are still lacking. The basic idea is the same as always, you’re aiming to recruit people, who recruit others, and so on – while yourself and everyone in your team continue to make sales to customers.
ForeverGreen uses a binary model for team compensation.
This style breaks your team down into two legs, a left leg, and a right leg. If you can hit the qualification requirement of 100 Qualifying Volume (QV), then you earn 12% of the Commissionable Volume (CV) from your pay leg. If you have more than 50 QV but don’t hit 100, you earn 8% of the CV.
Your pay leg is whichever leg of your downline is performing the poorest. Some of the differences between legs can get carried forward, but only up to a point.
In the end, a binary pay structure relies on you having two teams under you that both perform well. If one consistently does much better than the other, your pay will always be limited by the team that doesn’t do well.
This style is incredibly frustrating. Not only do you have to worry about the performance of the people you recruit, but your income depends on how some of them perform compared to others. The idea seems needlessly complicated.
Now, you might have noticed that I haven’t mentioned anything about what 100 QV/PV means in practice. That’s because ForeverGreen doesn’t provide the information.
Ranks And Bonuses
The binary structure is just one part of the process. ForeverGreen uses a rank-based system to provide bonuses from your team. New ranks provide you with extra income opportunities.
While it isn’t entirely clear what the rank bonuses are, details on rank requirements are listed as part of the compensation plan. For example, the image below highlights some of the ranks from the middle of the system.
Even without access to all of the details, it’s easy to see that ForeverGreen ends up being pretty complicated. You need to find a decent amount of success in your team to progress up the ranks.
Can You Generate Reliable Income With ForeverGreen?
The ForeverGreen Review
Business Opportunity
Final Review
So, this is the challenge of making money with an MLM.
To be successful, you really need to get a big team of people under you who are also doing well, both in selling and in recruiting. In concept, the potential to make money is high, but the challenge of building your team up that much is also extensive.
Making reliable income with ForeverGreen is certainly possible, but that is only likely if you follow their approaches and focus on team building.
For me, the biggest challenge is the way that you have to rely on those who are under you – it simply isn’t possible to find much success on your own. This means that you have to support, push, and prod team members to make sure that they are successful. Some maybe, but others certainly won’t be.
You will also find that some people you recruit will end up giving up on the company or finding that they have more pressing life matters. This can also make your process of earning money more difficult because you have to find people to replace them.
It's also worth remembering that the products from ForeverGreen won't ever be as good as they sound. The marketing suggests that the items can significantly improve health, but they're just more nutritional supplements. Potential customers will have heard the same marketing spin time and time again.
Try to step back and be realistic about the company. Do you think you could sell the products and recruit people? If so, who? Do you have enough of an audience? Direct selling is a lot more difficult than it seems and you really need to make sure you know exactly what you are getting into.

MLM Critic & Author: Nathaniell
What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I'm not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.
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