There are many great reasons for high school students to find work in part-time jobs. While it can be challenging, many times the benefits outweigh the negatives. We’ve found eight great jobs for high school students and we’ll talk about them in a bit.
We know how busy you are as a high school student. Not only are you in school most of the day, you have homework when you get home. As a teen, we’re sure you’d also like to have fun and hang out with your friends. But, you’d also like some spending money, right?

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Why Talk About Great Jobs For High School Students?
While you may wonder where you’d find the time, there are actually many benefits to working while attending high school. Most teens who work find they are able to balance school and work quite well.
When you work, you learn extra responsibility, which prepares you for life after high school. It also happens to look good on your college app. It shows you have ambition, willpower, strong will and energy. Colleges will look at those traits as a huge asset.
Jobs also teach you important life skills, like how to work with others and deal with people who may not always be on their best behavior. Of course, it also teaches how to manage finances and money. Working a job while in high school can teach many valuable experiences.
The downfall is that if you’re not careful, your schoolwork can suffer and your grades could go down. But if you can overcome and are able to manage it, the benefits outweigh the negative aspects of working.
Here are a few things to consider:
- Transportation/Location: What is your situation concerning transportation? Do you drive and have your own vehicle? Even if you do, some states don’t want teens on the roads beyond a certain time of the night.
- Scheduling: You’ll need to be sure your potential employer understands your scheduling limitations. You won’t be able to accept work that requires you to be there in the mornings during school. Find a job that works well with your school hours.
- Experience: With some jobs, you gain experience as you work the position and employers are willing to train. With others, experience or skills are crucial to being able to do the job. Try to be a good fit for the job you are going for, or rather, try to find a job that is a good fit for you.
- Laws for working minors: Yep, many states have them. Some jobs have to follow child labor laws, which forbid minors to work. With some jobs, you can work them with permission from your parents if they sign a work release. Every state has different rules for certain jobs.
Now that we’ve talked about a few things to help you get started, let’s find out what some of the best jobs for high school students are.
If you like animals, there are a couple of jobs for you. It might not even seem like work so much if you are really enjoying your work setting.
1. Pet Sitter/Walker Jobs – People are always looking for responsible people who will treat their pets like their own. Many people want someone responsible who can walk or sit with their animals.
The important thing to remember is to treat their furry creatures with love and respect and take care of them. Chances are if you do, you’ll have a repeat job and they will remember to call you back when they need you.
You can ask $10 an hour for this job.
2. Animal Shelter Worker – Shelters sometimes have volunteer positions as well as paid positions to care for their animals. Either looks good on your college resume and best of all, if you love animals, it’s a great opportunity to show unwanted pets some love.
You might have to spend some time with the animals as well as clean out their cages. This job is especially suitable for someone who is thinking about becoming a veterinarian after high school. Be warned, the job is not all roses and sunshine.
Animals are often put to sleep in shelters, and it can be a sad job as well. But, as an animal shelter worker, you can know that you are giving animals attention and care they wouldn’t otherwise have if you weren’t there to help with that. Your local Humane Society shelter is a good place to start.
Yummy. Maybe all you can think about in class is going to Starbucks to get your favorite frappe.
Or you know you will need to get a protein-packed smoothie before your workout. Wouldn’t it be great to get a job where you’re near your favorite beverages?
3. Baristas can have all the java they want. Think about it. You’ll learn how to make your favorite coffee drinks. You’ll learn how just the right amount of steaming makes the perfect cup of jo.
Head on down to your favorite coffee shop and put in that application. Soon, you could be a barista, baby!
4. Smoothie Shop Workers have it easy. Just add the ingredients to the blender and hit the button. If you work out and have to get your smoothie on before or after the gym, you know how delicious smoothies can be.
They can be expensive too, but chances are if you get a job at a smoothie shop, a free smoothie is part of the benefits.
Both baristas and smoothie shop workers earn around $9.50 an hour.
Who says you have to wait until after high school to use the same skills that pay enough to earn you a living after high school?
Whether you’re a nerd that’s good with computers or a creative artist that can design things with the computer, both are great jobs. They are versatile, can be worked often during your own hours, and pay very well.
5. Web Designers use their technical skills to design and create websites for their customers. What business doesn’t need a website? You can work out of your home in front of your computer.
If you’re lucky, you gain a few faithful customers and won’t have to look for work after a while. Chances are if you are skilled to do this and enjoy doing it, it’s a career that can carry you through adulthood. Best of all, the pay is better than anything else you can dream of with most of the other high school jobs.
6. Computer Tech is a great position if you’re tech savvy, can install your own hardware or software and know how to fix a computer when problems arise. Computers are like cars.
Nearly everyone has one and sometimes they have to go into the shop. Print up some business cards and pass the word around. It’s another job that pays well and can carry you beyond high school.
You can ask $20 to $30 an hour in both jobs as a web designer and computer tech.
If you enjoy working with kids younger than you, there are some jobs you can do in that capacity while earning a few dollars. There are also things you can do in volunteer capacity that would benefit the child you help, while scoring points for your college resume.
7. Babysitting is a popular job for high school students. Chances are there are opportunities right in your own neighborhood. Often, you can work this job on the weekends, while leaving your school nights free to concentrate on homework and extracurricular activities.
Pass the word around to friends of the family, neighbors, extended family and anyone you know that you are interested in babysitting jobs. Don’t forget to be responsible and respectful.
Chances are if you are, not only will you be called back, but they will tell others about you. Boost your rating by learning CPR through the Red Cross or some other agency. The Red Cross also offers training for babysitters.
If you’re a great babysitter, you can command $10 to $15 an hour.
8. Tutoring is a great consideration for a job if you’re both smart and like to work with younger kids. Many parents want to see their kids succeed and often hire tutors to help them in spots where they need it.
If you are good with math, you can be a math tutor. Good with English and reading? You can help a small child who’s have problems learning to read.
You can work on your own or apply with a company like Sylvan Learning Center. The good thing about working on your own is the ability to set your own hours.
If you private tutor, you should be able to charge $10 to $15 an hour.
There are more possibilities than we’ve already shown you. If you like working outside, you can wash cars, cut grass, rake leaves, or weed gardens. If you like retail, you can work in a department store, work as a cashier in a grocery store or stock shelves.
You can work in food service as a waitress or a waiter or a hostess. You can even try to get a job at your favorite ice cream shop scooping cones and making banana splits. During the summer, you can work as a lifeguard or camp counselor. The point is, there are all these possibilities and more.
Having a job in high school can be rewarding, both in monetary terms and the advantages it gives in terms of personal growth. Find the right fit for you and you can experience both.
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