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Site Owner: David Harris
Rating: 50/100
What Is It?
This is a scam review site. They review home business opportunities like MLM, network marketing, internet marketing, and other “work from home” opportunities, also known as “biz ops”

Are You Ready To Work Your Ass Off to Earn Your Lifestyle?
Are you tired of the daily grind? With a laptop and an internet connection I built a small website to generate income, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 13 years.
Short Review:
Someone has put a lot of hard work into, and I agree with many of the reviews. But their top recommendations are clearly scams, so I do not think you should follow their advice. It looks to me like the owner started out as a legit site, and somewhere down the line gave up, and just started recommending “hot products” or whatever paid the most.
What I liked
It’s clear to me that ScamXposer has been around for a few years. They have TONS of reviews on their site. They do a pretty good job of exposing some scams and misleading products out there.
The layout of their website is pretty good too. It says clearly whether the product is recommended or not, gives reasons why, and even links to related products. Some of these scams are promoted under different product names, URLs, and even fake personalities!
They also do MLM reviews. I hate doing MLM reviews because I think these businesses are created simply to make money for the “top of the pyramid”, so I give these guys some credit for having the patience to do it.
ScamXposer also has a huge list of fake review sites! This is impressive, because there are quite a few of them. I’ve reviewed some, like Work At Home Authority , but I haven’t found anywhere near 66 of them!
What I didn’t Like
But there is a huge problem with ScamXposer. They promote scams! I was shocked the first time I notice their Top 5 Recommended Internet Businesses.
ScamX seems to change his recommendations frequently. These were his recommendations about 1 year ago, and has since cycled through many. As of Jan 1 2014, here are his new recommendations:
How can someone change their recommendations every few months? It’s probably because the products have now gone broke or at least the hype has died down. I have been recommending the same product for about 8 y ears now. Many people believe I only make my money by “recruiting” but the majority of my income is made by following my own advice.
I have done reviews of 3/5 of them, and none of them received good scores. In fact, these are some of the most popular scams I’ve reviewed. It seems that these products were chosen purely as a way to generate income, not because they are actually good products. Here are my reviews.
#3 Internet Income University Review- #4 Project Payday Review
- #5 Empower Network Review
About his #2 spot: this thing called Online Payday System, let’s use some detective work to figure out if it’s a legit opportunity. After some research I discovered that it’s not actually a product, but a combination of 3 other products: ZNZ One, ZNZ Big Cash, and Empower Network.
Strike One! We already know EN is a scam (link above).
Then Chuck Marshall says that you wont’ have to pay for anything. But OPDS will cost you some money each month. Then you have to pay for both ZNZ products, and EN will cost you $45 per month, plus around $5000 to purchase all of their products. You MUST purchase EN products in order to get credit for any sales.
Strike Two! This is getting really expensive.
Now let’s take a look at the image below.
It turns out that ZNZ truly isn’t MLM, but it is a complete waste of time. In fact, I wouldn’t even consider ZNZ a business. It’s a hobby.
Strike 3! I hate misleading advertisements.
I have not reviewed the #1 rated product (Team Vinh), but you can probably guess that I’m very skeptical. I did watch an introduction video, and it’s clearly some kind of MLM related thing. I’m not impressed. I will update with a review at some point
ScamXPoser has since updated his top recommendations, and now recommends Freebie Money Printer (This recommendation has since been removed. How fickle can you get?!) As you might have guessed, it’s not free, and it doesn’t print money. On the contrary, my top recommended products have not changed since since Jan 201 (except to add new discoveries), and have personally used my #1 recommended since 2010….going on 4 years now.
Final Review
Unfortunately, ScamXposer disappoints. They were on the right track to developing a legit resource of online scams. I used to use them frequently to see what others were saying about certain products that I review, but now I’m more careful to trust their recommendations.
Update 2017: Since I wrote this review, they have updated their #1 recommendation to be the same as mine! I suppose they figured out that longevity and trustworthiness of a company is important!
However, some of their Top 5 recommendations are outright scams, promising quick riches and fast cars. One example is “Daily Income Method” from a guy called “Mack”. My #1 rule is if the person promotes their business by driving a sports car and depositing checks into the bank on video, it’s probably a scam. Yeah, it looks cool, but it’s not realistic for most people.

What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. My name is Nathaniell and I'm the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!
karen C
Have you any knowledge of No BS IM reviews, It claims to make 3000 to 5000 a month I’m sure after working for 6 months It;s by Kaela
I haven’t heard of this company!
Hans Van Ess
Hi Nate,
I want to say thanks for all the balanced information you provide. I would really appreciate any comments you may have about ‘Top Secret Business’. Scamxposer gives this company a ranking of five stars, says they are a postcard marketing business and that they pay $5,000 to $25,000 per month. Do you know if this Top Secret Business is legit or not?
I haven’t reviewed that one yet!