Are you fiercely protective of those you love? And when it comes to work, are you a loyal hard worker who sees responsibilities through till the end? If so, you may be part of the ISFJ personality trait. Did you know that certain personality traits are geared better for particular jobs? I’ll show you the best jobs for the ISFJ personality.
Let’s learn more about the ISFJ personality and how it came to be. Carl Jung, the famous psychiatrist, noticed in his work through his patients that certain personality traits and cognitive functions were more prominent in various types of personalities.

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These personalities are also called psychological types, which are thought to come from the way people interact with their environmental influences as well as their individual traits and tendencies. The study showed that people are likely to have certain behaviors, skills, and outlooks because of the type of personality they are.
His work was of interest in other psychological professionals and they furthered his studies. They developed assessment tests called the MBTI assessment. The MBTI assessment was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers, Katharine Cook Briggs, and David Keirsey.
Keirsey nicknamed ISFJs as Protectors because of their loyalty to others. The Protectors are a subgroup which belongs to a larger temperament he called the Guardians.
ISFJ stands for Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Judgement. In short, ISFJs tend to be quiet and reserved people who look at the small things instead of the big picture. They see how things affect the here and now rather than what something means down the road.
ISFJs tend to see how something will affect others’ lives rather than if it makes sense to them logically. They’re not known for their logical thinking and instead focus on their hearts.
The ISFJ person also likes a bit of routine and predictability in their life. This makes them plan ahead for things so they know what’s coming. They aren’t much for surprises. Through their habits, they feel more of a sense of control in their lives as it gives them a sense of order.
They definitely get bent out of shape if there’s chaos in their lives. They’re much too responsible of people to allow it. ISFJs also might seem uninterested at times because of their quiet and reserved nature, but the truth is they care about humanity. Their compassion for others is unparalleled. ISFJs are the ones who were likely to defend the handicapped playmate who was getting bullied in school.
They are keen observers who sense when something is amok with someone else. They are respectful people who are very thoughtful, kind, and considerate of others. Their friends, family, and even coworkers are likely to entrust important tasks or details with their ISFJ partners more than anyone else.
Their friends, family, and even coworkers are likely to entrust important tasks or details with their ISFJ partners more than anyone else.
One of the more admirable traits of the ISFJ person is that they are humble and modest. For all their efforts and courtesies that they extend to others, they will never draw attention to themselves or ask for credit.
If you want a perfect example of an ISFJ, think of Samwise Gamgee from the Lord of the Rings. His loyalty, fierce protection of Frodo, and courageous pursuit of his cause in spite of how rough things got make him the epitome of an ISFJ personality.
- Represent 13% of the population
- The most common personality in the population
- Famous ISJFs include Queen Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton, Anne Hathaway, St. Teresa of Avila, Louisa May Alcott, Mother Teresa, George H.W. Bush, Rosa Parks, and Alfred, Lord Tennyson
- Common hobbies include gardening, painting, cooking, things of nature, walking, crafts, picnics, and watching movies
- Among those most likely to believe in God
- Second most common personality type to major in education
- More likely to watch television
- Values a happy family, health, and spirituality
- Tend to be in a group with the lowest incomes
If an employer were to have a top-secret project of utmost importance that they want to put one person in charge of, they are likely to consider someone with an ISFJ personality.
This is because ISFJs are loyal hard workers who have a very strong work ethic. They will give everything they have to a project and not play around.
While other coworkers may steal time away on their favorite social media while at work, you won’t find the ISFJ worker doing that, except maybe perhaps if they are really concerned about someone in particular.
But chances are the ISFJ worker is focused on the task at hand, with his nose to the grindstone. And though they enjoy other people, they will actually work better alone because they’ll be more focused on their job, rather than with their concern for someone else.
Even though the ISFJ person relies a lot on their emotions, they still possess great analytical skills. This is normally a contradiction in the personality types, but ISFJs actually have multiple traits that are seemingly contradictory.
They can be somewhat introverted, but unlike true introverts, their people skills can be useful in many job situations, just as they are with their interpersonal relationships. And even though they can have a few dogmatic stances, they are open-minded about evolving for the greater good.
One thing the ISFJ is not good at is being in charge. They don’t relish the thought of handing out orders or allocating to others. They much prefer to just be directed to what they need to do.
ISFJs are an employer’s dream, however. Not only do they approach their work with commitment, they do so with an enthusiastic mindset. They’ll go above and beyond the call of duty to get things done.
There is no other personality type that can do better work in service work and humanitarian efforts. Their drive is to be of service to others. ISFJs tend to excel in medicine, academics, charities, technical support, and social work.
In addition to the work which is their livelihood, you are likely to see ISFJs volunteering at the local soup kitchen, shelters, food banks, schools, or churches. Their desire to help others runs that deep.
Counselors help others with their mental health and emotional problems. There are many levels from school counselors to family and couple’s counseling and more. The observation skills of an ISFJ person can be put to good use in a counseling career as you help to direct others in their lives. You also have the type of compassionate heart that makes a good listener and counselor.
Counselors earn around $42,000 a year, depending on the field they enter.
Customer Service Reps are the ones many of us tend to be apprehensive about when we have to deal with them. They often seem to be robotic at times and not really dealing with the issues we call for. ISFJs, however, make great customer service representatives. They’re compassionate about other’s problems and are focused on solving problems. If you are lucky enough to get an ISFJ person on the other end of the line when you call for customer service, you are likely to be smiling instead of frowning by the time all is said and done. ISFJs are great for putting people at ease and displaying a genuine concern for others.
Customer service reps earn about $32,000 a year.
Elementary School Teaching is the perfect job for ISFJ personalities. What more can you do to make a difference in someone else’s life than to help mold and shape the life of a young child? At the elementary age, kids are still very teachable. Your encouragement as you teach these young children the basic courses like math, reading, social studies, and science will instill a lifelong love of learning.
Elementary School Teachers make about $54,000 a year on average.
Family Physicians are the primary care doctors that most people see for their preventative and ongoing health issues. Most people value a doctor that is someone they feel free to converse with and whom they can trust. There is hardly a better personality type than the ISFJ personality to do this. As you treat patients with your willing and compassionate heart, you can find a meaningful career where you make a difference.
Family Physicians earn around $195,000 a year.
Religious Workers encompass many faiths with corresponding titles such as reverends, priests, rabbis, etc. This is a great area for ISFJs who are spiritual or religious. You can serve and help provide spiritual and moral guidance to others, and also lend emotional support during hardships. Your work can range from a house of worship to hospitals to the military to community organizations as well as schools.
Religious workers earn around $35,000 to $60,000 a year and are often provided housing or living allowances as well.
Technical Support Specialists jobs are for more technical-minded individuals who derive satisfaction from helping people who need computer support. Everyone really appreciates someone who works hard to get their computer back up to speed and tech support specialists often feel as though they have a rewarding career when they can do what they are good at.
Technical Support Specialists make about $45,000 a year.
Veterinarians give healthcare to animals and tend to love what they do. This is a great job to be of service to furry creatures if you love animals. Both your four-legged friends and their owners will appreciate your services and you’ll be doing something you love you do.
Veterinarians make around $89,000 a year.
There you have it! Seven jobs that are just perfect for the person with the ISFJ personality. They all cater to the enjoyment of helping others. Look at your individual interests and skills and hopefully, you’ll find the right one for you.
One of the best job opportunities of the decade is working online. The online world is a "wild west" where anyone can start a business regardless of your age, race, education, or background.
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i am an isfj…..and thank you for this thoughtful very accurate article it was a joy to read.