G’Day Mate! Many Americans dream of moving to Australia. Some would be happy just to go on a vacation there. What if you could have the best of both worlds?
With many job opportunities in Australia allowing you to work on a temporary visa while enjoying the rugged Outback, it can happen! There are many jobs for Americans in Australia just waiting for you.

Are You Ready To Work Your Ass Off to Earn Your Lifestyle?
Are you tired of the daily grind? With a laptop and an internet connection I built a small website to generate income, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 13 years.
Many of us are tired of the big city life and don’t connect with nature enough anymore. Perhaps you have looked out the window while you have sat at your desk at work wondering what else is out there? Maybe it’s time to head Down Under and see?
What could be more enticing than the sandy beaches of Sydney, the pristine waters of Queensland and the Great Coral Reef, or a barbie in the backyard with roos at your feet?
Sure, for many, it’s probably just a pipe dream to experience all of that first hand. But with the Australia Work and Holiday visa program, it can become a reality!
The program allows Americans up to 12 months visa time that you can spend working and studying there, while enjoying the sites in your spare time. It’s a win-win!
Best of all, the economy in Australia is thriving! Whether your goal is to stay in the corporate arena while there or to get back to nature, Australia has job opportunities in both. You could work at a farm, a cattle station, a vineyard, or as a surf instructor.
Or you can still pursue your career of choice and have some fabulous down time Down Under. The hospitality and tourism industry is thriving. Australia never has enough workers in those fields to accommodate its guest list. Think about it!
You can lead tours in some of the most fabulous hot spots of Australia. It almost doesn’t sound like work, does it?
It all comes down to this. If you decide to make the plunge and go to Australia for work, you will want the best experience you can have. If you have your sights set on a particular industry, go for it!
Most employers just want someone who is enthusiastic and has a great attitude. Be persistent and don’t give up! Approach the jobs you want with this in mind and you should be working at the job you want and best of all, enjoying the great Outback while you are there.
Things to Consider
- Most of the time, all it takes is a simple online application and a couple of basic documents to get a one-year work visa for Australia. The visa allows you to accept most positions for a maximum of 6 months during the year-long visa, while working up to 40 hours a week.
- The visa is intended to allow you to explore the country. You get to stay the whole year, even though the work visa itself is for 6 months. So make plans to travel, meet new people, and have the adventures of a lifetime.
- Housing is probably the most challenging aspect of working in Australia as there are many people going into Australia every day looking for a place to live. The most common way people ultimately secure housing is by sharing a house. Native Aussie’s like to explore their own country and move around a lot, so they are always looking for someone to board with them.
- Check out the online classified ads in your search for housing or university websites. A good idea is to stay at a hostel when you first arrive until you learn about good housing sources.
Now that you’re sold on the idea of working in Australia(bet we didn’t have to twist your arm that much), these are the best jobs available for Americans Down Under.
These jobs continue to show the most growth, and there are often more positions available than there are people to fill them. New positions continue to open up in these fields.
HEALTHCARE is a leading area of the job market that is in high demand in Australia. Australia has a high-quality universal healthcare system and ranks very high comparatively to other countries’ healthcare.
They are welcoming talent in the private sector to help fill the gaps and make improvements where needed.
1. Registered Nurses from the United States are well-received in Australia. It’s relatively easy to get a work visa as a registered nurse in Australia. You just have to pass the Nursing and Midwifery Boards criteria, which vary from states and territories.
The good news is that once you have your Australian Nursing Registration, you are eligible to work in any state or territory of Australia.
Healthcare for the disabled and aged is a huge concern in Australia. Many of Australia’s aging population and disabled live in Aged-care facilities run by the government. They are much like what we know as nursing homes here in the states. There are needs for nurses there as well.
The median yearly income for registered nurses in Australia is $61,000 a year. Even the lower tiers of nursing pay quite well.
RETAIL is by far the sector which leads all others in terms of most numbers of workers, while still having the most number of jobs available in Australia. It is a corner of the job market that continues to grow and thrive.
Maybe it’s because Australia has a huge tourist boom, or because the economy does so well there that people are able to shop more. Either way, think about it. You can work in retail, earn a decent wage, and still have plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful sights of Australia.
2. Retail Sales Assistants help customers with their purchases, check out their purchases, help with displays and more. Australia is always looking for cheerful retail assistants and it pays pretty well, all things considering.
The average yearly pay for a new retail sales assistant is $49,000. Someone in the industry for 10 years can double that figure. It pays to help people spend their money in Australia.
3. Retail Store Managers are also in high demand in Australia. Usually, a candidate will have stronger retail experience than a sales assistant. They will be knowledgeable about how to drive sales up and maintain budgets within the store.
They should be able to lead and motivate their sales teams. Salaries for Retail Store Managers in Australia are pretty healthy at $62,000 a year on average.
Business jobs are valuable and needed in Australia. These are among the most advertised jobs. From accounting to account managers and everything in between, there are tons of jobs in the business sector there with the need growing every day for good, qualified applicants.
4. Accountants assist people with things like budgeting, bookkeeping, taxes, business plans, retirement accounts and much more. There is a high need for accountants in Australia and plenty of opportunities to unwind after handling complex accounting records.
Accountants average an annual salary of $115,000 a year in Australia.
5. Business Analysts help define business needs and figure out what it will take to make the goal happen. They pool information such as the business’ conditions and capabilities in an effort to design and deliver the solution that will allow the company to perform at its best.
Australia is always on the hunt for good business analysts. It’s often a desk job, but at least in Australia, it won’t be all work and no play. So many fun things to do there.
Business analysts average an annual salary of $107,500 a year.
6. Administrative Assistants are the head honcho’s best friend. They assist the boss in managing their daily activities, from monitoring their calendar and schedule to working within the departments to plan conferences and seminars.
They make appointments, take messages, and send emails on their behalf. Okay, so may still be tapping away on a keyboard, but imagine what awaits you at the end of the day – sandy beaches, fresh air, beautiful waters, and more.
Administrative assistant salaries are quite generous in Australia – an average of $52,000 a year. Admin assistant’s step-downs, receptionists, also do pretty well there and make just a little less than AA’s.
Final Considerations
If you’re not as serious about the career as much as you are just the opportunity to experience the life and culture of Australia, maybe you want a job that will be a means to get there. There are jobs such as picking fruit at orchards and other seasonal farm work available.
Many times, room and board are included with a small weekly salary. The point is there are so many opportunities in Australia.
We’ve shown you the tip of the iceberg. Do your research and homework to figure out where you fit in, but remember, Australia is one of the easiest places for Americans to get a visa. So, what are you waiting for?
One of the best job opportunities of the decade is working online. The online world is a "wild west" where anyone can start a business regardless of your age, race, education, or background.
The thing that matters most is that you are motivated and persistent. Even total newbies can earn money online by starting a simple website and putting some advertising on it.
I've been working online since 2010. You can learn how to do what I do in just a few weeks, and earning a full time income of over $10,000 per month is absolutely doable with consistent effort!

What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. My name is Nathaniell and I'm the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!
I would love to live and work in Australia. I really would be happy almost anywhere overseas. The fact that they speak the same language is even better of a bonus. Any insight on what Australian people tend to think of Americans?
The only thing holding me back is that I really do like my job and would have a difficult time getting it back if I left for a year or so. Maybe I ought to look into doing it from Australia 🙂
Hi there,
I really enjoyed your article on working possibilities in Australia.
Australia is on my bucket list for a while now and I do consider to go there for a longer period of time but never have looked into it what are the requirements to work there.
Well, I am not an American but Canadian and I like to know if you can suggest or give me a link where I can go from there?
Bright david Muganga
Hi, I think I would consider visiting Australia as an alternative since I have always wanted to visit several countries before I turn 30 years old in the next 5 years. However, working online for $10,000 sounds prettier since you work from home with no much hustle in the long run.
Hi Nate! I never considered Australia an option for working out of the country! I noticed your content about working from home. Have you had successes with the international side of marketing? $10k a month definitely sounds like a great alternative to moving abroad to still work just as hard to survive. Thanks for the info on working from home btw!
The same principles here could apply to any country, but there are definitely some unique aspects to Australia. From what I’ve heard on my travels, they are very friendly to foreign workers, and have lots of opportunities for side jobs. I know lots of people that have spend time working in bars along the beach, which sounds like a pretty awesome job!
Hi Nathaniel,
It has always been my dream to visit Australia! This really seems like a great way to try before you buy so to speak. I wish I would have thought of doing something like this a few years ago. With a new family now it makes it difficult to just pick-up and leave, hough life never ceases to amaze me… At any rate This is great information for anyone who is in a position to leave The States and Go Down Under!