Immunotec is yet another entry in the field of health and wellness network marketing. This field seems to be constantly expanding, partly because many people have a strong focus on improving their health.

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With so many companies out there, making sales in the field of health might seem impossible. Many companies have found ways around this issue – often by focusing on products that are unusual in some way or by incorporating compelling angles into their sales pitches.
Immunotec ends up being a good example of that practice. The company uses less hype than most of the others in the industry. It maintains a strong emphasis on science and proven benefits instead. This includes the provision of some scientific details and research information on the website. Even some of their product labels have scientific imagery.
While the approach doesn’t guarantee that the products from Immunotec are better than competitors, Immunotec does manage to stand out. This may be enough for distributors to make sales, especially if they already have significant marketing skills.
Two Ways To Make Money With Immunotec
As an MLM, Immunotec offers two distinct ways to earn. The first, predictably, is making money by selling products. You’re mostly doing this in a face-to-face manner, by buying and reselling the products.
You can also go further by developing a team. You do still need to make sales when you’re building a team, but the income potential ends up being higher.
This post examines both of these areas in detail, including the approaches that Immunotec takes and how well these are likely to work. At the end of the discussion, I consider the reality of making money with Immunotec.
Make Money From Product Sales
Immunotec uses the tagline ‘the science of living better’, which is a pretty accurate description. The company offers a variety of products designed to improve health.
Their flagship product seems to be Immunocal. This is a supplement designed to boost the production of glutathione. The proposed benefits include improving athletic performance and the supplement has been studied independently (which is relatively unusual).
Various other products focus on health too. This includes supplements, weight management products, personal care, and skincare items, along with related accessories.
Immunotec has a strong emphasis on science-based products. This can be seen in their packaging too, which follows a different style than most competing brands.
As for whether the products work, most probably do to some degree. For example, protein shakes often help people lose weight by making it easier to skip meals. Likewise, fiber supplements sometimes mean people feel fuller and other supplements help combat nutritional deficiencies.
Even so, none of the products are especially unusual. You’ll see the same options other companies as well, both online and offline.
Immuotec doesn’t make many bold claims about the benefits, which is always an advantage. Instead, most of their marketing simply focuses on what is included in the product, like the example below.
The other thing to consider is pricing. Most of the products aren’t cheap, especially not for retail customers. For example, Immunocal costs $106.50 retail and that contains 30 servings. Other items are less expensive but you’re still looking at $30 or more for 30 servings.
Even so, the prices aren’t horrible and many companies have a similar pricing structure. This means that customers will often be prepared to pay the amounts. That’s especially true for the basic supplements. Higher prices do also mean more income per sale, so the pattern isn’t all bad.
What I like about Immunotec is their style. The products aren’t exactly unique but both the products and the company appear somewhat clinical and science-based. That’s a far cry from many other MLMs, who tend to focus on the hype and excessive marketing.
The website even offers some scientific support and links to studies. This is mostly just for one product, their Immunocal, and the ingredient glutathione. Even so, the evidence is more than I’ve seen from many other sites.
There is transparency in other areas too. For example, the website offers details about all of the price points for products. Likewise, there is information about the potential benefits of individual ingredients. Some of those will still be hype rather than science. But, the overall style does end up feeling legitimate and trustworthy.
From a sales perspective, this idea is powerful. It helps the company to stand out and gives you a selling point to focus on.
How You Make Money
Immunotec may not be the most revolutionary company out there these days but there should still be demand for the products. If nothing else, wellness is a booming industry and customers are everywhere.
With Immunotec, you buy products at a consultant’s discount and then resell them at retail price. For example, the Immunocal supplement has a consultant price of $79.88 and a retail price of $106.50. That gives you a commission of $26.62. The rate is fairly decent, especially if you can make consistent sales.
Even so, the style has limitations – and it’s one I personally hate. Because you have to buy the items first, you have to try and guess at what is likely to sell. This creates considerable hassle and risk. There’s also a chance that you’ll end up stuck with products that you can’t sell. Thankfully, there are some ways around this but they each come with their own complexities.
One interesting aspect of Immunotec is the autoship scheme. Customers who order through autoship get a 25% discount on their products and receive their product directly from the company (not through you).
From a sales perspective, the idea is powerful. Customers do get a significant discount and bonuses, which should increase interest. Plus, they’ve signed up for an ongoing program. That may make them more likely to stick with it and means you’re getting a consistent commission for little work.
Even so, there are limitations. For one thing, the significant discount will impact how much you earn as well. The autoship will count toward your bonuses with the company and your volume, so there are some benefits. But, the approach means that the best value for the customer isn’t necessarily the best for you.
Selling Online
The focus of Immunotec is on selling physical products in person. Nevertheless, you can promote them online as well. Immunotec provides members with a replicated website that can be used for sales. You can also earn from customers who order directly through Immunotec, as long as they use your consultant ID in the process.
In both cases, you earn ‘retail profit’. The company doesn’t define the term but it’s the same one used to describe your income from direct sales. That suggests you earn the same commission either way.
This style lets you get around buying the products first and reselling them. There are also other advantages. Selling online means you can promote to a wider audience, including people in other parts of the country. You could get extra clients that way. For example, you might advertise on social media or build your own website to drive traffic to your Immunotec one.
That raises a question though – is it worth it?
Immunotec is focused on physical sales first and foremost. That means you would have to make some sales in person as well. There are also monthly purchase requirements. So, if you avoided the in-person side of things, you could easily end up losing money.
Make Money Building A Team
As with similar companies, the main income potential comes from recruiting other people. The idea is to grow a team over time, where your team members are making sales and recruiting as well. Doing so gives you access to various bonuses, including commissions from the sales of your team members.
At face value, this sounds like an amazing idea. You’re basically making passive income, as you’re earning from sales you had no hand in. If you get far enough in the company, the income potential is high.
For example, the higher ranks allow you to earn income from multiple generations below you. This includes people you recruit, people they recruit, and others down the line. In the case of Immunotec, you can earn from up to 8 generations. The structure looks like this for the early ranks:
Of course, the income you earn isn’t truly passive at all. Recruitment and teambuilding are time-consuming processes and they can be difficult.
Think about it for a moment. Do you know many people with time, money, and energy to sell products and recruit others? Most people would have their own lives, jobs, and priorities. If you do manage to get people involved, you’ll probably find that some are decent and are dedicated, while others simply aren’t.
In truth, the process is hit and miss. You can’t force people to be interested or to be good at sales or recruitment. Instead, you have to do the best you can. The more people you get involved, the greater the chance that you’ll build a good team in time.
There is also a rank system in place. This is where MLMs start to get challenging.
For Immunotec, this system starts at the Associate level and goes through to Platinum (a total of 7 ranks). Each rank offers you more commissions and bonuses from your team – along with extra requirements. For example, you need to hit monthly sales targets, and these increase quickly.
As you can see below, you also need a certain structure within your team. Here, TOV refers to the total volume sold across your team. Immunotec doesn’t state how the TOV translates into money spent, but 6,000 TOV is likely to equal at least $6,000 in sales and probably more.
Regardless of the numbers, you can see that the requirements quickly increase. They’re all monthly requirements too, so you have to stay successful consistently.
If the team building was a small component of Immunotec, it might be worth it. You could even skip this aspect altogether and just make money from sales. If you just want a little money, that’s a viable idea.
But, the overall design favors teams. Making a decent income from sales alone is simply unrealistic and you’d probably find that people get bored with the products over time. This means you really do need to get involved with the teams. And, with so much complexity involved, the whole process gets difficult fast.
Oh – one more thing.
There are monthly maintenance requirements. At the lowest level, you need to hit 180 PV each month. The next rank requires 400 PV and the later ones require 600 PV.
The PV refers to the volume of products you buy yourself. That means you’d have to spend at least $180 a month, just to stay active. Because you resell those products, you’re not operating at a complete loss. Still, it’s easy to see how you could lose money. All you’d need would be a bad few months.
Can You Generate Reliable Income With Immunotec?
The Immunotec Review
Business Opportunity
Final Review
The product selection and marketing focus from Immunotec give you a better chance of making a decent income than normal. Even so, you're faced with needing to purchase and resell some fairly expensive products.
The price of the products is also likely to impact your sales potential. Many potential customers simply won't have the money to buy this type of item on a regular basis. Such an issue could mean that you're forever chasing down new customers. If sales are difficult like that, then recruiting people into Immunotec is likely to be more complex still.
I personally suggest that you only consider Immunotec if you're confident that you can reach a large enough audience to make consistent sales. I don't just mean any audience either. You need to find people who are interested in this type of product and would be willing to pay the price regularly.

MLM Critic & Author: Nathaniell
What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I'm not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.
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