Nu Skin has caught the attention of many men and women across the USA. It's an interesting product, and who wouldn't want the chance to make money selling something cool and interesting? But direct sales, also known as MLM or network marketing has some serious issues to consider before you get involved.
The three main issues to watch out for with direct sales are:
- Hype around “getting rich”
- Annoying friends and family selling them stuff
- You don't fully own this business
#1 and #2 are bad enough, but some people overcome those issues and do make decent money. #3 is the one that really bothers me because the marketing around direct sales is usually pretty deceptive. They say you'll be starting your own home based business. The truth is however, you're still just a sales rep that's locked into promoting one specific company.
What happens if Nu Skin produces low-quality products after a couple years? What happens if they get overtaken by a better competitor? Your business is kaput because it relied solely on the Nu Skin brand.
These problems are not unique to Nu Skin! In fact, I know you could make money selling skin care, and other anti-aging products. Beauty products are a 400 BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY!!!
The question is, how does an average person start a profitable business in this industry without investing a ton of money, and without having a ton of knowledge about business systems? The answer is affiliate marketing.
What You'll Read On This Page:
- How Much Money Can You Make With Affiliate Marketing?
- How Does Affiliate Marketing Make Money?
- Example Websites That Earn Money
- How To Promote Companies And Earn $$$
- Website Ideas & Affiliate Product Brainstorm
- Website Ideas For Skin Care
- What Is Wealthy Affiliate?
- How Does The Step By Step Training Work?
- How To Get A Free Membership
- What's Included With The Premium Membership?
- Create Your Free Account!
Hello everyone! My name is Nathaniell. I've been earning money online since 2010. Before that, I was an ESL teacher in Europe and China.
This is me hanging out with my father and grandfather when I returned to the USA after living in China for 5 years. I started my first online business as a hobby, and decided to move back to the USA after I was making enough money to quit my job!
I didn't go to college for computer science, web design, or marketing. In fact, I didn't go to college at all.
I taught English while traveling for about 10 years before I started to realize that teaching English overseas without a college degree was a dead end job, and I started to look for alternative types of employment.
I considered driving big rig trucks, going to bar tending school, learning how to be a private detective, or even being a fireman. They were just ideas, and I never took action.
Eventually the idea got into my head that I could start an internet based business. I didn't know what to sell, or how to start, and got very frustrated. All these programs said I could make money fast, but they all turned out to be more difficult than I expected, or flat-out scams.
After trial and error, I discovered the truth sitting right in front of me. If I wanted to make money, there was no easy path. I was going to have to get busy and get to work. Within 18 months I was making over $10,000 per month, and I didn't even have to recruit anyone to my “team”. There was no team!
I was a one-man show, selling computer software subscription online.
- The good news? I'm going to show you exactly how this whole thing works on this page.
- The better news? You can follow the exact steps I took (improved for 2018)
- The best news? You can promote any products you want!
Right now it's 2018. My personal goals have changed from traveling and adventure, to settling down in a cozy home, going to the gym a few times a week, brewing beer in my free time, and enjoying not having to work so damn hard!
Soooo many people ask me “how much money can you make online”. The answer is – as much as you want. It's just like any other business you are already familiar with!
If you asked “how much money does a restaurant make?” or “how much money does an app make?”, the answer would be the same. It depends on many factors. A mom-and-pop cafe will make less money than a fancy steakhouse, but a chain of fast food joints will earn more than both of those!
Likewise, with affiliate marketing, a hard worker will earn more than a slacker. Someone that dedicates five hours per day to building their business will earn more than someone who dedicates only one hour.
That being said, I want to give you an idea of what I earn, so you can see what's possible. I don't like to “show off”, but here's income proof. These screenshots prove that yes, I actually make money online. I've been making over $10,000 per month for many years now. You'll have to make your first dollar before you earn ten thousand though, so keep reading below to see how you can get started doing the same type of business I do.
These were my first affiliate commissions. See how I started by earning just $23, and within one year I was earning over $5,000 per month from this one affiliate account?
These amazon earnings are more recent. In 2017 I earned over $8,000 from a “side project”. Part of the power of affiliate marketing is that you can diversify your income so that you are never reliant on just one source of income. This makes your online business even stronger and more stable than a traditional job.
Anyone can repeat what I've done. It doesn't matter what race, age, religion, or gender you are. You don't even have to be that smart! LOL. I didn't study this stuff in school. I'm not even that good with computers.
Start Your First Lesson Now!
- Question: How do you make money with affiliate marketing?
- Answer: I help people!
Um…What does that mean?
I make small websites about very specific topics people search for online. When someone types something into Google, they can find my website and read my articles.
Sometimes the the articles link to products. If someone clicks that link and buys something, I make some money.
It's as simple as that.
It's a four-step process to earn money with affiliate marketing:
- Step 1: Make a website about something you like
- Step 2: Write articles about your topic
- Step 3: Link to products from companies like Amazon, Home Depot, or Blue Apron
- Step 4: Earn money from sales
Millions of people are searching the internet for information right now and where do you think all these information websites come from? People just like you! They are building websites, writing articles, and earning income from it. Some of them are making a lot of money.
…it's time to get your piece of the pie!
There are different ways to earn money from a website but making affiliate sales is the same method method I use. This is what I like to teach people because I can just show them the same process I did.
Affiliate Marketing is my favorite way to earn money on the internet for a few very clear reasons.
- I don't have to purchase any inventory
- I don't have to ship products
- I don't have to deal with customer service
- I get to write about the topics I think are interesting
- I get to write my opinion on my own domain
- Recurring sales and digital products can create passive income
Here's an example of a website I made that earns money:
One of my hobbies is brewing beer at home. I'm not an expert brewer, but I love making beer (and drinking it!) So last year I started a website about it.

On this website I talk about a lot of different things related to homebrewing. I teach people how to pick the right equipment, how to put together a recipe, and how to fix mistakes in the brewing process.
I share my personal recipes, results from homebrew competitions, and other stories related to making beer.
In the example above, I link to a company which sells a membership called the “Rare Beer Club”. The membership costs about $50 per month, and I make $12 commission for each membership I sell.
Here's another example called Last year I had feral cats messing up my lawn and I got so mad I made a website about it.
In this website, I talk about different methods of keeping unwanted critters out of your yard, including bugs, cats, raccoons, and deer. Anyone who ever had a deer eat their rose bushes knows how frustrating it can be!
If you had some gophers digging up your beautiful vegetable garden, what's the first thing you would do? You would go to Google, and search “how to stop gophers from digging up my vegetable garden”. Websites just like mine rank, give advice, and recommend products. The website above earned me $168 in July 2016!
Crazy examples right? I'll be you didn't know that beer and sprinklers can earn money online. So I can guarantee that skin care and anti-aging will earn you money online too.
There are thousands of websites like this on the internet about every topic you can think of, and many of them are generating income for their owners. You can create a website like this about ANY topic you want. Here are just a few ideas.
Pick Your Website Topic And Start Building Your Website Now!
The method I mainly use to promote these affiliate links is by writing articles. This is my favorite method to teach newbies because it's free. All you need is a website, and you can write articles in your spare time.
If you can write, you can rank. ==> If you can rank, you can earn money.
Writing an article that ranks in Google does take practice though. You won't be a professional online marketer by this time tomorrow, or even next week.
But with practice, you'll learn how it works and be able to write/rank an article without much trouble.
Website Ideas & Affiliate Products Brainstorm
Unlike many “guru” programs out there, there's really no special secret to affiliate marketing. In fact, I'll show you exactly how it works right now. You won't have to pay me $19.99 to get my method!
Remember four steps from above? No? That's OK, let's revise:
- Step 1: Make a website about something you like
- Step 2: Write articles about your topic
- Step 3: Link to products from companies like Amazon, Home Depot, or Blue Apron
- Step 4: Earn money from sales
Let's say I want to make a website about home roasting coffee. That's step one, my website topic about something I like.
Over time, I will write hundreds, or thousands of articles on this topic, so I'd better pick something I really want to learn about in the next few years!
Step two is to write an article on my topic. Knowing what to write about does take some training, but I'll show you where you can learn the specific of this process below. For now, check out this screenshot below to see what I discovered in my two minutes of research:
These could be some super interesting articles that someone could benefit from reading from! When someone types “home roasting coffee machines”, “how to roast green coffee”, or “can you roast coffee in a popcorn machine”, my website could turn up! I'll start out with these three articles, but quickly expand to more and more topics as I do more research.
Step 3 is to link to products! With about 10 minutes of research I found a couple companies that pay 5-10% to sell their coffee, and some home coffee roasters on Amazon that sell for $300+ and will make me 4.5% commission. Some companies, like computer software companies pay 75% of the sale to affiliates.
Continuing with my example above, in my article about roasting green coffee, I can find green coffee sellers and promote their coffee on my blog. In my article about home roasting coffee machines, I can promote my top 3 favorite home roasters. After I sign up for those affiliate programs (they are free to join), I just place my affiliate links in my content, and it automatically tracks sales.
Pick Your Website Topic!
Website Ideas For Skin Care
Online affiliate marketing is wide open. You can write about or promote whatever you want! You came here though my Nu Skin article though, and if you're interested in selling that style of products, you can do that too! Owning an affiliate website means you can control what you promote, so guess what?! You can promote Nu Skin on your website too.
Owning your own website is a powerful way to reach an audience outside of your circle of friends and family so you don't have to annoy people with Facebook posts or invite them to “parties” where they guilt-buy your products. With a website, you can reach billions of people around the world.
Here are some great examples of other topics and products you can write about on if your website was specifically about skin care:
There's already hundreds of potential visitors lining up for your website! You could also choose to focus on XXX, and have XXX be one of the main themes of your website, or focus on XXX, and do the same. There are infinite possibilities, and it really just depends on what your personal interest is.
Can You Teach Me How To Earn Money With My Website? I'm a Newbie!
Absolutely, YES.
Remember, I started out just like you. I was a total newbie! I also had a terrible internet connection and a broken laptop. I didn't even have a desk to work on while I was living in China.
I'm living proof that even total newbies can make money online.
Of course, success won't come overnight, but if you are willing to follow the same steps I took, and dedicate at least a couple hours per week to building your business, then you will see results.
Start Your First Lesson Right Now!
When I was in China and looking for ways to make money online, I didn't just start a website and become an instant success. I fell for a couple “get rich” scams first. Then reality hit me. I read an article about Wealthy Affiliate and how they were teaching people step by step how to build internet businesses.
The strange thing was, they did not promise me riches, and did not guarantee me success. This website said I needed to work hard, and work consistently. I was going to run into some frustrating things along the way, but there was a community of experienced entrepreneurs that would help me figure out the hard stuff.
Wealthy Affiliate helped me make my first sale online. After three months, I made an amazing $5! Amazing, right? Not really. Five bucks certainly isn't a full time income. But it was PROOF that I could actually do this.
With the the training and personal help at Wealthy Affiliate I was able to create my first profitable website. After that, they showed me how to turn my first sale into consistent, reliable income. After 18 months I quit my job in China and moved back the the US to work from home.
My dream of having the free time to travel the world and save money for my future at the same time had become a reality.

Nathaniell's Story (the short version)
Take a look at one of my first posts in Wealthy Affiliate in 2010, just a few weeks after joining. Yes, I was a total newbie…not making any money yet!
I tracked my progress every year. Although there were many frustrating moments when I wanted to give up, I kept doing more training and building my website bigger and bigger. Once I started seeing some tiny results, I really kicked it into overdrive. My first sale was only $5, but within 18 months I was making $11,000 per month!
Here is my 2 year anniversary post from 2012.
And less than a year later, I had quit my job to “go full time”.
I've been working online full time for about 7 years now. I think it's pretty obvious why I give Wealthy Affiliate so much credit for helping me succeed online. Plus, consider this: Even though Wealthy Affiliate was great back then, they are even better now.
Here are features that I didn't have access to, but now new members get as part of their membership:
- live chat for getting fast help
- weekly live webinars for updated and specialized training
- free keyword research tool for helping your site rank in Google
- peer feedback system so you can get honest feedback on your business
You new guys have it easy! In fact, they just recently made it completely free to join the website so you can see the training and meet other members before you pay anything at all.
Your internet business isn't going to happen overnight. Sorry to disappoint, but you are going to have to get your hands dirty and work.
If you can handle that, let's take a look at how exactly they are going to help you start earning money online.
The training courses inside Wealthy Affiliate are second to none. Most other “make money online” are a simple ebook or series of videos. Pay one fee, get one product.
By contrast, there are over 500 training modules within the community that take you from building your very first website to learning how to manage outsourcing aspects of your business. The core training is continuously updated to reflect changes in the industry so you can make sure your website stays ranked in search engines, generating traffic and revenue.
I have reviewed hundreds of products on One More Cup of Coffee, and no other company in the world offers the quality and style of training offered inside WA.
Test Drive Training For Yourself Right Now
You will make some mistakes along the way. There will be times when you are confused. That's OK.
But who's going to help you figure out what went wrong?
Live help from the owners and from other members inside the community is going to be the best way to get help when you need it.
Instant and friendly help is something that will keep you moving in the right direction. You will not have to spend days searching for answers that don't quite fit what you are looking for, or hours scrolling through old forums and blog posts trying to figure out things by yourself. Now you have hundreds of personal assistants that can show you what to do next.'
Check Out Live Chat Here
Wealthy Affiliate is 100% responsible for my success as business owner. But I am not the only one. There are thousands of other people inside the members area that are currently running their own internet based businesses. Some are millionaires. Some are grinding to build their business just like you.
Read their blog posts and learn from their experiences.
Ask them questions and get 1-on-1 help.
See their website and learn to make yours better
Mentorships with other companies can cost you thousands of dollars per month, sometimes even more than $1,000 per HOUR. I'm not joking.
But you get to talk to these people for free as part of your membership! Imagine a Facebook style website but just for people that want to build earn money online. Now you're getting the idea 🙂 I'm inside every day helping other members, and I can help you too.
I take time out of every day to answer questions people ask me. Yeah buddy, you'll get personal 1-on-1 help from me. Just send me a message and ask me something. Try it out! Here are a couple sweet responses I got from members I've helped out (printed with their permission).
I just really want to stress the fact that I'm actively involved in the community, and I will be available to help you get your business off the ground.
I have a great time doing it, so if you join up, please don't feel like you're bothering me. I'm totally fine with answering all your newbie questions. Those are the easy ones 🙂
Wealthy Affiliate is not one of those websites that wants you to pay up front to “learn the secret” of making riches online. If you've read this entire page, you already know the core concepts of what's inside the training.
Still, it's pretty scary joining a “how to make money online” style website. How do you know this isn't some kind of scam?
So to show you exactly how awesome the training is, and exactly how fast support is, and exactly how friendly everyone is, you can create a free Starter Membership. With this free membership, you'll be able to build your first website and ask unlimited questions. Kyle (the owner) will show you step by step how to pick a topic for your website, how to build your website, and how to create your first articles.
Everything I talked about above; the live chat, the step-by-step training, and access to other successful internet business owners is available for exactly $0. They don't even take a credit card.
You can access all of these things for a full 7 days, and then you have the option of upgrading to a premium membership. You get to keep the free website even if you don't upgrade!
★ Get Your Free Membership & Free Website Here ★
Now that you've built your first website, taken the Level 1 training course, and even used the live chat feature to ask some questions, what's going to happen next?
Wealthy Affiliate also offers a premium level of membership.
- 24/7/365 Instant Live Chat Help From Me, Other Members, And The Owners of WA
- Access to Level 2 to Level 5 Training Lessons Showing You How To Make Money With Your Website
- Access to NEW Training Modules As They're Rolled Out
- Free Hosting For Your 25 .Com Website ($100+ per year anywhere else) To Save You Money
- Unlimited Domain Email ( To Make Your Business More Professional
- Access 4 Live Training Webinars Per Month
- Watch All Historical Webinars (Thousands Of Hours Of Training)
★ Take The Official Tour Here ★
Every week Wealthy Affiliate hosts a live training session that covers a wide variety of topics. All webinars are designed to grow your business in different ways, and help you earn more money from your websites.
Topics include
- How to rank higher in search engines
- How to write content more effectively
- How to track data on your site learn from it
- How to provide better user experience to your visitors
- And many, many more!
Sometimes they even do a live critique of member websites. Learn from their mistakes, or repeat their success.
Even if you are already earning money from your websites, the live webinars are a good reason to stay a WA member long-term. It's a big reason why I'm still a member. You can stay up to date on all the online business news, and make sure your site is going to outrank your competitors!
Recently, Google changed to prefer encrypted websites instead of regular http websites, so we all learned how to install SSL on our websites. It's a lot easier than it sounds!
Webinars happen every Friday. Topics are announced during the week. Sign up now and you can attend your first webinar before the end of the week! Ask questions LIVE in chat if you have any trouble with the material. There are NO SALES PITCHES in the webinars! Why pay $100 per webinar anywhere else when you can get them for FREE with your Wealthy Affiliate membership?
Sign Up For Wealthy Affiliate NOW!
Wealthy Affiliate Can Help You Reach Your Goals
We all have different goals. I'm a guy that likes adventure. I was able to quit my job in teaching English to spoiled primary school students and spend more time on the things I care about, including…
- Schedule a brew session or go on a motorcycle trip any day I want
- Purchase my first home
- Learn to dive in Malaysia
- Buy a motorcycle and drive across the USA on Route 66
Plus, if you couldn't tell by the title of my site, I'm totally not a morning person. Now I don't have to wake up at 6:30AM and drag myself out of bed to go to a dead-end job. These are the things that are important to ME. Let's talk about YOU and what you can get from starting your membership today.
- Do you want more time with your family?
- Are there places you want to go and things you want to see?
- Do you no longer have job security, or even hate your job?
- Are you starting to plan for retirement and need an extra source of income?
Wealthy Affiliate is an investment in your future, and an investment in yourself.
Wealthy Affiliate is the road map to owning a profitable online business. Premium membership is only $49/month. No secret upgrades. No expensive mentorships. No surprise payments.
That's only $1.56/day to build your own profit-generating website!
Many people spend $5 a day on Starbucks coffee or $100 per month ($3 per day) on cable TV. These consumer items do not better our lives! For a buck fifty, you can access a thriving community of internet entrepreneurs that want to help you build your first internet business.
Join The Free Membership Here (Upgrade to Premium later)
Online Purchases Are GROWING
The internet is reaching more and more people every day. Millions of people are shopping online, and that number is only growing with every passing year.
It is simply not true that all the good ideas are taken, or that you ‘missed the train'. There literally 10,000's of opportunities to make money online that pop up every day.
- Every time a new product goes on the market, that's a new opportunity for you!
- Every time a business owner gets lazy and doesn't update their website, that's a new opportunity for you!
- Every time someone gets their first credit card, that's a new opportunity for you!
- Every time someone decides to make their first internet purchase, that's an opportunity for you!
- Even within saturated markets there are always tiny sub-industries to get a foothold…another opportunity for you!
There are so many opportunities to earn money through affiliate marketing, it really is the most exciting time to be a part of this industry. The internet cowboys of the past have blazed a trail for you. All you need to do is follow in their footsteps and start your training.
It only takes that first step to begin the journey. Are you ready to take that step? Imagine how you will look back on this day in 12 months time. You will thank yourself that you finally made the decision to take a risk and invest in yourself.
I've been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for 8 years now. Helping newbies get started is part of my daily routine. You can contact me with ANY questions you have because I'm logged into WA almost every day talking to people about their websites.
Also, by signing up to WA through my website you will get a 61% discount on your first month of membership. That means your first month of premium will only cost you $19 (63 cents per day).
Create Your $0 Starter Account Here (Upgrade Later)
Here's what the next page will look like. You can sign up, without entering credit card information. The starter membership is totally free, and you can try out many of the Premium features before deciding if you want to upgrade to the Premium membership.
PS. Don't forget that you can always contact me for help or questions! Type “nathaniell” into the search bar in Wealthy Affiliate and leave a message on my profile.
I log into WA every day to check my messages, and am looking forward to hearing from you!
This is my current profile pictures, so keep an eye out for me!
Please let me know your questions or comments about my review or about Wealthy Affiliate below. I know it can be intimidating to start something new like this, and I'm happy to clear anything up.
Wait! I wanted to show you something else
If you read to the bottom of the page here, it probably means you're interested, but also a little skeptical. So I decided to add a quick little section to my review showing what OTHER people have achieved in Wealthy Affiliate.
I'm just a normal dude that stumbled upon a very cool way to earn money online…and I'm not the only one who's become successful with the help of Wealthy Affiliate. Check out the screenshot I took from today's member “success” area.
As you can see, these are real people doing realistic things. Everyone starts with small successes like getting their first website online, getting indexed in a search engine, ranking, or making their first sale.
These small milestones are how you're going to start out too. One baby step at a time, we can build an online business.
Results don't stop there though! Over the course of 2017, I kept a record of every BIG success story that came through my feed. Here's just chunk of the full list. Read those amazing headlines from Wealthy Affiliate members.

But that was last year. What about this year? The success train hasn't stopped. Here's my new list I've been keeping for the current year:

Pretty cool, right? Keep in mind, these are normal people from all over the world taking the same training that you can start today. There's a TON of money being spent online, and right now is an incredible time to start a business.
Is something holding you back? Let me know in the comments below. I check them every day and answer every question!